Photo from the Perleporten Teatergruppe production Jug meg en saga* (Lie a saga for me) (1976)


(Objekt ID 23802)
Object type Multimedia
Exposure date 1976
Accession date March 2, 2012
Category Still picture / Photography
Colours Black/white
Themes Photography, Political theater, Actor, Woman, Stage design
Image taken 1976
File size 102 KB
Height 501 px
Width 698 px

Photo from the Perleporten Teatergruppe production Jug meg en saga* (Lie a saga for me) (1976). In the photo: Birgit Christensen as the person. Photographer: Unknown.


The private archive of Perleporten Teatergruppe. Donated by Karl Hoff, 10.05.2009

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Affiliations (2)