Perleporten Teatergruppe's private archive(81)
In 2009-2012, Sceneweb worked on the private archive of Perleporten Teatergruppe (1975-1984). We wish to thank Karl Hoff for the good collaboration and for choosing to share the!
During the 1970es and 1980es, Perleporten Teatergruppe (1975-1984) became known for its radical left political theatre. Theatre as a form of revolutionary practice was the basis for Birgit Christensen, Karl Hoff, and Catrine Telle when they established the company in 1975. The summer of 1976, Telle left the company, and in 1981, Anitta Suikkari joined it.
This collection consists of all the audiovisual material from Perleporten Teatergruppe's private archive.
The company made eight productions, including one for children, Se hva jeg tør* (See what I dare). All had themes critical of society. The productions often led to newspaper debates, and these written debates have now been digitised and preserved.
The archive of Perleporten includes photos, posters, programs, excerpts from scripts, reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces. Karl Hoff has also written a longer article about the company's history, which can be read here.
*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.