The Norwegian Ibsen Award AKA The Ibsen Prize

The Norwegian Ibsen Award AKA The Ibsen Prize 2012

The Ibsen Prize (sometimes called The Norwegian or The National Ibsen Award) is an award given out by the municipality of Skien, for long the only playwright award in the country. It was awarded for the first time in 1986, and consists of 150 000 Norwegian kroner and a statuette by Nina Sundbye.

The Ibsen Prize is awarded a Norwegian playwright who has had a new work for children or adults produced by a professional theatre the past year, or for the playwright's collected writing. A special jury selects the winner.

In 2011 the jury considered 49 scripts, all of which had had world wide premieres at Norwegian venues or in Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama department in 2010.


Scenekunst,, 20.09.2011,

Nominated (3)