The Leif Juster Honorary Award / Juster Award

The Leif Juster Honorary Award, also known as the Juster Award, is a Norwegian revue prize. It is awarded annually to a person who has made a significant contribution to the Norwegian revue scene. The prize is awarded on comedian and actor Leif Juster’s birthday, 14 February. The recipient receives NOK 10,000, a portrait of Juster by Ulf Aas and a copy of Nina Sundbye’s statue "Gledessprederen" ("The spreader of happiness"), the original of which stands outside the revue theatre Chat Noir in Oslo. 

The prize is awarded by the Leif Juster Revue Foundation, which was formed in 1981 with the income from a performance celebrating Juster’s 70th birthday. The founder was Dag Frøland, at that time director of Chat Noir.

Together with the Leonard statuette, the Juster Award is one of the highest distinctions in the Norwegian revue field.