Messias III. Jesu mor - Påskeevangeliet* (Messiah III. Mother of Jesus - The Gospel of Easter)

Messias III. Jesu mor - Påskeevangeliet* (Messiah III. Mother of Jesus - The Gospel of Easter) is a theatre monologue by Håvard Rem. The text is the third in a trilogy about Jesus, based on The Gospel of Luke.

The trilogy consists of Juleevangeliet - Miriams beretning* (The Gospel of Christmas - Miriam's story), Maria Magdalena - Jesu virke* (Mary Magdalene - The work of Jesus) and Messias III. Jesu mor - Påskeevangeliet.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 57668)
Object type Artwork
Original title Messias III Jesu mor - Påskeevangeliet
Work type Script
Creators (1)
Håvard Rem – Author