Rolf Clemens


(Objekt ID 99380)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (10)
Title Premiere Role
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) April 21, 1995 Other
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) Navember 13, 1991 Other
Petrusja for firehendig klaver (NRK ) 1990 Direction
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) April 14, 1989 Other
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) Navember 11, 1987 Other
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) May 19, 1984 Other
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) October 23, 1982 Other
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) October 24, 1981 Other
The Tempest (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) September 11, 1980 Other
Dimensjoner (NRK ) September 14, 1973 Other
Ochun (NRK ) April 29, 1973 Direction
Barselstuen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) April 10, 1973 Technical director
En plass i stolen (Chasing Chairs) (NRK ) December 31, 1972 Other
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) September 28, 1968 Technical director
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) September 21, 1968 Technical director
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) September 14, 1968 Technical director
The Changed Bridegroom (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) October 9, 1966 Other
Min søster og jeg (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) October 4, 1966 Direction
En hyggelig fyr (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) May 3, 1966 Technical director