Dea Loher

Dea Loher is a german dramatist. Loher has received several awards for her work, including the Berthold Brecht Award for Literature (2006), and the Mühlheim Drama Prize (1998 and 2008) – the most highly regarded award for playwrights in Germany.

Source: sebastian sommer,, 18.11.2010,


(Objekt ID 9312)
Object type Person
Functions Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality German
Gender Female
Involved in productions (2)
Title Premiere Role
Innocence (The National Theatre) January 21, 2011 Playwright
Tysk samtidsdramatikk () June 9, 2004 Playwright
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Innocence 2003, Script, Drama – Author