Philipp Stengele

Philipp Stengele (born 1969, St. Gellen) is a Swiss-born director.

Philipp Stengele was nominated for The Hedda Award 2016 in the best stage text category for his work on the text for Othello (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre) 2016). He also directed the production, which was nominated for The Hedda Award 2016 in the best production for children and youth category.


(Objekt ID 85)
Object type Person
Functions Director, Actor
Nationality Swiss
Gender Male
Email philipp.stengele(at)
Adresse St. Jørgens gate 8, 2315 Hamar, Norway

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Switzerland

Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (16)
Title Premiere Role
Stor ståhei for ittno! (Hamar Teater) June 23, 2022 Actor (Borachio)
TØRST AV ALT – en cabaret om alkoholen og livet () March 4, 2022 Direction
Du og eg og dei to (Teater Vestland) February 12, 2021 Direction
To lapser fra Lillehammer (The two Gentlemen of Verona) (Hamar Teater) 2021 Actor (Onkel Strømpe / Verten / Den lause fredlause)
Mannen fra gærne sia (Perichles, Prince of Thyres) (Hamar Teater) 2020 Actor
Bertil og Borte (FRYD Scenekunst) October 14, 2019 Direction, Technician
An Enemy of the People (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) January 19, 2019 Adapted by, Direction, Lighting design
Shirley Valentine (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) January 27, 2018 Direction, Visual design
Tvillingene (Hamar Teater) 2018 Actor
Kjærlighet på pin(n)e (Love´s Labour´s Lost) (Hamar Teater) 2017 Actor (Armado, omreisende soldat, som for tiden jobber hos Kongusto)
Othello (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)Barneteatret Vårt) February 18, 2016 Adapted by, Direction, Stage design
Tullfjøl og gjetbukk i Vestbygda (The Merry Wives of Windsor) (Hamar Teater) 2016 Actor
Å er det dekk driv med?! (As You Like It) (Hamar Teater) 2015 Actor
Tvillingene (Hamar Teater) 2014 Actor
T... (Asphalt Princesses) Actor
Brutalt Dunkelt (ERLER teaterkompani) Playwright
Rattus Norvegicus (TurnékompanietAsphalt Princesses) Actor, Stage design
Artworks (1)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Brutalt Dunkelt Script – Author
Awards - Nominations (1)