Sara Baban


(Objekt ID 790)
Object type Person
Functions Actor
Gender Female
Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (11)
Title Premiere Role
Baqorban (Pia Maria RollSara Baban) April 19, 2023 Text, Performer, Singer, Composer
Ways of Seeing (Pia Maria RollSara Baban) August 25, 2022 Performer, Text, Music, Video/Film
Som en fremmed fauna (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) September 12, 2020 Actor
Ways of Seeing (Pia Maria RollSara Baban) Navember 21, 2018 Performer, Text, Music, Video/Film
Run! Now! (Pia Maria Roll) 2016 Actor, Text
Vicarious dreams (Noor Productions) March 17, 2012 Performer
Sara (Sara Baban) March 9, 2011 Actor, Concept/Idea
Sex i Bagdad* (Sex in Baghdad) (AIDA) May 15, 2010 Actor
A Doll's House (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 29, 2009 Actor (Maria, au pair), Costume
A Doll's House (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 24, 2009 Actor (Maria, au pair), Costume
Zivil (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 29, 2008 Actor (Esther)
Oslo 22. august (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)The Norwegian TheatreNorwegian Drama Festival) October 2007 Actor
Hva skjedde femte mai* (What Happened the Fifth of May) (Pharos Productions) 2007 Actor