Anders Høgli


(Objekt ID 7741)
Object type Person
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Adresse Oslo, Norway
Affiliations (3)
Involved in productions (18)
Title Premiere Role
Stedsans 2021 (Grenland Friteater) September 15, 2021 Technical director
Stedsans 2020 (Grenland Friteater) September 2, 2020 Technical director
Utsikt (One Trick Pony) September 22, 2018 Direction
Fortellinger om Friteatret (Grenland Friteater) December 15, 2016 Actor
En dag i livet (One Trick Pony) Navember 23, 2016 Direction, Concept/Idea
Smuglere VSOP (Grenland Friteater) June 10, 2015 Actor (Karl Rudd)
Crime and Punishment (Hildur Kristinsdottir) 2015 Technician, Production assistant
PS14 (Ibsen TheatreGrenland Friteater) August 27, 2014 Actor (Jørgen Aall i Sangen om Ellida / Bever i Bevring)
Endelig Ellida* (Finally Ellida) (Grenland Friteater) March 20, 2014 Actor
Faust for kids (Hildur Kristinsdottir) October 19, 2012 Actor (Faust)
Vandring langs Kongeveien (Unge Viken Teater) June 1, 2010 Actor
Grisens sannhet* (Truth of the Pig) (Unge Viken Teater) October 10, 2009 Actor
The History of Bestiality Part Four (Fantastic Four) May 14, 2009 Performer, Concept/Idea, Direction
The History of Bestiality Part Three (Fantastic Four) April 28, 2008 Performer, Concept/Idea, Direction, Script
The History of Bestiality Part Two (Fantastic Four) October 31, 2007 Performer, Concept/Idea
The History of Bestiality Part One (Fantastic FourAKT 5) April 26, 2007 Actor, Concept/Idea, Direction, Script
Ghosts (AKT 5The Norwegian Theatre Academy) 2006 Actor (Pastor Manders)
ads Berg’s Skulesongbok* (The School Songbook of Mads Berg (The Norwegian Theatre AcademyAKT 5) Co-creator, Actor