Gorm Grømer


(Objekt ID 76511)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (7)
Title Premiere Role
Arven (The National Theatre) February 8, 2025 Actor (Ung mann 3 / Unge Hrenry / Henrys assistent)
Maria Stuart (Rogaland Theatre) March 8, 2022 Actor (William Cecil, baron av Burleigh)
The Government Inspector (Rogaland Theatre) August 25, 2021 Actor (Dobchinsky)
Et drømmespill (Rogaland Theatre) May 20, 2021 Actor (Dikteren / Politibetjent / Den rike mannen)
Maria Stuart (Rogaland Theatre) February 19, 2021 Actor (William Cecil, baron av Burleigh)
The Government Inspector (Rogaland Theatre) April 22, 2020 Actor (Dobchinsky)
The Homecoming (Rogaland Theatre) January 30, 2020 Actor (Joey)
Harper Regan (The National Theatre) Navember 1, 2019 Actor (Mickey Nestor / Duncan Woolley)
The Cherry Orchard (The National Theatre) September 23, 2017 Actor (Jasja)