Maria Sand

Also known as: Maria Sand Gustavson

Maria Sand, also known as Maria Sand Gustavson, is a Norwegian actress.

Maria Sand is the daughter of actress Elisabeth Sand and director Erik Gustavson.


(Objekt ID 7649)
Object type Person
Also known as Maria Sand Gustavson
Functions Actor, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (10)
Title Premiere Role
Det er Ales (The Arctic Theatre) February 15, 2025 Dramatised by
Mistero Buffo (Teater Innlandet) 2021 Translation
Det er Ales (The Norwegian Theatre) January 28, 2017 Dramatised by, Actor (Signe som ung)
Det er Ales (The Norwegian Theatre) September 9, 2016 Dramatised by, Actor (Signe som ung)
Freak Mother (The National Stage) May 7, 2016 Translation
Lindås (Eirik Fauske) February 8, 2012 Actor (vikar for Terese Vangstad på forestillingene på Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler.)
Dråpen (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) March 5, 2009 Actor (Aki)
Døden i Teben (The Norwegian Theatre) January 17, 2008 Actor (Ismene / Kor)
Woyzeck (The National Theatre) March 1, 2001 Extra
Hustruskolen (The Norwegian Theatre) February 27, 1999 Actor
Navigatøren og barnet* (The Navigator and the Child) (The House of LiteratureThe Open Theatre (Det Åpne Teater)) Actor