Marcelino Martin Valiente


(Objekt ID 7578)
Object type Person
Functions Choreographer, Dramaturge
Nationality French
Gender Male
Member of The Norwegian Union of Stage Directors
Website Company B. Valiente Marcelino Martin Valiente
Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (17)
Title Premiere Role
Jeden (Company B. Valiente) Navember 12, 2011 Concept/Idea, Choreography, Producer, Direction, Text, Light, Dancer
Thousand Rooms (Company B. Valiente) October 18, 2011 Advisor, Dramaturge
Winter – a silent sleep (Polish Dance TheatreCompany B. Valiente) January 16, 2010 Dramaturge
Jeden (Company B. Valiente) February 2007 Concept/Idea, Choreography, Producer, Direction, Text, Light, Dancer
Document Ibsen (Temte Productions) February 1, 2006 Direction
Headhunting (Company B. Valiente) 2006 Choreography, Concept/Idea
Siste dagar sett (Teater Vestland) March 5, 2004 Staging, Stage design, Costume design, Video/Film
Meir (Teater Vestland) March 5, 2004 Direction, Stage design, Costume design
Atopisk – in the wrong place (Temte Productions) September 22, 2003 Direction
Polar (Temte Productions) March 5, 2003 Direction
Filantropicana (Teater Vestland) May 2, 2002 Direction
Munn til munn (Modus senter for middelaldermusikk) March 15, 2002 Direction
Gjest Bårdsen døyr åleine ved Nilens bredd (Teater Vestland) February 25, 2000 Direction, Stage design, Costume design
Frankenstein (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 24, 2000 Voiceover
Forbudt, men fristende (Company B. ValienteThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) March 1, 1999 Dramaturge, Dancer
On the ball (Temte Productions) January 30, 1999 Dramaturge, Direction
Breath (Company B. Valiente) Choreography
Skisser (Company B. Valiente) Direction