Camara Lundestad Joof

Also known as: Camara Lundestad Joof, Camara Christina Lundestad Joof

Camara Lundestad Joof (b. 1988) is a Norwegian/Gambian performing artist, playwright and musician.


(Objekt ID 72597)
Object type Person
Also known as Camara Lundestad Joof, Camara Christina Lundestad Joof
Born 1988
Nationality Norwegian, Gambian
Gender Female

Joof has been involved with the Oslo children’s theatre Den Mangfaldige Scenen as both project manager, performer and teacher.

Her artistic work is principally documentary in character, and focuses around themes such as intersectionality, young people and norm criticism. In 2018 she was appointed one of The Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting’s house writers.

Camara Lundestad Joof was awarded the Hedda Award 2021/2022 in the category Best text for the stage for They have to give birth to us or fuck us to love us.


The Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting,, 28.09.2018

Tilknyttet (1)
Involved in productions (10)
Title Premiere Role
Kalokagathia (Jonas Øren) February 29, 2024 Advisor
De må føde oss eller pule oss for å elske oss (The National Stage) May 5, 2023 Playwright
They have to give birth to us or fuck us to love us (The National Theatre) March 14, 2023 Playwright
Samtaler med bror (The National Theatre) Navember 26, 2022 Dramaturge, Playwright
They have to give birth to us or fuck us to love us (The National Theatre) October 30, 2021 Playwright
Hybris: Choreographing Whiteness () September 2, 2021 Author
Eg snakkar om det heile tida (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 27, 2021 Author
Røyst - Høyrespel for fjorden (Teaterfestivalen i Fjaler ) September 11, 2020 Playwright
Pavlovs tispe (Brageteatret) 2015 Text, Actor
Ulovleg norsk (The Norwegian Theatre) May 12, 2011 Actor
Husdramaraton () Playwright
Artworks (2)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Eg snakkar om det heile tida Literature, Documentary – Author
De må føde oss eller pule oss for å elske oss 2021, Script – Author