Draum om hausten (The National Theatre) |
March 13, 2025 |
Sound design, Sound |
A Doll's House (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 27, 2024 |
Sound master |
Nationaltheatrets julekonsert (The National Theatre) |
Navember 11, 2023 |
Sound master |
Break her new (Unge Viken Teater) |
October 26, 2023 |
Sound design |
Alice in Wonderland (The National Theatre) |
March 24, 2023 |
Sound |
Jordbærstedet (The National Theatre) |
January 21, 2023 |
Sound master |
The Little Prince (The National Theatre) |
Navember 30, 2022 |
Sound master |
En midtsommernattsdrøm (The National Theatre) |
September 3, 2022 |
Sound master |
Jordopphimlesang (The National Theatre) |
May 20, 2021 |
Sound master |
Den kaukasiske krittringen (The National Theatre) |
2021 |
Sound |
Den kaukasiske krittringen (The National Theatre) |
October 16, 2020 |
Sound |
A Doll's House (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 9, 2020 |
Sound master |
Alice in Wonderland (The National Theatre) |
October 11, 2019 |
Sound |
Romeo and Juliet (The National TheatreThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
September 12, 2019 |
Sound master |
Romeo and Juliet (The National TheatreThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
August 17, 2019 |
Sound master |
Vi må snakke om Faust* (We need to talk about Faust) (The National Theatre) |
January 26, 2019 |
Sound master |
Rock'n Roll Wolf (The National Theatre) |
October 20, 2018 |
Sound master |
The Master Builder (The National Theatre) |
September 8, 2018 |
Sound |
Aniara (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
April 19, 2018 |
Sound |
UFO-bygda* (The UFO village) (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 26, 2018 |
Sound design, Sound master |
1984 (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
Navember 4, 2017 |
Sound master |
Journey to the World Under Ground (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 5, 2017 |
Sound design, Sound master |
Nostalgi 2175 (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
March 31, 2017 |
Sound |
R.U.R. - Rossums Universal-Roboter (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 13, 2017 |
Sound master |
Grønlandsutraen (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
August 27, 2016 |
Sound master |
Karsten and Petra (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
April 15, 2016 |
Sound |
The Wizard of Oz (Brageteatret) |
Navember 7, 2014 |
Sound design |
5boys.com (Brageteatret) |
August 29, 2014 |
Sound design |
The Events (Brageteatret) |
March 27, 2014 |
Tour manager |
Don't Leave Me (Brageteatret) |
February 4, 2014 |
Sound |
Don't Leave Me (Brageteatret) |
February 1, 2014 |
Sound |
Folkedypet (Brageteatret) |
September 3, 2013 |
Music |
Myggsprayen (Brageteatret) |
July 2013 |
Actor (Reddikhai), Technician |
4383 Se meg! Hør meg! (Brageteatret) |
January 23, 2013 |
Technician |
Love song (Brageteatret) |
October 12, 2012 |
Technician |
The Ugly Duckling (Brageteatret) |
January 27, 2012 |
Sound, Technician |
Når du får tenkt deg om (Brageteatret) |
May 27, 2011 |
Technical director |
Når du får tenkt deg om (Brageteatret) |
May 21, 2011 |
Technical director |
Forheksede frostnetter (Brageteatret) |
January 14, 2011 |
Sound technician |
Froskeakvariet (Brageteatret) |
March 2, 2010 |
Technical director |
Before the Bell (Brageteatret) |
January 22, 2010 |
Technical director |
Snow White (Brageteatret) |
October 16, 2009 |
Technical director, Sound technician |
Mirad - en gutt fra Bosnia (Brageteatret) |
August 18, 2009 |
Technical director |
Delfinen (Brageteatret) |
January 16, 2009 |
Technical director, Sound |
Hun derre Jenny (Brageteatret) |
September 12, 2008 |
Technician |
Askeplott* (Cinderplot) (Brageteatret) |
February 25, 2008 |
Technical director |
Askepott og prinsen* (Cinderella and the Prince) (Brageteatret) |
January 25, 2008 |
Sound technician |
Electric Birds (Katrine Bølstad Kompani) |
March 8, 2006 |
Sound technician |
Lola (Trøndelag TheatreInnspæll) |
October 7, 2002 |
Sound |
Lola (Trøndelag TheatreInnspæll) |
February 23, 2002 |
Sound |
Tooth of Crime (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
July 23, 1986 |
Musician |