Christina Skalegård


(Objekt ID 70954)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (8)
Title Premiere Role
EMIL i Lønneberget (The Norwegian Theatre) September 3, 1999 Assistant Stage Designer
Frost Flower (The Arctic Theatre) January 13, 1994 Props
Etter William (The National Stage) September 16, 1993 Assistant Stage Designer
Billy Boy og Konrads Dusjteater* (Billy Boy and Konrad's shower theatre) (The Arctic Theatre) May 25, 1992 Stage design
The Glass Menagerie (The Arctic Theatre) February 11, 1992 Stage design
The Foreigner (The Arctic Theatre) January 26, 1991 Props
Oluf (The Arctic Theatre) June 22, 1989 Props
Krane's Café (The Arctic Theatre) October 8, 1986 Props