Cecilia Persson

Cecilia Persson is a playwright and actress who was a member of the Swedish Sami theatre company Dálvadis from 1985.


(Objekt ID 7041)
Object type Person
Functions Actor, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Swedish
Gender Female

Cecilia Persson studied drama at the University of Umeå. Among other things she has written the libretto to Skuvle Nijla, which has been dubbed a joik opera, due to there being both classical singers and traditional Sami joik singers in the cast.

Source: http://www.dramadirekt.com/presentationer.php?authorlist=40549, 07.10.2010

Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (14)
Title Premiere Role
Allaq – Dållen gïelle, ildens stemme (The Touring Theatre of TrøndelagÅarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) January 13, 2023 Playwright
Doajvvo-håp (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) September 23, 2021 Dramaturge
Giedtine - hvem eier vinden? (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere ASNordland Theatre) September 25, 2020 Script, Actor
Elsa Laula (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere ASThe Touring Theatre of Trøndelag) May 15, 2020 Script, Actor
Stor-Stina (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) September 8, 2018 Dramatised by
Elsa Laula (The Touring Theatre of TrøndelagÅarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) February 6, 2017 Actor, Script
Plupp (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere ASESTRAD NORR Jämtlands läns musik och teater) October 29, 2016 Script
Vaajesh Puka-Puka (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) February 1, 2016 Actor
Hijven Hov, Ylva (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) September 26, 2014 Script, Props, Stage design, Director’s assistant
Elsa Laula (The Touring Theatre of TrøndelagÅarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) February 1, 2013 Actor, Script
Elsa Laula (The Touring Theatre of TrøndelagÅarjelhsaemien Teatere AS) 2012 Actor, Script
Der stjernan bor (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere ASThe Touring Theatre of Trøndelag) July 28, 2010 Actor (Brita)
Allaq (The National Sami Theatre) February 26, 2010 Playwright
Trolls (The National Sami Theatre) October 6, 2006 Dramatised by
Der stjernan bor (Åarjelhsaemien Teatere ASThe Touring Theatre of Trøndelag) May 28, 2005 Actor (Brita)
The wolf killer (The National Sami Theatre) March 12, 1993 Actor
Gumpegoddi/Ulvedreperen (The National Sami Theatre) March 12, 1993 Actor
Artworks (3)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Hijven Hov, Saepme Script, Monologue – Author
Hijven Hov, Ylva Script, Fairytale, Monologue – Author
Allaq Script – Author