Miet Warlop

Miet Warlop has a master in Visual Arts from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent (2003). She won the prize for young theatre work at TAZ with her graduation project Huilend Hert/Aangeschoten Wild. She also works as a scenographer for other artists' performances. After making her solo performance called Grote Hoop/Berg she made Springville, a 50 minute moving game of chaos, expectation and surprise. Springville was selected for the Antwerp Theatre Festival in 2010.
Currently she lives in Berlin where she is working on new series of dynamic performances while also developing her visual art work.


(Objekt ID 6865)
Object type Person
Email miet@mietwarlop.com
Involved in productions (3)
Title Premiere Role
Big Bears Cry Too () February 9, 2019 Main producer, Concept/Idea, Direction, Music
Long Fuelled Session (Namik Mackic) January 26, 2012 Dramaturge, Advisor
Salting the Tail (Namik Mackic) February 26, 2011 Other