Njål Helge Mjøs

Also known as: Njål Helge Seljeset Mjøs

Njål Helge Seljeset Mjøs is a dramaturge at The National Theatre, for which he has worked from 2013. Formerly, he has worked for Rogaland Theatre and Østfold Theatre. Mjøs is educated at The University of Oslo and Harvard University, USA, with additional studies from Moscow.

Mjøs and Sigrid Strøm Reibo were nominated for The Hedda Award 2017 in the best stage text category, for their adaption of Orlando after Virginia Woolf's novel. The production was directed by Reibo for Rogaland Theatre in 2016, and it won The Hedda Award in the production of the year category.

Mjøs and Reibo also have collaborated in As You Like It and Dido + Aeneas at The National Theatre, and in The Misanthrope, Haugtussa* (The Hulder) and All's Well That Ends Well at Rogaland Theatre.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 6814)
Object type Person
Also known as Njål Helge Seljeset Mjøs
Born January 1, 1977
Functions Dramaturge
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Adresse Oslo, Norway


The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2017

The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 19.06.2017, https://www.heddaprisen.no/vinnere/2017

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