Per Andreas Hovdahl


(Objekt ID 67217)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (7)
Title Premiere Role
Hedda Gabler (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) April 24, 2020 Dancer
Ildfuglen / Vårofferet (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) February 21, 2019 Dancer
Carmen - en ballett (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) March 19, 2015 Dancer (Soldat)
Orfeus og Evrydike (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) October 17, 2013 Dancer
Woyzeck (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) September 24, 2011 Dancer (Andres, Woyzecks venn / Soldat / Student)
A Streetcar Named Desire (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) April 17, 2010 Dancer
SHOOT THE MOON - dancingmadlybackwards - The Wake - Access - Shoot the Moon (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) February 13, 2010 Dancer (Skikkelse i frakk - The Wake / Veggoperatør - Shoot the Moon)