Astrid Hafstad


(Objekt ID 65597)
Object type Person
Born April 2, 1896
Functions Actor
Gender Female
Involved in productions (11)
Title Premiere Role
Operetteprinsessen (Casino Teater) May 26, 1926 Actor (Molly Witt, soubrette i reisende operetteselsakp)
Jomfru Hook van Holland (The National Stage) March 3, 1926 Actor (MIna - gjest)
To verdener (The National Stage) March 3, 1917 Actor (Ragna, Vilhelms og Henriettes datter)
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) February 17, 1917 Actor (Dina Dorf)
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) January 11, 1917 Actor (Petra)
Schöllers pensionat (The National Stage) August 20, 1916 Actor (Ida, datter av fru Sprosser)
Min ven Teddy (The National Stage) August 8, 1916 Actor (Juliette Dornay)
Tornerose (The National Stage) December 27, 1915 Actor (Susanna)
Storhertuginden av Geroldstein (The National Stage) December 10, 1915 Actor
Brist (The National Stage) October 26, 1915 Actor
Din egen herre (The National Stage) October 24, 1913 Actor (Kirsten Hadeln - Debut i 1915)