Danny Hoch

Danny Hoch is an actor, playwright, director, teacher, and producer whose plays have toured the world and have won several awards including 2 OBIES. He is a socially and politically committed artist, a hip hop pioneer whose storytelling skills are unique. The centre of his art is his characters. Three dimentional characters of the every- day world with strong hearts and determined voices.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Autumn program 2005. 14.09.2010: www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -archive


(Objekt ID 6305)
Object type Person
Functions Director, Actor, Musician, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality American
Gender Male


”Danny is a gifted performer who uses his mastery of rap rhythms to invest his characters with remarkable energy and definition.” - New York Times

Involved in productions (1)
Title Premiere Role
An Evening With Danny Hoch () August 26, 2005 Performer