Astri Gulbrandsen


(Objekt ID 59744)
Object type Person
Born February 9, 1888 (dead December 12, 1980)
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (17)
Title Premiere Role
Baandet (The National Stage) May 31, 1918 Actor (Friherrinnen)
Frøkenens mand (The National Stage) May 13, 1918 Actor (Nelly)
Under scenens tegn (The National Stage) April 26, 1918 Actor (Fru Alison Munk)
Taifun (The National Stage) February 28, 1911 Actor (Fristerinnen i Paris)
Troens magt (The National Stage) January 27, 1911 Actor (Nordbys datter)
Den stærkeste magt (The National Stage) January 13, 1911 Actor (Dora Miller)
A Night's Lodging AKA The Lower Depths (The National Stage) September 16, 1910 Actor (Nastja)
The Lady from the Sea (The National Stage) August 12, 1910 Actor (Hilde i 1910)
Livets Skaal (The National Stage) March 28, 1910 Actor (Vilborg Eriksen)
Varulven (The National Stage) March 12, 1910 Actor (Karen Eilersdotter)
Spionen (The National Stage) January 16, 1910 Actor (Marguerite Chonquiére)
Naar den ny vin blomstrer (The National Stage) September 29, 1909 Actor (Helene )
Easter (The National Stage) September 1, 1909 Actor (Eleonora, fru Heysts datter)
Tvillinger (The National Stage) May 23, 1909 Actor (Jenny)
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) February 20, 1909 Actor (Rakel Sang 1909)
Johan Ulfstjerna (The National Stage) April 3, 1908 Actor (Agda 1909)
Kloen (The National Stage) December 8, 1907 Actor (Anne Cortelon )