Kari Dehlin


(Objekt ID 58262)
Object type Person
Born June 26, 1925 (dead July 17, 2007)
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (15)
Title Premiere Role
Gisselet (The National Theatre) Navember 5, 1959 Actor (Bobo)
The Diary of Anne Frank (The National Stage) March 8, 1957 Actor (Anne Frank)
The Witch (The National Stage) May 27, 1955 Actor (Jørund, tjenestepike hos Absalon)
På Cirkus med Prøysen, Bollerud & Co (The National Stage) December 26, 1954 Actor (Kari Lia)
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) March 2, 1954 Actor (Anitra)
Anything goes (The National Stage) May 12, 1953 Actor (En stewardess)
Isflå (The National Stage) March 15, 1953 Actor (Ungkona)
Sheppey (The National Stage) Navember 7, 1952 Actor (Miss James)
Death of a Salesman (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 16, 1951 Actor (Jenny / Frøken Forsythe)
Døtrene (The Norwegian Theatre) March 21, 1950 Actor (Åsa, den yngste av døtrene)
Vikingar (The Norwegian Theatre) December 30, 1949 Actor (Skjoldmøy, ung kvinne i huset til Gorm )
Å ungdoms villmark (The Norwegian Theatre) Navember 20, 1949 Actor (Mildred)
Ein negerhelt kom heim (The Norwegian Theatre) March 18, 1949 Actor (Honey Turner)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The Norwegian Theatre) August 21, 1948 Actor (Erterblom, alv)
Læraren (The Norwegian Theatre) April 2, 1948 Actor (Gurina, gjente hjå Paulus)