Kongens hjerte (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1948 |
Actor (Hjertemakeren) |
Hollenderpiken (The National Stage) |
May 22, 1948 |
Actor (Bybudet) |
Min søster og jeg (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1947 |
Actor (Meddommer) |
Revisoren (The National Stage) |
October 4, 1947 |
Actor (Swistunoff, konstabel) |
Alle fugler små vi er (The National Stage) |
September 2, 1947 |
Actor |
Lady Inger (The National Stage) |
October 23, 1945 |
Actor (Bjørn, kammersvend på Østråt) |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
February 13, 1945 |
Actor (Mester Johannes, prest til Fane) |
Leken i skogen (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1943 |
Actor (Korn, en gammel hyrde) |
Hansen (The National Stage) |
May 18, 1943 |
Actor (Nils, dreng på Huse) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
May 1943 |
Actor (En tredje mann) |
Lysistrata (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1942 |
Actor (En av gamlingene) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
March 5, 1942 |
Actor (En tredje mann) |
The Count of Luxembourg (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1941 |
Actor (Saville, maler) |
Carousel (The National Stage) |
April 4, 1941 |
Actor (Professor Bermann) |
Lille prinsesse Solgull* (Little Princess Sungold) (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1939 |
Actor (Nissefar) |
Storken* (The Stork) (The National Stage) |
September 15, 1939 |
Actor (Statsadvokaten) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
June 20, 1939 |
Actor (Brudgommens far / Lensmannen) |
Det store Vi (The National Stage) |
February 9, 1939 |
Actor (Professor Ram) |
Veslefrikk med fela (The National Stage) |
December 18, 1938 |
Actor (Formannen) |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) |
Navember 29, 1938 |
Actor (En blekfet herre) |
Insektliv (The National Stage) |
Navember 6, 1938 |
Actor (Herr gjødselbille) |
Leken vi lever (The National Stage) |
April 28, 1938 |
Actor (Den ensomme herren) |
Mannen som alle ville myrde (The National Stage) |
January 25, 1938 |
Actor (Disponent Grå) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1937 |
Actor (2nen sigøiner) |
Wien - Budapest (The National Stage) |
September 25, 1937 |
Actor (En hovmester) |
Den nystemte (The National Stage) |
June 4, 1937 |
Actor |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
April 23, 1937 |
Actor (Overvraker Holbæk 1933 og 1937) |
The Defeat (The National Stage) |
April 20, 1937 |
Actor (Kjøbmann Brigeau) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
March 13, 1937 |
Actor (Brudgommens far / Lensmannen) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 1936 |
Actor (Brudgommens far / Lensmannen) |
Ball på Savoy (The National Stage) |
September 16, 1936 |
Actor (Monsieur Albert, chef for en parisisk modesalong) |
De rike har det godt (The National Stage) |
February 7, 1936 |
Actor (Hotellportieren) |
Jeg vil værge mitt land (The National Stage) |
January 19, 1936 |
Actor (Redaktør Lahrson) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Stage) |
May 4, 1935 |
Actor (Alfs far), Actor (Svelvik) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Stage) |
December 4, 1934 |
Actor (Jeronimus) |
Bøddelen (The National Stage) |
October 23, 1934 |
Actor (Dommeren / En offiser) |
Skjønne ungdom (The National Stage) |
October 12, 1934 |
Actor (Barkeeperen) |
Det tredje rike (The National Stage) |
October 3, 1934 |
Actor (Spleen Tvil-Pettersen) |
Mr. Cinders (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1934 |
Actor (Smith, tjener hos Kemp) |
Dunungen (The National Stage) |
May 7, 1934 |
Actor (Borgstrøm) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1933 |
Actor (Overvraker Holbæk 1933 og 1937) |
Før solnedgang (The National Stage) |
March 17, 1933 |
Actor (Dr. Wuttke Ebisch) |
Døden og kjærligheten (The National Stage) |
March 3, 1933 |
Actor (Metallarbeider Hansen) |
The Atlantic (The National Stage) |
February 15, 1933 |
Actor (Smith-Simonsen) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1932 |
Actor (Brej) |
Hamlet (The National Stage) |
September 22, 1932 |
Actor (Rosenkrans) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
September 17, 1932 |
Actor (1. Doktor) |
Bjørgedal (The National Stage) |
September 2, 1932 |
Actor (Forsvararen) |
Liselotte (The National Stage) |
August 21, 1932 |
Actor (Direktøren i Hotel Astoria) |
The Land of Smiles (The National Stage) |
May 3, 1932 |
Actor |
Faust I (The National Stage) |
March 28, 1932 |
Actor (1. Tjenestepike) |
Markurell (The National Stage) |
March 8, 1932 |
Actor (General Loewen) |
Marie Walewska (The National Stage) |
February 26, 1932 |
Actor (Grev Wibecke) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1931 |
Actor (Nissefar) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
Navember 7, 1931 |
Actor (1. Doktor) |
Bjørgedal (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1931 |
Actor (Forsvararen) |
Tante Ulrikke (The National Stage) |
September 8, 1931 |
Actor (Dirigenten) |
Parade på Engen - Bergensrevyen 1931 (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1931 |
Actor |
Viktorias Husar (The National Stage) |
May 9, 1931 |
Actor (En kosakk) |
En-to-tre (The National Stage) |
March 29, 1931 |
Actor (Kristian) |
Fiolen fra Montmartre (The National Stage) |
March 6, 1931 |
Actor (Armand Maurice) |
Himmeluret (The National Stage) |
February 18, 1931 |
Actor (Ole Kristian) |
Prinsessen og Danseren (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1930 |
Actor (Francois Bouchet) |
Askeladden (The National Stage) |
December 21, 1930 |
Actor (Kokkepiken) |
Helligtrekongersaften eller Hvad man har lyst til (The National Stage) |
October 14, 1930 |
Actor (En prest) |
Keiserinden (The National Stage) |
May 8, 1930 |
Actor (Dymow) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) |
April 4, 1930 |
Actor (Brej) |
Fjelleventyret (The National Stage) |
March 25, 1930 |
Actor (En Annen Bonde) |
Topaze (The National Stage) |
March 11, 1930 |
Actor (En kontordame) |
Bruden (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1930 |
Actor (Isaac Walton Pelham) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
January 2, 1930 |
Actor (1. Doktor) |
Den uskikkelige prinsesse (The National Stage) |
December 17, 1929 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Tragedien om Mengin (The National Stage) |
Navember 16, 1929 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Weekend i Paradis (The National Stage) |
Navember 1, 1929 |
Actor (Løffler, portier, Broses svoger) |
Reisen slutt (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1929 |
Actor (Obersten) |
Sorgen forgik mig ... - Bergensrevyen 1929 (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1929 |
Actor |
Frøken Kirkemus (The National Stage) |
May 3, 1929 |
Actor (Hugo) |
Storken* (The Stork) (The National Stage) |
April 21, 1929 |
Actor (Rettsformannen) |
Den lange notti (The National Stage) |
April 7, 1929 |
Actor (Hultermann) |
Deptfordmysteriet (The National Stage) |
March 17, 1929 |
Actor (Atkins) |
Den vægelsindede (The National Stage) |
February 19, 1929 |
Actor (Anden musikant) |
Brødrene Østermanns Huskors (The National Stage) |
January 27, 1929 |
Actor (Karl Østermann) |
Stakkars Haselhuhn! (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1928 |
Actor (Konsul Wieland) |
Vaar i Heidelberg (The National Stage) |
Navember 23, 1928 |
Actor (Bakeren) |
Mary Dugan-saken (The National Stage) |
October 30, 1928 |
Actor (Nash, dommer) |
Tre smaa piker (The National Stage) |
September 19, 1928 |
Actor (Wendolin 1930) |
Den gamle prest (The National Stage) |
September 4, 1928 |
Actor (Jens Hansen, husmand) |
Paul Lange og Tora Parsberg (The National Stage) |
April 11, 1928 |
Actor (Stortingspresidenten) |
Gildet paa Solhaug (The National Stage) |
March 22, 1928 |
Actor |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
March 20, 1928 |
Actor |
Cirkusprinsessen (The National Stage) |
February 24, 1928 |
Actor (Direktør Stanislawski) |
Bajaderen (The National Stage) |
February 3, 1928 |
Actor |
Kaptein Grants barn (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1927 |
Actor (Wilson, kaptein på "Duncan") |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
December 2, 1927 |
Actor (Jørgen, prest til St. Martinskirken) |
Kjærlighetens tragedie (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 1927 |
Actor (Johannes, skyssgutt) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Stage) |
October 11, 1927 |
Actor (Filostrat, forlystelsesraad ved Theseus' hof) |
Forbidden Roads AKA El Caudal de los hijos (The National Stage) |
September 23, 1927 |
Actor (Paciano) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
September 22, 1927 |
Actor (Overvraker Holbæk) |
Ambrosius (The National Stage) |
September 6, 1927 |
Actor (V. Reinsberg, kaptein) |
Friarar (The National Stage) |
August 12, 1927 |
Actor (Sjur Tuft) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
August 6, 1927 |
Actor (Sommerblom) |
Fossegrimen (The National Stage) |
March 22, 1927 |
Actor (Lensmannen / Fossekall) |
Midnats-Cabaret (The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association) |
February 12, 1927 |
Actor |
Ringen av kridt (The National Stage) |
January 1, 1927 |
Actor (Anden soldat) |
Elverhøi (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1926 |
Actor (Henrik Rud) |
Haabet (The National Stage) |
Navember 3, 1926 |
Actor (Kaps, bogholder) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
October 26, 1926 |
Actor (Overvraker Holbæk) |
Det lykkelige skibbrud (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1926 |
Actor (Oldfux) |
Othello (The National Stage) |
October 1, 1926 |
Actor (Første senator) |
Hollænderpiken (The National Stage) |
June 18, 1926 |
Actor (Hofmarschal von Eberius) |
Jomfru Hook van Holland (The National Stage) |
March 3, 1926 |
Actor (Hendrik Drach) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 15, 1925 |
Actor (Første sigøyner) |
Det levende lik (The National Stage) |
Navember 3, 1925 |
Actor (Artemjef) |
Bajaderen (The National Stage) |
June 12, 1925 |
Actor |
En børsbaron (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1925 |
Actor (Pilegaard, grosserer) |
Vaarbrytning (The National Stage) |
April 17, 1925 |
Actor (Overlære Fliegentod) |
Tusind og en nat (The National Stage) |
February 11, 1925 |
Actor (Djafar) |
Lilac Time (The National Stage) |
February 2, 1925 |
Actor (Moritz v. Schwind, maler) |
Sakfører Hellmanns (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1925 |
Actor (Lars Hoff, restauratør) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
January 18, 1925 |
Actor (Overvraker Holbæk) |
Madame Sans-Gêne (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1924 |
Actor (Frisøren / Savary, hertug av Rovigo / Leroy, dameskredder) |
Kongens hjerte (The National Stage) |
December 21, 1924 |
Actor (Prinsessens marskalk) |
En kvinde uten betydning (The National Stage) |
December 5, 1924 |
Actor (Dr. Daubeny, provst) |
Han som faar ørefikene (The National Stage) |
September 26, 1924 |
Actor (Baron Regnard) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) |
September 9, 1924 |
Actor (Boktrykker Aslaksen) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Stage) |
August 14, 1924 |
Actor (Karl Bilz, student) |
Filmens dronning (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1924 |
Actor (En cerberus foran et biografteater) |
Kameliadamen (The National Stage) |
May 2, 1924 |
Actor |
Don Carrambo (The National Stage) |
April 9, 1924 |
Actor |
Den store rollen (The National Stage) |
March 14, 1924 |
Actor (Teaterfrisøren) |
Hollænderpiken (The National Stage) |
December 18, 1923 |
Actor (Hofmarschal von Eberius) |
Trilby (The National Stage) |
December 4, 1923 |
Actor (Lormier) |
Et vintereventyr (The National Stage) |
Navember 23, 1923 |
Actor |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) |
Navember 6, 1923 |
Actor (Eugen von Rohnsdorff) |
Purpur (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1923 |
Actor (Basilius) |
Falske nøkler (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1923 |
Actor (Grosseren) |
Jorden rundt i 80 dage (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1923 |
Actor (Stuart/ en vert) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
May 4, 1923 |
Actor (Sommerblom) |
Moral (The National Stage) |
February 6, 1923 |
Actor |
Rebekka (The National Stage) |
January 19, 1923 |
Actor (Emanuel Samsonow, gaar ogsaa under navnet Rosenstein) |
En børsbaron (The National Stage) |
January 7, 1923 |
Actor (Pilegaard, grosserer) |
Lady Inger (The National Stage) |
Navember 10, 1922 |
Actor (Gårdsfogden Ejnar Huk) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) |
October 20, 1922 |
Actor (Walter Lenz) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
September 22, 1922 |
Actor (1. doktor) |
Levemanden (The National Stage) |
September 12, 1922 |
Actor (Max Stieglitz, Seibolds kompagnon) |
The Cousin from Nowhere (The National Stage) |
August 18, 1922 |
Actor (Den uheldige frieren) |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) |
May 12, 1922 |
Actor (Eugen von Rohnsdorff) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
May 8, 1922 |
Actor (Skolemesteren) |
Nitouche (The National Stage) |
April 17, 1922 |
Actor (Theaterdirektøren) |
Det tredje skud (The National Stage) |
April 7, 1922 |
Actor (Hugh, opvarter/"Rud" Whiting, advokat) |
Til Sæters (The National Stage) |
March 26, 1922 |
Actor (Aamund) |
Det forgjættede land (The National Stage) |
March 24, 1922 |
Actor (Clement Wynne, sagfører) |
Den røde kappe (The National Stage) |
March 10, 1922 |
Actor (Bunerat, politimester) |
En fallit (The National Stage) |
February 17, 1922 |
Actor (Sognepresten) |
Vasantasena (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1922 |
Actor (Viraka, fører for byvagten) |
Et hyrdespil paa Fladeby (The National Stage) |
December 30, 1921 |
Actor (John Collett) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 1921 |
Actor (Skolemesteren) |
Magdalene (The National Stage) |
October 21, 1921 |
Actor (Jørgensen, i opdagelsespolitiet) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
October 12, 1921 |
Actor (Sommerblom) |
Maternitet (The National Stage) |
September 20, 1921 |
Actor (Maurizio Dorini) |
Den røde hane (The National Stage) |
August 23, 1921 |
Actor (Justesen, poltibetjent) |
Czardasfyrstinden (The National Stage) |
May 31, 1921 |
Actor (Eugen von Rohnsdorff) |
Tyrannens fald (The National Stage) |
May 5, 1921 |
Actor (Victor Frandsens yngre bror) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
April 22, 1921 |
Actor (Et hofftroll / Trumpeterstråle / Huhu, en målstræver fra Malabarkysten) |
Agnete (The National Stage) |
February 15, 1921 |
Actor (Adolf Wulf) |
Den hellige lund (The National Stage) |
February 1, 1921 |
Actor (Direktøren for historiske minnesmerker) |
Uriel Acosta (The National Stage) |
December 7, 1920 |
Actor (Rabineren) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1920 |
Actor (1. Doktor) |
Haabet (The National Stage) |
Navember 16, 1920 |
Actor (Kaps, bogholder) |
Syndefald (The National Stage) |
October 15, 1920 |
Actor (Pastor Nils Gade) |
Den andre gutten (The National Stage) |
September 28, 1920 |
Actor (Overlærer Storm) |
Nitouche (The National Stage) |
May 16, 1920 |
Actor (Theaterdirektøren) |
Vinternat (The National Stage) |
March 12, 1920 |
Actor (Sønnen) |
Milepæle (The National Stage) |
February 25, 1920 |
Actor |
Indenfor murene (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1920 |
Actor (Meyer, prokurist hos Levin) |
Tyrannens fald (The National Stage) |
December 12, 1919 |
Actor (Victor Frandsens yngre bror) |
Min hustru Hofskuespillerinden (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 1919 |
Actor |
Halte-Hulda (The National Stage) |
September 23, 1919 |
Actor |
Geisha (The National Stage) |
May 28, 1919 |
Actor (Katana) |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) |
May 13, 1919 |
Actor (Bokholder Gråberg) |
Den røde tid (The National Stage) |
April 9, 1919 |
Actor |
Det store Vi (The National Stage) |
March 18, 1919 |
Actor (Professor Ramm) |
The Vikings at Helgeland (The National Stage) |
February 19, 1919 |
Actor (Gunnar Herse) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) |
Navember 2, 1918 |
Actor (Walter Lenz) |
500 % (The National Stage) |
October 8, 1918 |
Actor (Grosserer Schmidt) |
Narren (The National Stage) |
June 9, 1918 |
Actor (Kristian Vegaard, Justitsminister) |
Baandet (The National Stage) |
May 31, 1918 |
Actor (Gårdbrugeren Alexandersson) |
Til Sæters (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1918 |
Actor (Aamund) |
Under scenens tegn (The National Stage) |
April 26, 1918 |
Actor |
Lea (The National Stage) |
February 14, 1918 |
Actor (En russisk Generalstabsoberst) |
Kameratene (The National Stage) |
January 18, 1918 |
Actor (Aksel, maler) |
En spurv i tranedans (The National Stage) |
December 19, 1917 |
Actor (Halling) |
Kong Midas (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 1917 |
Actor (Finn Hals) |
Daniel Hertz (The National Stage) |
Navember 1, 1917 |
Actor (Gotfred Hertz) |
Husmandsjenten (The National Stage) |
October 16, 1917 |
Actor (Per Mortenson fra Vestergaarden) |
Storstadsluft (The National Stage) |
September 28, 1917 |
Actor (Walter Lenz) |
Ung seilads (The National Stage) |
September 7, 1917 |
Actor (Cand. philos. Nolum) |
På glatis (The National Stage) |
August 14, 1917 |
Actor (von Pieskow, detektiv) |
Ved rigets port (The National Stage) |
April 24, 1917 |
Actor (Ivar Kareno) |
To verdener (The National Stage) |
March 3, 1917 |
Actor (Davidsen, murer) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) |
February 17, 1917 |
Actor (Adjunkt Rørlund) |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (The National Stage) |
February 10, 1917 |
Actor (Eystejn) |
Kongen (The National Stage) |
January 26, 1917 |
Actor (Fabrikkeier Gran), Actor (Fabrikeier Gran) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) |
January 11, 1917 |
Actor (Boktrykker Aslaksen) |
Forretning er forretning (The National Stage) |
December 14, 1916 |
Actor (Lucien Garraud, kemiker) |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1916 |
Actor (Eystejn) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1916 |
Actor (Sommerblom) |
The Vikings at Helgeland (The National Stage) |
January 2, 1916 |
Actor (Gunnar Herse) |
Tornerose (The National Stage) |
December 27, 1915 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Stage) |
Navember 24, 1915 |
Actor (Jørgen Tesman) |
Lovens arm (The National Stage) |
October 2, 1915 |
Actor (John Garson) |
Fra Diavolo (The National Stage) |
June 4, 1915 |
Actor (Beppo, røver) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) |
April 16, 1915 |
Actor (Boktrykker Aslaksen) |
Helligtrekongersaften (The National Stage) |
April 1, 1915 |
Actor (Fabian) |
Din egen herre (The National Stage) |
March 22, 1915 |
Actor (Frants Graff, forfatter) |
Kontanter (The National Stage) |
January 24, 1915 |
Actor (Jackson Ives, eventyrer) |
Snehvide (The National Stage) |
December 16, 1914 |
Actor (Kongen) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) |
Navember 25, 1914 |
Actor (Bratt 1910), Actor (Krøyer 1909) |
Scapins Skøierstreker (The National Stage) |
Navember 1, 1914 |
Actor (Argante, Octavé og Zerbinettes far) |
Min høire Haand (The National Stage) |
September 16, 1914 |
Actor |
Ovnskjærmen (The National Stage) |
September 6, 1914 |
Actor |
Alexander the Great (The National Stage) |
August 19, 1914 |
Actor (Grosserer Isaacsen) |
Melisande (Lillemor) (The National Stage) |
March 27, 1914 |
Actor (Pater Raymond) |
Lovens arm (The National Stage) |
March 6, 1914 |
Actor (John Garson) |
Axel og Valborg (The National Stage) |
January 30, 1914 |
Actor (Vilhelm) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
January 9, 1914 |
Actor (Sommerblom) |
Ingemaar Kvist (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1913 |
Actor (Sigurd Brokke) |
Din egen herre (The National Stage) |
October 24, 1913 |
Actor (Frants Graff, forfatter) |
Klær skaber folk (The National Stage) |
September 24, 1913 |
Actor (von Silberberg) |
Svein Uræd (The National Stage) |
May 12, 1913 |
Actor (Husbonden på Kirkegården) |
Livets kaos (The National Stage) |
April 11, 1913 |
Actor (Paul Kreindl) |
Clamer Eberhardt (The National Stage) |
March 14, 1913 |
Actor (Clamer Eberhardt) |
Milepæle (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1913 |
Actor |
Charlotte Fredrikke (The National Stage) |
January 15, 1913 |
Actor (Kammerherre Bülow, hoffmarskalk) |
Jean de France (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1912 |
Actor (Pierre) |
Geisha (The National Stage) |
Navember 22, 1912 |
Actor (Katana, Kaptein i det keiserlig-japanske Artilleri) |
Zebraen (The National Stage) |
October 13, 1912 |
Actor (Eduard Nathan) |
Per Gadd (The National Stage) |
October 4, 1912 |
Actor (Petter Hansen) |
De fem Frankfurtere (The National Stage) |
September 13, 1912 |
Actor (Grev Fehrenberg, hofmarskalk) |
Bjerg-Eivind og hans hustru (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1912 |
Actor (Bjerg-Eivind) |
Krig i Fred (The National Stage) |
August 11, 1912 |
Actor (Ernst Hagen, korpslæge) |
Dora (The National Stage) |
August 2, 1912 |
Actor (Tekli) |
Orfeus i underverdenen (The National Stage) |
April 8, 1912 |
Actor (Bachus) |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
April 4, 1912 |
Actor (Martin, Absalons sønn fra første egteskap) |
Medusa (The National Stage) |
March 19, 1912 |
Actor (Rogoschin) |
Maria Stuart i Skotland (The National Stage) |
February 19, 1912 |
Actor (David Rizzio) |
The Shot and Wounded (The National Stage) |
February 9, 1912 |
Actor (Gabriel Utbø) |
Idyllen (The National Stage) |
January 12, 1912 |
Actor (Ove Gar) |
Anna Karénin (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1911 |
Actor (Grev Wronsky) |
Kampen (The National Stage) |
September 12, 1911 |
Actor (Presten Ramm) |
Carmen (The National Stage) |
August 24, 1911 |
Singer (Remendado) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1911 |
Actor (Bogtrykker Aslaksen ) |
Henrik VIII og Anna Boleyn (The National Stage) |
April 17, 1911 |
Actor (Narren) |
Høstmanøvrer (The National Stage) |
March 1, 1911 |
Actor (Premierløitnant von Lorrenthy) |
Taifun (The National Stage) |
February 28, 1911 |
Actor (Dr. Tokeramo) |
Friarar (The National Stage) |
February 5, 1911 |
Actor (Lars Kvam) |
Den stærkeste magt (The National Stage) |
January 13, 1911 |
Actor (Louis Klauffsky) |
Høit spil (The National Stage) |
December 11, 1910 |
Actor (Gunnar) |
Det lykkelige skibbrud (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1910 |
Actor (En drukken mann) |
Høstmanøvrer (The National Stage) |
Navember 9, 1910 |
Actor (Premierløitnant von Lorrenthy) |
Amatørtyven (The National Stage) |
October 8, 1910 |
Actor (Lord Crowley) |
A Night's Lodging AKA The Lower Depths (The National Stage) |
September 16, 1910 |
Actor (Waska Pepel) |
Madame Butterfly (The National Stage) |
August 2, 1910 |
Singer (Goro Nakodo) |
Fjeldeventyret (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1910 |
Actor (Albek) |
Forbuden frugt (The National Stage) |
April 29, 1910 |
Actor (Kildal) |
Friarar (The National Stage) |
April 15, 1910 |
Actor (Lars Kvam) |
Ilden paasat -? (The National Stage) |
April 10, 1910 |
Actor (Putten) |
Livets Skaal (The National Stage) |
March 28, 1910 |
Actor (Prebensen) |
Varulven (The National Stage) |
March 12, 1910 |
Actor (Henrik Flint) |
Pigernes Alfred (The National Stage) |
February 27, 1910 |
Actor (Pastor Ballemose) |
Carmen (The National Stage) |
February 6, 1910 |
Singer (Remendado) |
Aprilsnarrene eller Intrigen i Skolen (The National Stage) |
January 26, 1910 |
Actor (Fugtel) |
De Nygifte (The National Stage) |
January 2, 1910 |
Actor (Aksel) |
Pernille's Brief Experience as a Lady (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1909 |
Actor (Galgenfrist) |
Easter (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1909 |
Actor (Benjamin, gymnasiast) |
Til Sæters (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1909 |
Actor (Senby) |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
March 22, 1909 |
Actor (Martin, Absalons sønn fra første egteskab) |
Over Ævne I (The National Stage) |
February 20, 1909 |
Actor (Bratt 1910), Actor (Krøyer 1909) |
Pernille's Brief Experience as a Lady (The National Stage) |
December 2, 1908 |
Actor (Galgenfrist) |
De Nygifte (The National Stage) |
June 19, 1908 |
Actor (Aksel) |
Ervingen (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1908 |
Actor (Aasmund) |
Johan Ulfstjerna (The National Stage) |
April 3, 1908 |
Actor (Helge Ulfstjerna ) |
Første Violin (The National Stage) |
March 9, 1908 |
Actor (Ludvig) |
Moderate Løier (The National Stage) |
January 24, 1908 |
Actor (Kristian Pedersen) |
César Girodots Testamente (The National Stage) |
January 12, 1908 |
Actor (Første tjener) |
Soldaterløier (The National Stage) |
January 12, 1908 |
Actor (Løitnant Vilmer) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) |
January 8, 1908 |
Actor (Kammerjunker H. von Ahnskjold) |
Amatørtyven (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1907 |
Actor (Lord Crowley) |
Kloen (The National Stage) |
December 8, 1907 |
Actor (Paul Ignace) |
Thummelumsen (The National Stage) |
Navember 17, 1907 |
Actor (Nusgaard) |
Det store Lod (The National Stage) |
Navember 3, 1907 |
Actor (Herring, student / Jansen / Verten), Actor (Meyer) |
Ungdomsleg (The National Stage) |
October 6, 1907 |
Actor (Oskar Kjeldsen) |
Triplepatte (The National Stage) |
September 15, 1907 |
Actor (Hubert, tjener hos Herbelier), Actor (Markis d'Avry) |
Ambrosius (The National Stage) |
September 5, 1907 |
Actor (Gjest) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) |
August 25, 1907 |
Actor (Kammerjunker H. von Ahnskjold) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Stage) |
July 1907 |
Actor (Von Passarge) |
Livets Maskerade (The National Stage) |
June 14, 1907 |
Actor (Friedrich) |
Kean (The National Stage) |
June 10, 1907 |
Actor (Tom) |
Departementschefen (The National Stage) |
June 5, 1907 |
Actor (Bouquet Liégois) |
Paa Fossekjøb (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1907 |
Actor (Helge) |
Da Bjørgvin blev by (The National Stage) |
May 17, 1907 |
Actor (Egil Sigurdsøn fra Haus) |
Det blaa Værelse (The National Stage) |
April 28, 1907 |
Actor (Pigeon) |
Den nye Bibliothekar (The National Stage) |
April 14, 1907 |
Actor (En kommisionær), Actor (Leon Armadale) |
Bagermadamen (The National Stage) |
April 1, 1907 |
Actor (Leblanc, politioffiser) |
Ranke Viljer (The National Stage) |
March 17, 1907 |
Actor (Kammerherreinnen) |
Marthe (Kommandørens Døtre) (The National Stage) |
February 17, 1907 |
Actor (Fasting) |
Trilby (The National Stage) |
January 13, 1907 |
Actor (Gecko) |
Den mystiske Arv (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1906 |
Actor (Løytnant Bissen) |
Høigaards Pensionat (The National Stage) |
December 9, 1906 |
Actor (Erik Warming, arkitekt) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Stage) |
Navember 7, 1906 |
Actor (Von Passarge) |
Pernille's Brief Experience as a Lady (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1906 |
Actor (Galgenfrist) |
De Nygifte (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1906 |
Actor (Aksel) |
Sorgfuld Elskov (The National Stage) |
September 30, 1906 |
Actor (Fabrizio) |
Livets Maskerade (The National Stage) |
April 9, 1905 |
Actor (Friedrich) |