I vårt sted (The National Stage) |
September 6, 2024 |
Actor (Sara / Faren) |
Shockheaded Peter (The National Stage) |
Navember 25, 2023 |
Actor (Songaren) |
Lenis blikk - eller kunsten å trippe på åpenbaringens dørstokk. (2023) (The National Stage) |
September 9, 2023 |
Actor |
En handelsreisendes død (The National Stage) |
May 12, 2023 |
Actor (Linda Loman) |
Come From Away (The National Stage) |
December 9, 2022 |
Actor |
The children from Frostmofjellet (The National Stage) |
October 29, 2021 |
Actor |
En hyllest til Marie Takvam: Å falle og reise seg att (Nordland Theatre) |
May 31, 2021 |
Actor |
Bjørnejegerskens bekjennelser (The National StageTeater Innlandet) |
March 19, 2021 |
Actor |
Cabaret (The National Stage) |
December 9, 2020 |
Actor (Fräulein Schneider) |
Vestland Lockdown (The National Stage) |
June 17, 2020 |
Performer |
Will and Testaments (The National Stage) |
June 16, 2020 |
Actor (Bergljot) |
Vestland Lockdown (The National Stage) |
June 16, 2020 |
Performer |
Vestland Lockdown (The National Stage) |
June 11, 2020 |
Performer |
Vestland Lockdown (The National Stage) |
June 8, 2020 |
Performer |
Vestland Lockdown (The National Stage) |
June 5, 2020 |
Performer |
Vestland Lockdown (The National Stage) |
June 4, 2020 |
Performer |
Brand (The National Stage) |
April 25, 2020 |
Actor |
Cabaret (The National Stage) |
February 8, 2020 |
Actor (Fräulein Schneider) |
Å Bergen, Bergen* (Oh Bergen, Bergen) (The National Stage) |
Navember 2, 2019 |
Actor |
Regn* (Rain) (The National Stage) |
September 4, 2019 |
Actor (Mor / Skomakerfrue / Forteller) |
Henrik Ibsens samlede verker på 78 minutter* (Henrik Ibsen's collected works in 78 minutes) (The National Stage) |
March 7, 2019 |
Actor |
Will and Testaments (The National Stage) |
Navember 20, 2018 |
Actor (Bergljot) |
Hotel Norge (The National Stage) |
September 15, 2018 |
Actor (Jenny/servitrise) |
Plutselig står jeg igjen med meg selv i hånden og ser utover byen* (Suddenly, again I stand with myself in my hand, looking out over town) (The National Stage) |
May 26, 2018 |
Actor |
Kristin Lavransdatter (The National Stage) |
February 10, 2018 |
Actor (Inga/Fru Groa) |
Det gule tapetet (Jeff Pedersen Produksjonar) |
2018 |
Actor |
Historien om et mord* (The story of a murder) (The National Stage) |
Navember 25, 2017 |
Actor (Katarina) |
Historien om et mord* (The story of a murder) (The National Stage) |
Navember 18, 2017 |
Actor (Katarina) |
Historien om et mord* (The story of a murder) (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 2017 |
Actor (Katarina) |
Historien om et mord* (The story of a murder) (The National Stage) |
Navember 4, 2017 |
Actor (Katarina) |
Historien om et mord* (The story of a murder) (The National Stage) |
October 28, 2017 |
Actor (Katarina) |
Distriktdanseren (HMKscene) |
September 15, 2017 |
Direction |
Henrik Ibsens samlede verker på 78 minutter* (Henrik Ibsen's collected works in 78 minutes) (The National Stage) |
September 1, 2017 |
Actor |
En hyllest til Leonard Cohen (HMKscene) |
May 19, 2017 |
Singer, Text |
Kjerring! () |
2017 |
Actor |
Katastrofealarm (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 29, 2016 |
Actor (Cecilie Veiseth) |
The People of Hellemyr (The National Stage) |
Navember 5, 2015 |
Actor |
Momo AKA The Grey Gentlemen (The National Stage) |
February 13, 2015 |
Direction |
The People of Hellemyr (The National Stage) |
September 13, 2014 |
Actor |
Den Gode Hensigt (Svelvikspillet Den Gode Hensigt ) |
August 2014 |
Actor (Barbara) |
Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder (The National Theatre) |
March 6, 2014 |
Adapted by, Direction |
Annie (SceneKvelder AS) |
September 27, 2013 |
Actor (Miss Hannigan) |
Hans og Grete (Teaterhøgskolen) |
June 19, 2013 |
Script, Main producer |
When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town (The National Theatre) |
October 13, 2012 |
Actor (Tante Sofie) |
Peer Gynt (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
August 25, 2012 |
Actor (Passasjeren) |
Ta meg med! (Moss Kulturhus, Parkteatret AS) |
July 20, 2012 |
Actor |
Rock'n Roll Wolf (The National Stage) |
February 9, 2012 |
Actor (Fru Geit, Lykle) |
Rock'n Roll Wolf (The National Theatre) |
October 13, 2011 |
Actor (Jerven) |
Døden ved vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 2, 2011 |
Actor (Anne Sofie Richter) |
Døden ved vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 25, 2011 |
Actor (Anne Sofie Richter) |
Døden ved vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 18, 2011 |
Actor (Anne Sofie Richter) |
Døden ved vann (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 11, 2011 |
Actor (Anne Sofie Richter) |
Handverkarane (The Norwegian Theatre) |
April 8, 2011 |
Actor (Margrete) |
Trær som faller (The National Theatre) |
January 22, 2011 |
Actor (Forfatterinnen Jenny) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Theatre) |
October 30, 2010 |
Actor (Petrine) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) |
August 27, 2010 |
Actor (Stuepike) |
Ad hoc. Dynastiet (The National Theatre) |
May 19, 2010 |
Actor (Claudia) |
Bjørnson i 100! (The National TheatreThe National Library of Norway) |
April 24, 2010 |
Actor |
Fluenes herre (The National Theatre) |
March 6, 2010 |
Actor (Maurice) |
Fanny and Alexander (The National Theatre) |
Navember 7, 2009 |
Actor (Frøken Ester) |
Mamma Mia! (Folketeateret) |
March 19, 2009 |
Actor (Ruth) |
People Annihilation - or My Liver is Senseless (The National Stage) |
September 19, 2008 |
Actor (Fru Orm) |
Farlige forbindelser (The National Stage) |
April 5, 2008 |
Actor (Madame de Volanges) |
Noises Off (The National Stage) |
January 12, 2008 |
Actor (Belinda Blair/Flavia Brent) |
Den innbilt syke (The National Stage) |
April 14, 2007 |
Actor (Toinette, tjenestepike / Columbine) |
The Lady from the Sea (The National Stage) |
February 9, 2007 |
Actor (Ellida Wangel) |
På 'an igjen (The National Stage) |
Navember 11, 2005 |
Actor |
Alice in Wonderland (The National Stage) |
September 10, 2005 |
Actor |
Uten ekko (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 22, 2005 |
Actor (Hanne Wilhelmsen, politiførstebetjent) |
Scenes from a Marriage (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
February 2, 2005 |
Actor (Marianne) |
Død joker (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 30, 2002 |
Actor (Hanne Wilhelmsen, politiførstebetjent) |
The Wind in the Willows (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
Navember 8, 2002 |
Actor (Padden) |
When We Dead Awaken (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 4, 2002 |
Actor (Irene) |
The Pianist (The National TheatreJo Strømgren KompaniThe Torshov Theatre) |
March 14, 2002 |
Actor (Milans kone Vesna) |
Skyggen (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
February 6, 2002 |
Actor (Skygge 1 / Venninnen) |
I Hired a Contract Killer (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
September 4, 2001 |
Actor (Margaret) |
Vi er ikke kaker (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
April 25, 2001 |
Actor |
Cirkus (The National TheatreThe Torshov Theatre) |
January 17, 2001 |
Actor (Stallmester) |
King Lear (The National Stage) |
September 30, 2000 |
Actor (Narren) |
Carousel (The National Theatre) |
May 6, 2000 |
Actor (Helene Blom, arkitektens kone) |
Folk og Røvere i Kardemomme By (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 30, 1999 |
Actor (Jonatan, (gladest i mat)) |
Hver sin Lyst (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 4, 1999 |
Actor (Rosalinde, den forviste hertugens datter) |
But Tomorrow (The National Theatre) |
April 9, 1999 |
Actor |
The Animals in the Hunchback Wood (The National Theatre) |
March 12, 1999 |
Actor (Klatremus, en lystig mus) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Theatre) |
Navember 28, 1998 |
Actor (Fuglemor / Tjener / Hoffdame) |
The Threepenny Opera (The National Theatre) |
Navember 14, 1998 |
Actor (Jimmy /Dolly) |
Brand (The National Theatre) |
August 27, 1998 |
Actor (Gerd) |
Balkongen (Trøndelag Theatre) |
April 25, 1998 |
Actor (Carmen) |
Damelunsj (Trøndelag Theatre) |
February 28, 1998 |
Actor (Diddi) |
West Side Story (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 5, 1997 |
Actor (Anybodys) |
Har jeg noen gang fortalt deg ... - Det verste jeg veit! (Trøndelag Theatre) |
1997 |
Actor |
Vårres Jul (Trøndelag TheatreSusasi) |
December 3, 1996 |
Actor (Hanna Leggen, Jos kone) |
Dyrene i Hakkebakkeskogen (Trøndelag Theatre) |
August 23, 1996 |
Actor (Kråke-Per / Stabbursmusa) |
A Doll's House (Trøndelag Theatre) |
February 9, 1996 |
Actor (Nora) |
Three Tall Women (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 9, 1995 |
Actor (C) |
Katta på Dovre (Trøndelag Theatre) |
January 4, 1995 |
Actor (Bestemor / Leppa ) |
Oleanna (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 7, 1994 |
Actor (Carol) |
Little girl blue (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 4, 1994 |
Actor |
Ibsens barn (Trøndelag Theatre) |
August 31, 1994 |
Actor |
Ikke si det til noen (Trøndelag Theatre) |
June 16, 1994 |
Actor |
Annie () |
1994 |
Co-creator |
Mein Kampf (Trøndelag Theatre) |
Navember 13, 1993 |
Actor (Gretchen) |
Dancing at Lughnasa (Trøndelag Theatre) |
September 17, 1993 |
Actor (Chris, 26 år, mor til Michael) |
Loppen i øret (Trøndelag Theatre) |
May 8, 1993 |
Actor (Antoinette Plucheux) |
SVK - Store, Vennlige Kjempe (Trøndelag Theatre) |
March 10, 1993 |
Actor (Sophie) |
Kongsemnerne (Trøndelag Theatre) |
February 17, 1993 |
Actor (Margrete) |
Ibsens barn (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 10, 1992 |
Actor |
Show til sjøs (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
March 12, 1992 |
Actor (Ruby) |
Kongens ring - Herøyspelet () |
1992 |
Actor (Inga, kona til Ragnar Herøyhovding - 2019 +2023) |
Samleren (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
September 27, 1991 |
Actor (Miranda) |
Tartuffe - utdrag (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
March 1, 1991 |
Actor (Dorine) |
Othello - utdrag (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
December 8, 1990 |
Actor (Desdemona) |
Tordenværet (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1989 |
Extra |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
February 27, 1988 |
Actor (Jannike), Actor (Wenche) |
Trollspeilet (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
Actor (Trollmor, Hulderjenta Moll, Mor til Gale-Mattis og bukk) |
Utlendingen (Statens teaterhøgskole) |
Actor (Inga) |