Zille Hansdotters forsvar for kvinnekjønnet (The National Stage) |
September 7, 1984 |
Actor |
Pernille's Brief Experience as a Lady (The National Stage) |
April 26, 1984 |
Actor (Magdelone) |
Thursday's Ladies (The National Stage) |
December 10, 1983 |
Actor (Sonja) |
Medea (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
Navember 15, 1983 |
Actor (Amma) |
Bess (The National Stage) |
April 28, 1983 |
Actor (Gunvor) |
Damer i dampbad (The National Stage) |
February 18, 1983 |
Actor (Dulcy Walters) |
I kjærlighet til to diktere (The National Stage) |
January 8, 1983 |
Actor |
Raskolnikov or Crime and Punishment (The National Stage) |
October 8, 1982 |
Actor (Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova) |
Maria kjemper med englene (The National Stage) |
May 26, 1982 |
Actor (Maria) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) |
May 20, 1981 |
Actor (Ella Rentheim) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
January 5, 1981 |
Actor (Mor Åse) |
Can't Pay? Won't Pay! (The National Stage) |
December 18, 1980 |
Actor (Antonia) |
Ut med deg, skitne madam (The National Stage) |
September 9, 1980 |
Actor (Amalie) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) |
March 8, 1980 |
Actor (Ella Rentheim) |
Ut med deg, skitne madam (The National Stage) |
1980 |
Actor (Amalie) |
Ut med deg, skitne madam (The National Stage) |
Navember 16, 1979 |
Actor (Amalie) |
Vi e' søkkande go' ! (The National Stage) |
March 3, 1979 |
Actor |
A Delicate Balance (The National Stage) |
January 16, 1979 |
Actor |
Haugtussa (The National Stage) |
January 4, 1978 |
Actor |
Kvinner (The National Stage) |
October 5, 1977 |
Actor (Comtesse de Lage) |
A Dream Play (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1977 |
Actor (Portnersken / Moren / Fruen / Kokotten) |
De som venter (The National Stage) |
March 19, 1977 |
Actor (Krokodillen) |
Frøken Margarida (The National Stage) |
January 14, 1977 |
Actor (Frøken Margarida) |
Vennlig hilsen Lucifer (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 8, 1977 |
Actor (Regine Larsen) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1976 |
Actor (Aslaug, Eilifs kone) |
Jan Herwitz (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 7, 1976 |
Actor (Jannike, Bøschens datter) |
Heksejakt (The National Stage) |
May 19, 1976 |
Actor (Ann Putnam) |
My Fair Lady (The National Stage) |
December 6, 1975 |
Actor (Mrs. Higgins) |
The Master Builder (The National Stage) |
May 21, 1975 |
Actor (Fru Aline Solness) |
Mumintroll i kulissene (The National Stage) |
January 22, 1975 |
Actor (Misa) |
Fluene (The National Stage) |
October 9, 1974 |
Actor (Klytaimnestra) |
Arturo Ui (The National Stage) |
May 22, 1974 |
Actor (Betty Dullfeet, blomkålsgrossist) |
The Diary of Anne Frank (The National Stage) |
October 10, 1973 |
Actor (Fru Edith Frank) |
Skuggen av ein helt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
December 19, 1972 |
Actor (Mrs. Grigson) |
Dengang (The National Stage) |
September 22, 1972 |
Actor |
Señora Carrar's Rifles (The National Stage) |
April 13, 1972 |
Actor (Teresa Carrar) |
Tilstanden (The National Stage) |
January 5, 1972 |
Actor (Birgit) |
Death of a Salesman (The National Stage) |
May 31, 1971 |
Actor (Linda) |
The Defeat (The National Stage) |
March 19, 1971 |
Actor (Guy) |
Huset i skogen* (The House in the Wood) (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1970 |
Actor (Mormor) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 17, 1970 |
Actor (Miss Baker) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 10, 1970 |
Actor (Miss Baker) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 3, 1970 |
Actor (Miss Baker) |
Inspektør Scott på farten - 4. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 26, 1970 |
Actor (Miss Baker) |
The Political Tinker (The National Stage) |
May 13, 1970 |
Actor (Anniken) |
Ghosts (The National Stage) |
March 11, 1970 |
Actor (Fru Helene Alving) |
Ghosts (The National Stage) |
January 26, 1970 |
Actor (Fru Helene Alving) |
Everything in the Garden (The National Stage) |
Navember 23, 1969 |
Actor (Louise) |
The Price (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1969 |
Actor (Esther Frantz) |
Når vi døde vågner (The National Stage) |
May 24, 1968 |
Actor (En reisende dame) |
The Cherry Orchard (The National Stage) |
February 28, 1968 |
Actor (Ljubov Andrejevna Ranjevskaja, godseierinne) |
Fiddler on the Roof (The National Stage) |
Navember 29, 1967 |
Actor (Yente, en ekteskapsformidlerske) |
Trojanerinnene (The National Stage) |
October 21, 1967 |
Actor (Kassamdra) |
The Wild Duck (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1967 |
Actor (Gina Ekdal) |
Den sterkeste (The National Stage) |
January 12, 1967 |
Actor (Mlle. Y) |
Anna Sophie Hedvig (The National Stage) |
May 3, 1966 |
Actor (Anna Sophie Hedvig) |
Geografi og Kjærlighet (The National Stage) |
Navember 12, 1965 |
Actor (Karen Tygesen) |
Dikterord om toner - Musikselskabet Harmonien 200 årsjubileum (The National Stage) |
October 9, 1965 |
Actor |
Den offentlige anklager (The National Stage) |
October 1, 1965 |
Actor (Thérésia Tallien) |
Brødrene Karamasov (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 19, 1965 |
Actor (Katherina Ivanovna Verkhovtsev (Katya)) |
Å, for en festlig krig (The National Stage) |
May 8, 1965 |
Actor |
The Master Builder (The National Stage) |
March 30, 1965 |
Actor (Aline Solness) |
The Master Builder (The National Stage) |
March 28, 1965 |
Actor (Aline Solness) |
A Night's Lodging AKA The Lower Depths (The National Stage) |
October 20, 1964 |
Actor (Nastja, gatepike) |
Kreutzersonaten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 26, 1964 |
Actor (Fruen) |
Tirdalsbrødrene (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 16, 1964 |
Actor (Trisa / Resepsjonsdame / Fru Hansen) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1963 |
Actor (Heksen) |
Over Ævne II (The National Theatre) |
October 24, 1963 |
Actor (Else (Skinfdfellen)) |
Byen ved havet (The National Stage) |
February 26, 1963 |
Actor (Susanne) |
Byen ved havet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 3, 1962 |
Actor (Frk. Brun) |
Det siste kvarter (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
June 14, 1962 |
Actor (Maria) |
Kongsemnerne (The National Stage) |
May 23, 1962 |
Actor (Ingebjørg) |
Kattene (The National Stage) |
April 3, 1962 |
Actor (Rikke) |
Hennes Høyhet min kone (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1962 |
Actor (Dronning Louise) |
Mother Courage and Her Children (The National Stage) |
October 18, 1961 |
Actor (Katrine) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1961 |
Actor (Marta Bernick) |
Fellow Man (The National Stage) |
April 7, 1961 |
Actor (Ragnhild) |
Miraklet (The National Stage) |
Navember 22, 1960 |
Actor (Annie Sullivan) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
May 27, 1960 |
Actor (Madame Holbæk) |
Minneforestilling i anledning 50-årsdagen for Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons død (The National Stage) |
April 26, 1960 |
Actor |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
February 22, 1960 |
Actor (Jannike 1960) |
Henrik IV (The National Stage) |
February 12, 1960 |
Actor (Marchessa Matilda Spina) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1959 |
Actor (Augusta Sperling ) |
Vokenatt (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1959 |
Actor (Eli) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) |
April 25, 1959 |
Actor (Ophelia) |
Kristin Lavransdatter (The Wreath) (The National Stage) |
August 31, 1958 |
Actor (Eline Ormsdotter) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Stage) |
June 9, 1958 |
Actor (Titania) |
Flyktningen (The National Stage) |
October 14, 1957 |
Actor (Grensevaktens kone) |
Jacob von Tyboe (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 28, 1957 |
Actor (Lucilia, Leonoras datter) |
Kjærlighedens komedie (The National Stage) |
April 5, 1957 |
Actor (Svanhild) |
Det lykkelige skibbrudd (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 29, 1957 |
Actor (Leonora, Jeronimus' datter) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
January 6, 1957 |
Actor (Jannike 1960) |
Onkel Vanja (The National Stage) |
Navember 23, 1956 |
Actor (Sonja, Sofia Aleksandrrovna, Serebrajkovs datter av første ekteskap) |
Jean de France - eller Hans Frandsen (The National Stage) |
May 26, 1956 |
Actor (Elsebeth) |
Gildet på Solhaug (The National Stage) |
May 23, 1956 |
Actor (Signe, Margits søster) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) |
Navember 4, 1955 |
Actor (Petra, Tomas Stockmanns datter, lærerinne) |
Eventyret (The National Stage) |
April 2, 1954 |
Actor (Helene de Trévillac) |
Den stundesløse (The National Stage) |
January 28, 1954 |
Actor (Leonora) |
Hamlet (The National Stage) |
October 3, 1953 |
Actor (Ofelia) |
Andersens (The National Stage) |
September 8, 1953 |
Actor (Janna) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
Navember 15, 1952 |
Actor (Jannike 1960) |
Miss Julie (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1952 |
Actor (Frøken Julie) |
Flyvende sommer (The National Stage) |
March 6, 1952 |
Actor (Alma Winemiller) |
Det kunne vært deg (The National Stage) |
March 16, 1951 |
Actor (Maisen) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
March 9, 1951 |
Actor (Jannike 1960) |
Geografi og Kjærlighet (The National Stage) |
February 27, 1951 |
Actor (Helga) |
Når den ny vin blomstrer (The National Stage) |
October 1950 |
Actor (Helene) |
The Maids (The National Stage) |
May 2, 1950 |
Actor (Solange) |
Antigone (The National Stage) |
December 2, 1949 |
Actor (Ismene) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
Navember 22, 1949 |
Actor (Jannike 1960) |
Mascarade (The National Theatre) |
September 1, 1949 |
Actor (Leonora) |
The Heart of the King (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1948 |
Actor (Prinsessen) |
Dager på en sky (The National Theatre) |
October 21, 1948 |
Actor (Anadyomene) |
The fussy man (The National Theatre) |
March 10, 1948 |
Actor (Leonora) |
En lykkelig familie (The National Stage) |
March 5, 1948 |
Actor (Alice, datter av Sycamores) |
Tordenklippen (The National Stage) |
October 31, 1947 |
Actor (Melanie, Kurts´ datter) |
Alle fugler små vi er (The National Stage) |
September 2, 1947 |
Actor |
Når den ny vin blomstrer (The National Stage) |
August 22, 1947 |
Actor (Helene) |
Krane's Café (The National Stage) |
April 1, 1947 |
Actor (Borghild Stordal, Katinkas datter) |
De lykkelige dagene (The National Stage) |
February 25, 1947 |
Actor (Marianne, 18 år) |
Silkeborg (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1946 |
Actor (En hvitkledt dame) |
Lady Inger (The National Stage) |
October 23, 1945 |
Actor (Eline Gyldenløve, fru Ingers datter) |
Pappas hvite hansker (The National Stage) |
April 6, 1945 |
Actor |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
February 13, 1945 |
Actor (Jørund, tjenestepike hos Absalon) |
Det spøker på Klosterodden (The National Stage) |
October 17, 1944 |
Actor |