Loan TP Hoang

Loan TP Hoang was educated at Nordic Black Theatre School in Oslo. She has worked as a dancer for Molitrix Scenekunst, Ella Fiskum and Sølvi Edvardsen. Besides Loan TP Hoang has produced a number of performances with CrotonicX Exhale Performance Group, and she has been involved in the culture centre Hausmania.

In 2004 Loan TP Hoang was awarded Oslo City Artist Award for her work as a dancer.


(Objekt ID 4838)
Object type Person
Functions Artistic director, Choreographer, Dancer
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Adresse Husmannsgata 34, 0182 Oslo, Norway

Nordic Black Theatre School, Oslo.

Involved in productions (10)
Title Premiere Role
DRIV (Cirka TeaterTrondheim Chamber Music Festival) September 24, 2021 Choreography, Dancer
The History of Bestiality Part Three (Fantastic Four) April 28, 2008 Performer
Askepott og prinsen* (Cinderella and the Prince) (Brageteatret) January 25, 2008 Actor (Spinnekone), Dancer
TIME:not taken (Molitrix Scenekunst) September 13, 2007 Dancer
TIME:not taken (Molitrix Scenekunst) September 21, 2006 Dancer
Rasende Rebeller og andre Reddharer* (Raging rebels and other scaredy cats) (Cirka Teater) Navember 17, 2005 Performer
3x3 (Studio O) April 29, 2005 Performer
Memento mori (Sølvi Edvardsen) February 12, 2005 Dancer
Kurt Racks His Brain (Trøndelag Theatre) April 1, 2003 Actor (Fatima)
Paradisets have (Ibsen Theatre) 2002 Dancer, Puppeteer
Black Bride (Sølvi Edvardsen) Dancer