Knut Arild Flatner
(Objekt ID 46232)Object type | Person |
Born | August 27, 1973 |
Functions | Choreographer, Dancer |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Tilknyttet (1)
- Subjazz - Artistic director (from 2001 to )
Involved in productions (18)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Kaboom (Subjazz) | April 11, 2018 | Choreography |
Kaboom (Subjazz) | May 8, 2015 | Choreography |
MOVE - Morph - Kvart - Just2dance (Oslo Dance EnsembleThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | 2013 | Choreography |
MOVE 2012 O D E (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | 2012 | Choreography |
BLOOM (Subjazz) | March 23, 2011 | Choreography |
BLOOM (Subjazz) | March 17, 2011 | Choreography |
O D E 2011 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | 2011 | Choreography |
O D E 2010 - Oslo Danse Ensemble (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | Navember 19, 2010 | Choreography |
Dansefeber (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)Edderkoppen Scene) | October 9, 2007 | Other, Choreography |
Dansefeber (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)Edderkoppen Scene) | September 6, 2007 | Other, Choreography |
Bygones (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) | January 29, 2007 | Tour manager |
Bygones (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) | October 7, 2006 | Tour manager |
Oslo Danse Ensemble 10 år - Illusion Addicts - Kvart - Ulike (en del av helheten) - (J)ázz we like it (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | October 29, 2004 | Dancer (Illusionaddict i Illusions Addicts / (J)ázz we like it) |
Oslo Danse Ensemble 2002 - Kraak - Å akte og ære - Lullaby - Video - Chicken(s)wing (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | October 9, 2002 | Dancer (Å akte og ære / Lullaby / Chicken(s)wing) |
O D E vinter 2001 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | Navember 28, 2001 | Dancer (i Chicken(s)wing og Philip, Sylvias svoger i Ute i hagen) |
Oslo Danse Ensemble 2000 / ODE 2000 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | Navember 21, 2000 | Dancer (i Transitional Illumination, Tryin´ Times og Swizzlesticks) |
Big time - Oslo Danse Ensemble på Riksteaterturné - Zap Zombie - Angel - Shake well - The Rich Man´s Frug - Fièvre/Slakt - Big Time (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | March 12, 2000 | Dancer (Zap Zombie / Shake well / The Rich Man´s Frug / Big Time) |
O D E 1999 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | 1999 | Dancer (i Trying to fly og Shake well) |
Jazz you like it! (Oslo Dance EnsembleThe Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | 1998 | Dancer (i Jazz? It´s like Butta / i A lame brain gaine from my Honky Tonk Lorraine / i (J)azz we like it) |
West Side Story (Trøndelag Theatre) | September 5, 1997 | Actor (Anxious) |
Oslo Danse Ensemble vår 97 (Oslo Dance Ensemble) | 1997 | Dancer (i Jazz? It´s like Butta, Matters of The Heart, The Rich Man´s Frug og I May Be Wrong, But I Think You´re Wonderful) |
A Chorus Line (A/S ProsceniumThalia Teater AS) | September 5, 1996 | Actor (Innhopper) |