Per Maning


(Objekt ID 46213)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (9)
Title Premiere Role
The Seed (The Norwegian Theatre) January 19, 2018 Video/Film
The Story of a Marriage (Brageteatret) October 6, 2017 Photo, Video/Film
The Bible (The Norwegian Theatre) February 1, 2013 Photo
John Gabriel Borkman (Ibsen Theatre) 2012 Video/Film, Photo
John Gabriel Borkman (Ibsen Theatre) March 2011 Video/Film, Photo
Forsøk på å beskrive det ugjennomtrengelige (Ibsen Theatre) 2011 Photo
Jeg kunne gråte blod* (I could cry blood) (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 5, 2005 Photo
Jeg kunne gråte blod* (I could cry blood) (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 7, 2004 Photo
The Son (The Norwegian Theatre) April 5, 2003 Photo
Notes from the Underground (The Norwegian Theatre) March 29, 2000 Stage design, Stage design, Photo
Macbeth (The Norwegian Theatre) April 16, 1999 Photo