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Forestillingprogram til Dt Norske Teatrets produksjon Dobbelsats og freske fraspark (1976) pdf January 19, 1976 Download

Kjell Aukrust


(Objekt ID 45317)
Object type Person
Involved in productions (8)
Title Premiere Role
Heia Flåklypa!* (Go Pinchcliffe!) (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 29, 2016 Author, Idea
Krokryggen (The Norwegian Theatre) February 28, 1998 Author
Dobbelsats og freske fraspark (The Norwegian Theatre) February 9, 1994 Playwright
Gurin med reverompa (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) October 12, 1991 Author, Actor (Fortelleren)
SøndagsNielsen (Trøndelag Theatre) August 25, 1987 Text
Flåklypaballetten (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) January 12, 1983 Author
Dobbelsats og freske fraspark (The Norwegian Theatre) January 19, 1976 Author, Dramatised by
Dobbelsats og freske fraspark (The Norwegian Theatre) April 13, 1961 Costume design, Playwright, Director’s assistant, Stage design
Artworks (3)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
Gurin med reverompa 1991, Script, Children and youth – Author
The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix Movie – Author
Dobbelsats og freske fraspark Script – Author