Stian Sandersen


(Objekt ID 4459)
Object type Person
Functions Actor
Gender Male
Involved in productions (11)
Title Premiere Role
Midtsommerfortellinger (Dramafronten, Danmark) June 17, 2017 Actor
Trash (Grenland Friteater) June 18, 2010 Actor (Sverre)
Sense of Place V (Grenland Friteater) September 7, 2009 Performer
Bare no' bråta (Grenland Friteater) September 2, 2008 Actor
Sense of Place IV (Grenland Friteater) September 1, 2008 Performer
The Flight (Grenland Friteater) June 10, 2008 Singer, Actor (En spiller / En sanger / En skipper)
Sense of Place III (Grenland Friteater) August 29, 2007 Actor (Formann: Fævlane Veit III)
Den innbilt syke (The National Stage) April 14, 2007 Performer
Sense of Place II (Grenland Friteater) September 3, 2006 Actor (Formann: FÆVLANE VEIT II)
Fævlane veit (Grenland Friteater) September 6, 2005 Actor
Crossroads (Grenland Friteater) June 14, 2000 Actor