Johanne Eleonore Vogt

Also known as: Johanne Eleonore Lie


(Objekt ID 44305)
Object type Person
Also known as Johanne Eleonore Lie
Born December 20, 1870 (dead September 17, 1944)
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (6)
Title Premiere Role
Mødre (Christiania Theatre) October 22, 1895 Actor (Inger Leitom)
Lille Eyolf (Christiania Theatre) January 15, 1895 Actor (Asta Allmers)
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) January 6, 1895 Actor (Ragna )
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) Navember 21, 1894 Actor (Frøken Bernick)
Kjærlighedens Komedie (Christiania Theatre) April 4, 1893 Actor (Svanhild )
Peer Gynt (Christiania Theatre) March 9, 1892 Actor (Ingrid)