Fjeldeventyret (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
August 19, 1919 |
Direction |
Eventyret (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
March 1, 1917 |
Actor (Fru de Trevillac, Helenes bestemor) |
Gengangere (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
Navember 17, 1916 |
Actor (Fru Alving (Benefice-rolle)) |
Det ny system (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
September 11, 1916 |
Direction |
Husmandsjenten (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
January 14, 1916 |
Direction |
Moderate løier (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
February 12, 1915 |
Direction |
Geheimeraaden (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
January 6, 1915 |
Direction |
Kommandørens døtre (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
October 30, 1914 |
Direction |
Geografi og kjærlighet (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
September 16, 1914 |
Direction |
Samfundets støtter (Stavanger Faste Scene) |
September 16, 1914 |
Actor (Lona Hessel), Direction |
Gjengangere (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
May 30, 1913 |
Direction, Actor (Fru Helene Alving, enke etter kaptein og kammerherre Alving) |
Nitouche (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
May 18, 1913 |
Direction |
Paa tremandshaand (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
April 13, 1913 |
Direction |
Folkesnak (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
April 5, 1913 |
Direction |
Hjemmet (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
March 30, 1913 |
Direction |
Johan Ulfstjerna (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
March 13, 1913 |
Direction |
Til sæters (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
March 9, 1913 |
Direction |
Reisen til Kina (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 28, 1913 |
Direction |
Ilden paasat -? (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 22, 1913 |
Direction |
Civil (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 22, 1913 |
Direction |
Den røde kappe (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 20, 1913 |
Direction |
Gamle Heidelberg (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 2, 1913 |
Direction |
En fallit (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
January 17, 1913 |
Direction |
For Tonnys skyld! (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
January 7, 1913 |
Direction |
Per, Paal og Esben Askelad (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 31, 1912 |
Direction |
Den glade enke (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 10, 1912 |
Direction |
Svend Dyrings hus (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 26, 1912 |
Direction |
Den engelske lods (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 10, 1912 |
Direction |
Spionen (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 22, 1912 |
Direction |
Zoologi (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 15, 1912 |
Direction |
Storken (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 4, 1912 |
Direction |
De gamles julaften (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 28, 1912 |
Direction |
Kameliadamen (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 23, 1912 |
Direction |
I lovens navn (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 8, 1912 |
Direction |
Medusa (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 1, 1912 |
Direction |
Tusind og en nat (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
April 18, 1912 |
Direction |
33.333 (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
April 14, 1912 |
Direction |
Firfeier (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
March 15, 1912 |
Direction |
Det store lod (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 27, 1912 |
Direction |
Geografi og kjærlighed (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
February 8, 1912 |
Direction |
Idyllen (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
January 25, 1912 |
Direction |
Mestertyven Arsène Lupin (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
January 16, 1912 |
Direction |
Landmandsliv (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
January 4, 1912 |
Direction |
Faddergaven (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 31, 1911 |
Direction |
Anna Karenin (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 12, 1911 |
Direction |
Peer Gynt (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
December 3, 1911 |
Direction |
Axel og Valborg (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 26, 1911 |
Direction |
En søndag på Amager (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 16, 1911 |
Direction |
Pikernes Alfred (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
Navember 2, 1911 |
Direction |
Den vantro Thomas (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 24, 1911 |
Direction |
Kampene i Stefan Borgs hjem (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 17, 1911 |
Direction |
Geheimraaden (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
October 15, 1911 |
Direction |
Fjeldeventyret (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 28, 1911 |
Direction |
Kjærlighedens øine (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 24, 1911 |
Direction |
The Lady from the Sea (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 16, 1911 |
Direction |
Sigurd Jorsalfar (Trondhjems Nationale Scene) |
September 15, 1911 |
Direction |
A Doll's House () |
May 1901 |
Main producer, Actor (Nora), Staging |
Ghosts (The National Theatre) |
March 5, 1900 |
Actor (Fru Helene Alving) |
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) |
May 31, 1899 |
Actor (Fru Bernick) |
Aftenrøde (Christiania Theatre) |
October 17, 1898 |
Actor (Fru Elina Kareno) |
Lille Eyolf (Christiania Theatre) |
January 15, 1895 |
Actor (Rottejomfruen) |
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) |
Navember 21, 1894 |
Actor (Fru Bernick) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
September 3, 1891 |
Actor (Selma ) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
December 1, 1890 |
Actor (Selma ) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
August 26, 1889 |
Actor (Selma ) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
September 13, 1888 |
Actor (Selma ) |
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) |
March 13, 1888 |
Actor (Fru Bernick) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
September 5, 1887 |
Actor (Selma ) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
October 12, 1886 |
Actor (Selma ) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) |
September 9, 1884 |
Actor (Selma ) |
Min Stjerne (Christiania Theatre) |
September 29, 1882 |
Actor (Hortense, Kerbennecs Datter) |
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) |
April 12, 1882 |
Actor (Fru Bernick) |
A Doll's House (Christiania Theatre) |
September 3, 1880 |
Actor (Fru Linde) |
A Doll's House (Christiania Theatre) |
January 20, 1880 |
Actor (Fru Linde) |
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) |
Navember 13, 1879 |
Actor (Fru Bernick) |
Min Stjerne (Christiania Theatre) |
October 24, 1879 |
Actor (Hortense, Kerbennecs Datter) |
Leonarda (Christiania Theatre) |
April 22, 1879 |
Actor (Oldemor) |
Samfundets Støtter (Christiania Theatre) |
March 7, 1879 |
Actor (Fru Bernick) |
En Kone, som springer ud af Vinduet (Christiania Theatre) |
January 12, 1877 |
Actor (Gabrielle, Raouls kone) |
En Kone, som springer ud af Vinduet (Christiania Theatre) |
June 20, 1876 |
Actor (Gabrielle, Raouls kone) |
Peer Gynt (Christiania Theatre) |
February 24, 1876 |
Actor (Solveig) |
Kongs-Emnerne (Christiania Theatre) |
September 1, 1873 |
Actor (Ingebjørg ) |
En Kone, som springer ud af Vinduet (Christiania Theatre) |
October 7, 1872 |
Actor (Gabrielle, Raouls kone) |