Mikhail Bulgakov


(Objekt ID 4377)
Object type Person
Functions Author, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Russian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (6)
Title Premiere Role
Mesteren og Margarita (The National Stage) May 23, 2024 Author
Flukt (The National Theatre) August 22, 2023 Playwright
The Master and Margarita (Rogaland Theatre) March 5, 2005 Author
Et hundehjerte (Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo New Theatre)) October 14, 1998 Playwright
Molière (The Norwegian Theatre) September 20, 1980 Playwright
Familien Turbin (The National Theatre) August 20, 1936 Playwright
Artworks (5)
Title Publiseringsdato Role
The Master and Margarita 1939, Script – Author
Et hundehjerte Script – Author
Molière Script, Drama – Author
Familien Turbin 1926, Script, Drama – Author
Flukt 1928, Script, Drama, Satire – Author