Lars Norén

Lars Norén (born MAy 9 1944, dead January 26 2021) was a Swedish playwright, writer and director, often described as an auteur.

He made his debut as a playwright in 1973 and has written more than 70 plays since then. Among them are Courage to Kill, Akt utan nåd* (Act without mercy) and Orestes (all in 1980), Night is Mother to the Day (1982), Chaos is the Neighbour of God (1983) and Silence (1988), Tiden är vårt hem* (Time is Our Home) (1992), Human Circle 3:1 (1998), The Shadow Boys (1999) and November (2001).

Lars Norénwon Nordic Drama Award 1998 for the play The Clinic.

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Swedish title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 4372)
Object type Person
Born May 9, 1944 (dead January 26, 2021)
Functions Author, Director, Auteur, Dramatist/Playwright
Nationality Swedish
Gender Male

Lars Norén personally directed the production November, based on his own play and produced by The Norwegian Theatre in 2001. Itwas nominated for The Hedda Award 2001 in the best production category. This was the first time Norén directed any of his plays outside of the Swedish borders.


The Norwegian Theatre on November,, 09.11.2012,

Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 2001,, 08.11.2012,

Store Norske Leksikon om Lars Norén,, 12.11.2012,