Ingebjørg Torgersen

Ingebjørg Torgersen is a filmmaker, educated at the National Film School of Denmark, and a conceptual artist. She also has a background in agricultural studies. At her farm, Hafstein, she develops film, theatre and trees


(Objekt ID 437)
Object type Person
Functions Film maker, Visual artist
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Member of Other
Adresse Hafstein gård, , Norway
Affiliations (1)
Involved in productions (13)
Title Premiere Role
Under er klovnehjerte (Gorgon Productions) April 30, 2016 Photo, Idea
Evita (The Norwegian Theatre) September 5, 2012 Video/Film
= Oslo (The Norwegian Theatre) March 2, 2012 Director’s assistant, Video/Film
Still Life (Gorgon Productions) April 2009 Animation, Actor, Direction, Stage design, Playwright
Evilution? (FaktaMorgana) February 10, 2009 Consultant
In Deep Water (Gorgon Productions) 2008 Video/Film, Playwright, Direction, Concept/Idea, Visual design, Text
Still Life (Gorgon Productions) March 15, 2007 Animation, Actor, Direction, Stage design, Playwright
MOTOR eller Kundera-variasjoner (Motor or Kundera Variations) (FaktaMorgana) October 5, 2006 Concept/Idea, Text, Direction
The ballad of me and yoko () 2006 Co-creator
Rambukk (Gorgon Productions) March 3, 2005 Concept/Idea, Direction
Bing og Bang – SvaneSang* (Bing and Bang – Swansong) (Bing og Bang ProduksjonerGorgon Productions) 2004 Playwright, Direction
Stille Ben (Gorgon Productions) 2003 Dramaturge, Direction
Legitim vold? (FaktaMorgana) 2001 Co-creator
Read My Lips (VerdensteatretBaktruppen) September 30, 1997 Co-creator