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Artikkel om Baktruppen av Mårten Spångberg (2011) pdf 2000 Download

Mårten Spångberg


(Objekt ID 4323)
Object type Person
Functions Choreographer, Dramaturge, Curator, Artist, Critic
Nationality Swedish
Gender Male
Adresse Berlin, Germany

Mårten Spångberg is an artist living and working in Berlin and Stockholm. In his practice as an artist he focuses on distribution, accountability and ownership, particularly in relation to decentralised modes of experience. Together with architect Tor Lindstrand, he is the creative force behind International Festival, which works with an expansive and intangible form of performance. Spångberg has also worked as a curator and has been dramaturge for a number of choreographers, in addition to working on his own artistic projects. His solo performance ”Heja Sverige” was part of the festival programme at Oktoberdans 2006.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Oktoberdans 2006. 19.07.2010: BIT Teatergarasjen -archive

Involved in productions (17)
Title Premiere Role
Escape the Universe (by Proxy) April 13, 2018 Consultant
Powered by Emotion () Navember 8, 2017 Choreography, Performer
Escape the Universe (by Proxy) March 29, 2017 Consultant
Digital Technology () October 25, 2016 Concept/Idea, Main producer, Performer
Natten () June 3, 2016 Choreography
The Internet () March 21, 2015 Co-creator, Performer, Main producer
La Substance, but in English () September 13, 2014 Main producer, Performer, Co-creator
La Substance, but in English () January 2014 Main producer, Performer, Co-creator
The Solitary Shame Announced by a Piano (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) March 17, 2012 Dramaturge
Dramaturgy & Discourse (BIT Teatergarasjen) October 20, 2006 Other
Skizo (Wilda Dance Productions) May 6, 2000 Dramaturge
The Solitary Shame Announced by a Piano (Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt) October 6, 1997 Dramaturge
Read My Lips (VerdensteatretBaktruppen) September 30, 1997 Co-creator
Benjamin i Helfigur () April 18, 1997 Co-creator
...except that I would like to get rid of it (zero visibility corp.) February 20, 1997 Dramaturge
Refleksjonens poetiske rom () 1997 Co-creator
Powered by Emotion () Choreography, Dancer
Heja Sverige (Go Sweden) () Performer, Choreography
Standing People () Dramaturge
Nature (Fame International) Co-creator, Performer