Politi, politi! (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
June 30, 1970 |
Actor (Generalen ) |
Loppen i øret (The National Stage) |
May 15, 1968 |
Actor (Dr. Finache) |
Fiddler on the Roof (The National Stage) |
Navember 29, 1967 |
Actor (Politikommisaren) |
The Zoo Story (The National Stage) |
January 12, 1967 |
Actor (Peter) |
Anna Sophie Hedvig (The National Stage) |
May 3, 1966 |
Actor (Direktør Karmach) |
Østenfor sol og vestenfor måne (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1965 |
Actor (Østenvinden) |
Geografi og Kjærlighet (The National Stage) |
Navember 12, 1965 |
Actor (Maleren Henning) |
Brødrene Karamasov (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 19, 1965 |
Actor |
Å, for en festlig krig (The National Stage) |
May 8, 1965 |
Actor |
Skjønne ungdom (The National Stage) |
March 26, 1965 |
Actor (En handelsreisende) |
Carousel (The National Stage) |
January 22, 1965 |
Actor (Doktor Fredrik Holm) |
Hans Majestets Foged (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
January 19, 1965 |
Actor (Byråsjef Loretz) |
A Night's Lodging AKA The Lower Depths (The National Stage) |
October 20, 1964 |
Actor (Mikhail Ivanov Kostylev, eieren av nattherberget) |
Winslowsaken (The National Stage) |
October 2, 1964 |
Actor (Sir Robert Morton) |
Pappa tar gull (The National Stage) |
June 12, 1964 |
Actor ("Sølibat", skreddermester) |
The Physicists (The National Stage) |
May 22, 1964 |
Actor (Overpleieren) |
Winslowsaken (The National Stage) |
April 28, 1964 |
Actor (Sir Robert Morton) |
Hamlet (The National Stage) |
April 7, 1964 |
Actor (Gyldenstjerne) |
Kari Trestakk (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1963 |
Actor (Den gamle kongen) |
The Wild Duck (Trøndelag Theatre) |
October 22, 1963 |
Actor (Relling, lege) |
Den stundesløse (The National Stage) |
May 24, 1963 |
Actor (Leonard) |
Othello (The National Stage) |
March 29, 1963 |
Actor (Cassio) |
Den Gjerrige (The National Stage) |
February 4, 1963 |
Actor (Anselme) |
Tornerose (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1962 |
Actor (Hoffmarskalken) |
Rhinoceros (The National Stage) |
October 31, 1962 |
Actor (Botard) |
...it spel om Adams fal (The National Stage) |
October 24, 1962 |
Actor (Figura) |
Kongsemnerne (The National Stage) |
May 23, 1962 |
Actor (Jatgeir Skald (om høsten)), Actor (Vegard Væradal) |
Det hellige eksperiment (The National Stage) |
March 16, 1962 |
Actor (Don Pedro) |
Hennes Høyhet min kone (The National Stage) |
January 23, 1962 |
Actor (Erkebiskopen) |
Den store Kean (The National Stage) |
December 1, 1961 |
Actor (Greven av Koefeld) |
Mother Courage and Her Children (The National Stage) |
October 18, 1961 |
Actor (Feltherren) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) |
May 25, 1961 |
Actor (Sandstad) |
Galileo Galilei (The National Stage) |
April 26, 1961 |
Actor (Hoffmarksalken), Actor (Christopher Clavius) |
Hustruleken (The National Stage) |
January 24, 1961 |
Actor (Lawrence) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1960 |
Actor (Greven) |
Du er morderen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 6, 1960 |
Actor (Nils Meyer) |
An-Magritt (The National Stage) |
September 1, 1960 |
Actor (Anders Tvedt) |
Dacapo, elskling (The National Stage) |
March 11, 1960 |
Actor (Luigi Bardini) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
February 22, 1960 |
Actor (Tollinspektøren 1960) |
Henrik IV (The National Stage) |
February 12, 1960 |
Actor (Landolfo (Lolo)) |
Revisoren (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 5, 1960 |
Actor (Postmesteren) |
Det lykkelige valg (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1959 |
Actor (Julius Sommerblom) |
Tolv edsvorne menn (The National Stage) |
October 16, 1959 |
Actor (Juryformannen) |
The Girl in the Limousine (The National Stage) |
June 16, 1959 |
Actor (Freddie Neville) |
The Threepenny Opera (The National Stage) |
May 29, 1959 |
Actor (Krokfinger-Jakob) |
Salig Peder Påske (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 3, 1959 |
Actor (Stiftsamtmanden) |
Pippi Longstocking (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1957 |
Actor (Blom) |
Herren og hans tjenere (The National Stage) |
Navember 1, 1957 |
Actor (Dommeren) |
Jacob von Tyboe (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 28, 1957 |
Actor (En offiser) |
Wonderful Town (The National Stage) |
May 11, 1957 |
Actor (Fletcher) |
The Diary of Anne Frank (The National Stage) |
March 8, 1957 |
Actor (Dr. Dussel) |
Det lykkelige skibbrudd (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 29, 1957 |
Actor (Kavalleren) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
January 6, 1957 |
Actor (Tollinspektøren 1960) |
Onkel Vanja (The National Stage) |
Navember 23, 1956 |
Actor (Telegin, Ilja Ilitsj, ruinert godseier) |
Elsk meg (The National Stage) |
August 30, 1956 |
Actor (Nils, Agathes elsker) |
Abrakadabra (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 7, 1956 |
Actor (Efraim, ågerkarl) |
Jean de France - eller Hans Frandsen (The National Stage) |
May 26, 1956 |
Actor (Antonius) |
Gildet på Solhaug (The National Stage) |
May 23, 1956 |
Actor (Kongenss Sendebud) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Stage) |
Navember 4, 1955 |
Actor |
Donadieu (The National Stage) |
October 7, 1955 |
Actor |
The Witch (The National Stage) |
May 27, 1955 |
Actor (Jørgen, prest til St. Martinskirken) |
På Cirkus med Prøysen, Bollerud & Co (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1954 |
Actor (Mons / Mikkel Rev) |
Eventyret (The National Stage) |
April 2, 1954 |
Actor (André d'Eguzon) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) |
March 2, 1954 |
Actor (Monsieur Ballon / Styrmannen) |
Andersens (The National Stage) |
September 8, 1953 |
Actor (Rotta) |
Mascarade (The National Stage) |
June 3, 1953 |
Actor (Leander) |
Anything goes (The National Stage) |
May 12, 1953 |
Actor (Purseren) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
Navember 15, 1952 |
Actor (Tollinspektøren 1960) |
Sheppey (The National Stage) |
Navember 7, 1952 |
Actor (Mr. Bolton) |
Den glade enke (The National Stage) |
February 6, 1952 |
Actor (Kromow, pontevedrinsk legasjonsråd) |
Lykkelige tid (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1951 |
Actor (Desmond Bonnard, Bibbis onkel) |
Bryllupet i kongsgården (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1951 |
Direction, Actor (Prinsen) |
The Lady from the Sea (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1951 |
Actor (Ballestad) |
Teater (The National Stage) |
May 30, 1951 |
Actor (Lord Charles Temperley, medeier i Siddonsteatret) |
Romeo and Juliet (The National Stage) |
May 11, 1951 |
Actor (Mercutio) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
March 9, 1951 |
Actor (Tollinspektøren 1960) |
Geografi og Kjærlighet (The National Stage) |
February 27, 1951 |
Actor (Henning) |
Leocadia (The National Stage) |
January 20, 1951 |
Actor (2. hovmester) |
Askeladden og kongsdatteren (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1950 |
Direction |
Death of a Salesman (The National Stage) |
Navember 28, 1950 |
Actor (Happy Loman) |
Annie get your gun (The National Stage) |
September 9, 1950 |
Actor (Foster Wilson) |
Harvey (The National Stage) |
March 10, 1950 |
Actor (Psykiater) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Stage) |
Navember 22, 1949 |
Actor (Tollinspektøren 1960) |
Agnete (The National Stage) |
October 19, 1949 |
Actor (Fenger) |
Drømmeren (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 16, 1949 |
Direction |
Czardasfyrstinnen (Rogaland Theatre) |
May 12, 1949 |
Actor (Feri von Kerekes, kalt Feri Bacsi) |
Fru Inger til Østraat (Rogaland Theatre) |
April 1, 1949 |
Actor (Riksråden Nils Lykke, dansk ridder) |
Skipper Worse (Rogaland Theatre) |
February 18, 1949 |
Actor (Sivert Jespersen, haugianer, handelsmann) |
Ordet (Rogaland Theatre) |
February 3, 1949 |
Actor (Dr. Houen) |
Solblomsten (Rogaland Theatre) |
December 12, 1948 |
Direction |
Scampolo (Rogaland Theatre) |
Navember 4, 1948 |
Actor (Tito Sacchi, ingeniør) |
Kjære Ruth! (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 22, 1948 |
Direction |
De fire små (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 26, 1948 |
Actor (André Labiche, sjåfør hos den franske delegerte) |
Hollenderpiken (The National Stage) |
May 22, 1948 |
Actor (Hofmarskalk von Eberius) |
Helt siden Paradiset (The National Stage) |
April 20, 1948 |
Actor (Ektemannen) |
En lykkelig familie (The National Stage) |
March 5, 1948 |
Actor (Tony Kirby) |
Sjokoladesoldaten (The National Stage) |
January 20, 1948 |
Actor (Major Saranoff) |
Helligtrekongersaften (The National Stage) |
January 24, 1947 |
Writer |
The Glass Menagerie (The National Stage) |
January 4, 1947 |
Actor (Tom Wingfield) |
Silkeborg (The National Stage) |
October 25, 1946 |
Actor (Studenten) |
Mascarade (The National Stage) |
September 18, 1946 |
Actor (Leander) |
Ti små negergutter (Hjorth-Jenssens Sommerteater) |
July 16, 1946 |
Actor (Dr. Armstrong) |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) |
June 4, 1946 |
Actor (Henrik Meisel) |
Kari, Mari og prinsen* (Kari, Mari and the prince) (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1945 |
Actor (Prinsen) |
Lady Inger (The National Stage) |
October 23, 1945 |
Actor (Rigsråden Nils Lykke, dansk ridder) |
Leken i skogen (The National Stage) |
October 27, 1943 |
Actor (Orlando) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
May 1943 |
Actor (Einar) |
Gerts have (The National Stage) |
March 12, 1943 |
Actor (Student Bull) |
Brand (The National Stage) |
March 5, 1942 |
Actor (Einar) |
Jeg drepte! (The National Stage) |
February 6, 1942 |
Actor (Reservelege Bøhmer) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Stage) |
January 27, 1942 |
Actor (Erhard Borkman) |
The Count of Luxembourg (The National Stage) |
December 3, 1941 |
Actor (Laugne, maler) |
Carousel (The National Stage) |
April 4, 1941 |
Actor (Jon Rylling) |
Magdalene (The National Stage) |
March 25, 1941 |
Actor (Kjell Ryan, Magdalenes sønn av 1. ekteskap) |
Getting Gertie's Garter (The National Stage) |
December 26, 1940 |
Actor (Algy Briggs) |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) |
June 20, 1940 |
Actor (Henrik Meisel) |
The Spanish Fly (The National Stage) |
June 4, 1940 |
Actor (Henrik Meisel) |
The Mother (The National Stage) |
January 26, 1940 |
Actor (Toni) |
The Ghost Train (The National Stage) |
December 17, 1939 |
Actor (Charles Murdock) |
Anthony and Anna (The National Stage) |
Navember 26, 1939 |
Actor (Fred) |
Lilac Time (The National Stage) |
October 4, 1939 |
Actor (Ferdinand Binder, postfullmektig) |
Getting Gertie's Garter (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
March 19, 1939 |
Actor (Algy Briggs, Patties bror) |
The Ghost Train (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
Navember 1938 |
Actor (Charles Murdock, juniorsjef i Murdock & Son) |
Det mystiske vertshus (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
October 1, 1938 |
Actor (Oswald Hope) |
På jakt efter fruen (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
September 20, 1938 |
Actor (En ung mann) |
Min søster og jeg (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) |
June 1, 1938 |
Actor (Meddommer) |
Fric Frac (innbrudd) (Det Nye Teater) |
May 7, 1937 |
Actor (Et bud) |
Den svevende jomfru (Scala Teater) |
December 26, 1936 |
Actor (Janicke, bokholder hos Massenbach ) |
Emil og Detektivene (Det Nye Teater) |
Navember 27, 1936 |
Actor (En jounalist) |
The Merchant of Venice (Det Nye Teater) |
October 28, 1936 |
Actor (Stephano, Portias tjener) |
Tre på en hest (Det Nye Teater) |
August 21, 1936 |
Actor (Al, fotograf) |
Dr. Prätorius (Det Nye Teater) |
May 3, 1936 |
Actor (En ung begeistret student) |