Alfhild Grimsgaard


(Objekt ID 41565)
Object type Person
Born 1890
Functions Choreographer, Dancer, Pedagog
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Website IMDb
Involved in productions (18)
Title Premiere Role
Olaf Trygvason (The National Theatre) December 26, 1945 Dancer
Lille prinsesse Solgull* (Little Princess Sungold) (The National Theatre) December 18, 1941 Choreography
The Political Tinker (The Norwegian Theatre) October 26, 1940 Choreography
Czardasfyrstinnen (Trøndelag Theatre) Navember 21, 1939 Choreography
Figaros bryllup (The National Theatre) August 18, 1938 Choreography
Hoffmanns Eventyr (The National Theatre) August 9, 1938 Choreography
Revisoren (The Norwegian Theatre) December 26, 1936 Choreography
Pers reise til månen* (Per's Journey to the Moon) (The National Theatre) December 26, 1934 Choreography
Jomfruburet (The National Theatre) December 8, 1934 Choreography
Lykke på reisen (Carl Johan Teatret (Karl Johans gate)) September 1, 1933 Actor (Frøken Triller)
Bajaderen (Mayolteatret) September 30, 1923 Choreography
Sommerrevy 1923 (The National Stage) June 1923 Choreography
A la carte (Chat Noir) May 21, 1923 Choreography
Fra lørdag nat til mandag morgen (Mayolteatret) May 15, 1923 Choreography
Jackson & Co’s døtre (Chat Noir) April 21, 1923 Choreography
Midt i planeten (Chat Noir) June 7, 1922 Choreography
Den glade enke (Stavanger Theater) December 1, 1921 Choreography
Dukken (The National Theatre) December 22, 1917 Dancer