Camilla Frey


(Objekt ID 40865)
Object type Person
Functions Actor
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female
Involved in productions (9)
Title Premiere Role
Jeg forsvinner (The Arctic Theatre) October 20, 2020 Actor (Min venninne)
Lifegame (BrageteatretDet Andre Teatret AKA The Other Theatre) 2018 Actor
The Play That Goes Wrong (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) September 7, 2017 Actor (Florence Colleymore)
The Play That Goes Wrong (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 27, 2017 Actor (Florence Colleymore)
The Play That Goes Wrong (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 19, 2017 Actor (Florence Colleymore)
Gone, gone away (Det Andre Teatret AKA The Other Theatre) March 7, 2015 Actor (Måne)
The Odd Couple (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) January 15, 2015 Actor (Ynez)
The Odd Couple (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) October 7, 2014 Actor (Ynez)
The Odd Couple (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) October 2, 2014 Actor (Ynez)
Gone, gone away (Det Andre Teatret AKA The Other Theatre) May 11, 2013 Actor (Måne)
BARON VON MUNCHHAUSENS elleville kanonkuleferd, sanseløse bønnestengelmåneklatring og andre halsbrekkende SANNHETER!* (Baron von Munchhausen's madcap cannon ball journey, senseless beanstalk moon climbing and other breakneck truths!) (Teater Joker) September 2, 2009 Actor (alternerte med Marte Mørland og Ingri Enger Damon)
Ibsen Improvised (Det Andre Teatret AKA The Other Theatre) Actor
På grensen til sang AKA At the border of song (Det Andre Teatret AKA The Other Theatre) Singer
Instant Broadway (Det Andre Teatret AKA The Other Theatre) Actor