Per Sivle - ein teaterkonsert (Teater Vestland) |
April 4, 2004 |
Actor |
Ønsket (Teater Vestland) |
September 26, 2003 |
Actor |
Båt1 - med Ingolf til Island (Teater Vestland) |
March 13, 2003 |
Actor |
SOFT og KVASST i 25 år (Teater Vestland) |
October 27, 2002 |
Actor |
Bollefisen og Dustefjerten (Teater Vestland) |
April 22, 2002 |
Actor |
Uventa lykke for Andres Lone (Teater Vestland) |
May 31, 2001 |
Actor (Anders Lone, pensjonist) |
Nightsongs (Teater Vestland) |
March 3, 2000 |
Director’s assistant |
Gjest Bårdsen døyr åleine ved Nilens bredd (Teater Vestland) |
February 25, 2000 |
Actor |
Erasmus Montanus (Teater Vestland) |
October 9, 1999 |
Actor |
Med helsing Jakob Sande (Teater Vestland) |
March 13, 1999 |
Actor |
Verdura - Taxidermini (Teater Vestland) |
December 5, 1998 |
Direction |
Det kom ein engel* (An Angel Came) (Teater Vestland) |
October 9, 1998 |
Actor (Anders Jessen Sunde) |
Ungkarsfesten (Teater Vestland) |
March 12, 1998 |
Actor (Johannes) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Teater Vestland) |
September 27, 1997 |
Actor |
Trollspegelen (Teater Vestland) |
May 12, 1997 |
Actor (Kongen / Bergtrollet / Største bukkene Bruse / Trollunge) |
Tango (Teater Vestland) |
February 15, 1997 |
Actor (Bestefar Eugen) |
Jeppe of the Hill (Teater Vestland) |
September 22, 1996 |
Actor (Ridefogden) |
Solgåva frå vest (Teater Vestland) |
June 9, 1996 |
Actor (Biskop Sigurd) |
Trollspegelen (Teater Vestland) |
January 20, 1996 |
Actor (Kongen / Bergtrollet / Største bukkene Bruse / Trollunge) |
Jeppe of the Hill (Teater Vestland) |
October 6, 1995 |
Actor (Ridefogden) |
Kvifor drikk Jeppe* (Why does Jeppe drink) (Teater Vestland) |
September 19, 1995 |
Actor |
20 smådevla i posen (Teater Vestland) |
March 15, 1995 |
Script, Actor |
Femti devla i sekken (Teater Vestland) |
March 4, 1995 |
Actor |
The Foreigner (Teater Vestland) |
October 21, 1994 |
Actor |
Pakk deg heim (Teater Vestland) |
September 20, 1994 |
Actor |
Jonas i jungelen (Teater Vestland) |
May 1994 |
Actor |
The Cherry Orchard (Teater Vestland) |
March 5, 1994 |
Actor (Firs, gammal lakei), Actor (Firs, gammel lakei) |
Betre utan hund (Teater Vestland) |
1994 |
Actor |
Jonas i jungelen (Teater Vestland) |
December 4, 1993 |
Actor |
Den bortkomne faderen (Teater Vestland) |
September 18, 1993 |
Actor |
Betre utan hund (Teater Vestland) |
April 17, 1993 |
Actor |
Rasmus og Juni (Teater Vestland) |
January 12, 1993 |
Actor (Faren) |
Vestlandslefsa (Teater Vestland) |
October 13, 1992 |
Actor |
The Threepenny Opera (Teater Vestland) |
1992 |
Actor |
Om lidt er kaffen klar (Teater Vestland) |
June 2, 1991 |
Actor |
Nora Helmer (Teater Vestland) |
September 1, 1990 |
Actor (Dr. Rank) |
A Doll's House (Teater Vestland) |
March 8, 1990 |
Actor |
Finst det tigrar i Kongo? (Teater Vestland) |
May 10, 1989 |
Stage design, Direction, Actor |
Tartuffe (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
February 29, 1984 |
Actor (Loyal, en rettsbetjent) |
Hamlet (Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)) |
October 22, 1982 |
Actor (Gjenferdet (Hamlets far) / 1. skodespelar / Høvedsmannen / Presten) |
Winnie-the-Pooh (Teater Vestland) |
September 14, 1979 |
Actor |
Leve´ du då Karlsen? (Teater Vestland) |
January 17, 1979 |
Actor |
Røter (Teater Vestland) |
Navember 19, 1978 |
Actor (Stan Mann) |
Musikk gjennom Gleng* (Music through Gleng) (The National Theatre) |
April 8, 1978 |
Actor (Kristian Plassen) |
Opp gjennom luften (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 19, 1978 |
Actor (Betjenten) |
The Chest (The National Theatre) |
December 9, 1977 |
Actor (Presten) |
Kinderscenen - Gayané - Vi har ikke tid - 8 dager fra kr. 575,- (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) |
October 19, 1977 |
Actor (Vi har ikke tid) |
Dantons død (The National Theatre) |
September 10, 1977 |
Actor (Collot d´Herbois) |
Besøk av en gammel dame (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
June 7, 1977 |
Actor (Den andre) |
Kinderscenen - Gayané - Vi har ikke tid - 8 dager fra kr. 575,- (The Norwegian National Opera & Ballet) |
April 19, 1977 |
Actor (Vi har ikke tid) |
A 1 kaller A 2 (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 9, 1977 |
Actor (Herr Finnstad) |
A 1 kaller A 2 (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 2, 1977 |
Actor (Herr Finnstad) |
A 1 kaller A 2 (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 26, 1977 |
Actor (Herr Finnstad) |
Kamerater (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
March 5, 1977 |
Actor (Konstabel) |
Kamerater (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 26, 1977 |
Actor (Konstabel) |
Utferd til Fujiyama (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 22, 1976 |
Actor (Ein arbeidar) |
Rattenbury-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 1, 1976 |
Actor (Braithwaite, i juryen) |
Persarane (The Norwegian Theatre) |
August 28, 1976 |
Actor (Korførar) |
Sam og Queenie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 2, 1976 |
Actor (Thornton) |
Sam og Queenie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 25, 1976 |
Actor (Thornton) |
Sam og Queenie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 18, 1976 |
Actor (Thornton) |
Sam og Queenie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 11, 1976 |
Actor (Thornton) |
Slå det frå deg, det går (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 14, 1976 |
Direction |
Romeo and Juliet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 5, 1975 |
Actor (Escalus, prins av Verona) |
Antigone (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 14, 1974 |
Actor (Forteljaren) |
Antigone (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 10, 1974 |
Actor (Forteljaren) |
Schweik in the Second World War (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 14, 1974 |
Actor (Brettschneider, ein Gestapoagent) |
Mannen som skaut ein katt (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
October 11, 1973 |
Actor (Salonen, soldat) |
Store-Klas og Vesle-Klas (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 27, 1973 |
Actor (Klokkaren) |
Frukost i det grøne (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 4, 1973 |
Actor (Første sjukepleiar) |
Krig i fjerde etasje (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 4, 1973 |
Actor (Postbodet / Politimannen / Første generalen) |
Gutten med gullbuksene (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 4, 1973 |
Actor (En mann) |
Gunnar frå Lidarende (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
August 3, 1973 |
Actor (Svan / Skamkjell, granne åt Otkjell m. fl.) |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 27, 1973 |
Actor |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 20, 1973 |
Actor |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 13, 1973 |
Actor |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 6, 1973 |
Actor |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 29, 1973 |
Actor |
Paul Temple og Milbourne-saken (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
June 22, 1973 |
Actor |
Rør (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 2, 1973 |
Actor (Egon, montør) |
Veslefrikk med fela (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 10, 1972 |
Actor (Fattigmannen / Skrivaren) |
Skitne hender (The Norwegian Theatre) |
October 6, 1972 |
Actor (Slick) |
Ragnhildtreet (The Norwegian Theatre) |
June 22, 1972 |
Actor |
Den tapte verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 26, 1972 |
Actor (En drosjesjåfør / 3. reporter) |
Den tapte verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 19, 1972 |
Actor (En drosjesjåfør / 3. reporter) |
Den tapte verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 12, 1972 |
Actor (En drosjesjåfør / 3. reporter) |
Den tapte verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
May 5, 1972 |
Actor (En drosjesjåfør / 3. reporter) |
Den tapte verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 28, 1972 |
Actor (En drosjesjåfør / 3. reporter) |
Den tapte verden (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
April 21, 1972 |
Actor (En drosjesjåfør / 3. reporter) |
Store-Klas og Vesle-Klas (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 1972 |
Actor (Klokkaren) |
Marija (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 24, 1971 |
Actor (Bisjonkov, invalid) |
Montserrat (The Norwegian Theatre) |
May 6, 1971 |
Actor (Morales, offiser) |
The Just Assassins (The Norwegian Theatre) |
January 16, 1971 |
Actor (Boris Annenkov) |
Herr Mockinpott (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 26, 1970 |
Actor (Ein fengselsbetjent / Ein rival) |
Kong Edward II (The National Theatre) |
February 11, 1970 |
Actor (Berkeley) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 16, 1970 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 9, 1970 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
January 2, 1970 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 26, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 19, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 12, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
December 5, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 28, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 21, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 14, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
Historien om Gottlob (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
Navember 7, 1969 |
Actor (Sacha) |
The Animals in the Hunchback Wood (The National Theatre) |
September 19, 1969 |
Actor (Mikkel, en farlig rev) |
Congo (The National Theatre) |
April 23, 1969 |
Actor (Dag Hammarskjöld / Journalist / Soldat / Innfødt) |
Sirkulæret (The National Theatre) |
February 25, 1969 |
Actor (Jirka, observatør) |
Arsenikk og gamle kniplinger (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1968 |
Actor (Konstabel Brophy) |
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 28, 1968 |
Actor (En sekretær) |
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 21, 1968 |
Actor (En sekretær) |
Den røde pimpernell (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 14, 1968 |
Actor (En sekretær) |
Den lille heksen - God aften, mitt navn er Cox", 3. serie (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 5, 1968 |
Actor (Betjent Morris m. fl.) |
Eit godt hovud (The Norwegian Theatre) |
March 12, 1968 |
Actor (Trollmannen) |
Siste brevet - autentiske brev frå dødsdømde i siste verdskrig (The Norwegian Theatre) |
February 7, 1968 |
Actor (Leser brev) |
Morderne (The National Theatre) |
January 6, 1968 |
Actor (Herrmann, von Moors illegitime sønn) |
Kassandra (The Norwegian Theatre) |
Navember 15, 1967 |
Actor (Presten Mel.) |
Kongsdøtrene i berget det blå (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 26, 1967 |
Actor (Lars) |
La Boutique (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
September 23, 1967 |
Actor (Sersjant Edwards) |
Knekk (The Norwegian Theatre) |
September 12, 1967 |
Actor |
Don Carlos (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
February 7, 1967 |
Actor (Hertugen av Feria) |
Lille, dumme Josefa (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) |
January 19, 1967 |
Tour manager, Actor (Julien Morestan, rettsskriver) |
Gisselet (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
September 20, 1966 |
Actor (En frivillig) |
Mordet på Marat (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 1966 |
Actor (Pasient) |
Nattevakten (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
July 29, 1966 |
Voiceover |
De lærde damer (Scene 7) |
May 23, 1966 |
Actor (Philaminte (Husets "frue")) |
The Defeat (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 21, 1966 |
Actor (René Segur) |
The Spanish Fly (Rogaland Theatre) |
October 27, 1965 |
Direction |
Sommer i Tyrol (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 29, 1965 |
Actor (Forstmester Waldteufel) |
Trost i taklampa* (Blackbird in the Chandelier) (Rogaland Theatre) |
May 1, 1965 |
Actor (Teodor Snekkersveen) |
Tehuset Augustmånen (Rogaland Theatre) |
January 10, 1965 |
Actor (Sersjant Gregovich) |
Diktator blir til (Rogaland Theatre) |
1965 |
Direction |
Kiss Me, Kate (Rogaland Theatre) |
Navember 13, 1964 |
Actor (Annen gangster) |
The Taming of the Shrew (Rogaland Theatre) |
September 29, 1964 |
Actor (Hortensio, Biancas frier), Director’s assistant |
Fantasticks (Rogaland Theatre) |
May 6, 1964 |
Actor (Henry, den gamle skuespilleren) |
Balboas hjerte (Rogaland Theatre) |
April 6, 1964 |
Actor (Mannen (Harlekin)) |
Kristin Lavransdatter - The Cross (Rogaland Theatre) |
March 15, 1964 |
Actor (Gunnulv Nikolausson), Director’s assistant |
The Threepenny Opera (Rogaland Theatre) |
February 21, 1964 |
Actor (Filch, en tigger) |
Bare se, men ikke høre (Rogaland Theatre) |
January 13, 1964 |
Actor (Bob i The Private Ear) |
Paris i Paradis (Boeing - Boeing) (Rogaland Theatre) |
Navember 27, 1963 |
Actor (Robert, forhenværende konsulent i industridepartementet) |
PÅ FRIERFØTTER (Rogaland Theatre) |
October 1963 |
Direction |
My Fair Lady (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 24, 1963 |
Actor (Harry / Mann fra Hoxton / i balletten / i koret) |
Han vil jeg ha (Rogaland Theatre) |
May 24, 1963 |
Direction |
Påske (Rogaland Theatre) |
February 15, 1963 |
Actor (Benjamin, gymnasiast) |
Fysikerne (Rogaland Theatre) |
January 16, 1963 |
Actor (Misjonær Oskar Rose) |
Det smedle på Skansen (Rogaland Theatre) |
Navember 7, 1962 |
Actor (Byfogden) |
Den store Kean (Rogaland Theatre) |
August 19, 1962 |
Actor (Lord Mewill) |
Prosessen (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's TV drama division) |
March 22, 1962 |
Actor (Studenten) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1961 |
Actor (Nordenvinden / En herold) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) |
September 6, 1961 |
Actor (En korporal) |
Romulus den store (The National Theatre) |
February 22, 1961 |
Actor (Phosporides, seremonimester) |
Antony and Cleopatra (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) |
February 7, 1961 |
Actor |