Tiril Heide-Steen

Tiril Heide-Steen is a Norwegian actress.

She is the daughter of Harald Heide-Steen JR.

Tiril Heide-Steen played the role of Gygra in Robert Wilson's Edda at The Norwegian Theatre in 2017. The Hedda Award 2017 in the special artistic achievement category was given to the complete ensemble of actors in the production.


(Objekt ID 36586)
Object type Person
Nationality Norwegian
Gender Female

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the award to the Edda ensemble:

"Certain assignments demand a more dedicated approach than others. Intense concentration. Detail-oriented precision. Finely tuned musicality. This year's award in the special artistic achievement category goes to an ensemble of actors who met and who mastered such an assignment with force and conviction. Some of them had experience with the same director and the same expression from former work. Some entered the work with openness and a will to learn. Together they succeeded in creating one of this year's most grandiose and most coherently stylistic performing arts experiences."


The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 19.06.2017, https://www.heddaprisen.no/vinnere/2017