Baldevin's Wedding (The National Theatre) |
April 22, 1928 |
Actor (Madam Salvesen i 1913) |
The Stork (The National Theatre) |
February 9, 1927 |
Actor (Madam Hansen) |
Piken* (The Maid) (The National Theatre) |
January 29, 1925 |
Actor (Rina Tøft) |
Leonarda (The National Theatre) |
February 28, 1924 |
Actor (Cornelia, biskopens søster) |
Skjærmydsler (The National Theatre) |
Navember 16, 1923 |
Actor (Hertha) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
Navember 2, 1923 |
Actor (Kari, en husmannskone) |
Det levende lig (The National Theatre) |
September 27, 1923 |
Actor (Nastasia Ivanova i 1923) |
Wink and the great troll (The National Theatre) |
December 23, 1922 |
Actor (Mari, Peiks mor) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) |
August 29, 1922 |
Actor (Magdelone) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) |
January 8, 1922 |
Actor (Susanna) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) |
September 11, 1921 |
Actor (Roxanes duenna) |
The Old Priest (The National Theatre) |
August 21, 1921 |
Actor (Leopoldine) |
The Church (The National Theatre) |
April 21, 1921 |
Actor (Annen kone) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) |
February 7, 1921 |
Actor (Madam Holbæk) |
Mrs. Dot (The National Theatre) |
January 26, 1921 |
Actor (Miss Eliza Macgregor) |
Baldevin's Wedding (Aabel-Stormoen-turnéen) |
October 4, 1920 |
Actor (Madam Salvesen) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) |
May 19, 1920 |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) |
April 1, 1920 |
Actor (Berte i 1920) |
Skjærmydsler (The National Theatre) |
August 11, 1919 |
Actor (Hertha) |
The Christmas Party (The National Theatre) |
December 23, 1918 |
Actor (Magdelone) |
There is Hope for the Tree (The National Theatre) |
December 5, 1918 |
Actor (Vertinnen) |
The Stork (The National Theatre) |
April 10, 1918 |
Actor (Madam Hansen) |
Romantik (The National Theatre) |
March 6, 1918 |
Actor (Mrs. Rutherford) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) |
May 24, 1917 |
Actor (Magdelone) |
Det levende lig (The National Theatre) |
April 3, 1917 |
Actor (Nastasia Ivanova i 1923) |
Indenfor murene (The National Theatre) |
October 19, 1916 |
Actor (Dina, Jacobs hustru) |
Pillars of Society (The National Theatre) |
September 16, 1916 |
Actor (Fru doktor Lygre) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) |
May 6, 1915 |
Actor (Mathilde Meisel, Meisels kone) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) |
April 3, 1914 |
Actor (Madam Sanderus) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) |
December 17, 1913 |
Actor (Susanna) |
The Brat (The National Theatre) |
April 24, 1913 |
Actor (Lagreta, Julius´ mor) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) |
April 10, 1913 |
Actor (Madam Holbæk) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) |
March 19, 1913 |
Actor (Berte i 1920) |
Baldevin's Wedding (The National Theatre) |
January 31, 1913 |
Actor (Madam Salvesen i 1913) |
The Old Priest (The National Theatre) |
Navember 28, 1912 |
Actor (Leopoldine) |
Mester Olof (The National Theatre) |
October 10, 1912 |
Actor (Abbedissen) |
Firfeier* (Chimney Sweep) (The National Theatre) |
March 30, 1912 |
Actor (Tante Tomine, Beates søster) |
Kjærlighedens labyrint (The National Theatre) |
February 29, 1912 |
Actor (Fru Grisolles) |
Landmandsliv (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1911 |
Actor (Malle) |
Lady Windermeres vifte (The National Theatre) |
October 3, 1911 |
Actor (Lady Jedburgh) |
Vidunderbarnet (The National Theatre) |
May 14, 1911 |
Actor (Madame Bonefacius) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) |
March 21, 1911 |
Actor (Gedske Klokkers) |
Anna Karénin (The National Theatre) |
January 8, 1911 |
Actor (Schtscherbatzkys kone) |
Skandalen (The National Theatre) |
September 22, 1910 |
Actor (Fru Augé) |
Agnete (The National Theatre) |
May 26, 1910 |
Actor (Rikke, Ulfsens hustru) |
The Changed Bridegroom (The National Theatre) |
December 3, 1909 |
Actor (Laurentia) |
Mrs. Dot (The National Theatre) |
December 1, 1909 |
Actor (Miss Eliza Macgregor) |
Alfred Striman and his wife (The National Theatre) |
Navember 14, 1909 |
Actor (Martine, "pike" i Strimans hus) |
Brand (The National Theatre) |
September 23, 1909 |
Actor (Bondens Halvvoksne sønn) |
Prinsesse Rosenrød og de syv vildænder* (Princess Rosy Red and the Seven Wild Ducks) (The National Theatre) |
December 20, 1908 |
Actor (Annen hoffdame) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) |
Navember 12, 1908 |
Actor (Magdelone) |
Den glade enke (The National Theatre) |
September 30, 1908 |
Actor (Praskowia, Pritschitsch´ frue i 1908) |
The Stork (The National Theatre) |
August 28, 1908 |
Actor (Madam Hansen i 1908) |
The Witch (The National Theatre) |
February 17, 1908 |
Actor (Jørund, tjenestepike) |
Østenfor sol og vestenfor maane* (East of the Sun and West of the Moon) (The National Theatre) |
December 1907 |
Actor (Lillesøster) |
Blaa Husarer (The National Theatre) |
Navember 20, 1907 |
Actor (Fru Suna) |
Djævelens barn (The National Theatre) |
March 7, 1907 |
Actor (Williams kone) |
Den glade enke (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1906 |
Actor (Praskowia, Pritschitsch´ frue i 1908) |
Østenfor sol og vestenfor maane* (East of the Sun and West of the Moon) (The National Theatre) |
December 16, 1906 |
Actor (Lillesøster) |
Witchcraft or False Alert (The National Theatre) |
December 9, 1906 |
Actor (Tjenestepike) |
The New System (The National Theatre) |
September 20, 1906 |
Actor (Fru Thomas) |
Den trehundrede og fem og sextiende dag (The National Theatre) |
June 15, 1906 |
Actor (Marlen) |
Gert the Westphaler (The National Theatre) |
May 4, 1906 |
Actor (Gunild, Gerts moder) |
Prinsessen og det halve kongerige (The National Theatre) |
April 8, 1906 |
Actor (En gammel skikkelig selgekone) |
Væverne (The National Theatre) |
February 16, 1906 |
Actor (Fru Kittelhaus) |
Dansen på Koldinghus (The National Theatre) |
June 12, 1905 |
Actor (Jomfru Kristines pike) |
Opstandelse (The National Theatre) |
March 16, 1905 |
Actor (Matrena) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) |
February 1, 1905 |
Actor (Ridefogdens kone) |
Lad oss skilles! (The National Theatre) |
1905 |
Actor (Frøken de Lusignan) |
Byens stolthed (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1904 |
Actor (Fru Hansen) |
The Spider (The National Theatre) |
October 19, 1904 |
Actor (Thrine, i tjeneste hos fru Jul) |
Brand (The National Theatre) |
September 14, 1904 |
Actor (Bondens Halvvoksne sønn) |
Heksen (The National Theatre) |
April 14, 1904 |
Actor (Donna Serafina) |
Madame Sans Gêne (The National Theatre) |
April 5, 1904 |
Actor (Madame de Talhouet i 1904) |
Baldevin's Wedding (The National Theatre) |
February 6, 1904 |
Actor (Jomfru Bertelsen - % i 1900), Actor (Madam Salvesen i 1904) |
Queen Tamara (The National Theatre) |
January 5, 1904 |
Actor (Mecedu) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) |
December 26, 1903 |
Actor (Ridefogdens kone) |
The Changed Bridegroom (The National Theatre) |
April 30, 1903 |
Actor (Laurentia) |
Det historiske Slot (The National Theatre) |
April 13, 1903 |
Actor (En kvinnelig turist) |
Korsvei* (Crossroad) (The National Theatre) |
December 20, 1902 |
Actor (Fru generalkonsul Holth) |
At Storhove (The National Theatre) |
Navember 4, 1902 |
Actor (Lena) |
The King (The National Theatre) |
September 11, 1902 |
Actor (En "pike" hos Baronessen) |
Lad oss skilles! (The National Theatre) |
June 8, 1902 |
Actor (Frøken de Lusignan) |
The Stork (The National Theatre) |
May 21, 1902 |
Actor (Madam Hansen i 1908) |
Lindelin (The National Theatre) |
May 5, 1902 |
Actor (Jomfru Kjevlgaard) |
Skjærmydsler (The National Theatre) |
April 17, 1902 |
Actor (Hertha) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) |
March 14, 1902 |
Actor (Madam Sanderus) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) |
February 27, 1902 |
Actor (En kjerring) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) |
December 9, 1901 |
Actor (Astrid i 1901) |
Den kjærligheden! (The National Theatre) |
December 4, 1901 |
Actor (Fru Sandstrøm, pensionatholder) |
Sønnen* (The Son) (The National Theatre) |
Navember 20, 1901 |
Actor (Ernestine, Ingas kusine) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) |
Navember 5, 1901 |
Actor (En skuespillerinne) |
Et sølvbryllup (The National Theatre) |
June 11, 1901 |
Actor (Frk. Møller) |
Harlekins omvendelse (The National Theatre) |
June 4, 1901 |
Actor (Corinna) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) |
January 22, 1901 |
Actor (Ane, kokkepike) |
Baldevin's Wedding (The National Theatre) |
Navember 20, 1900 |
Actor (Jomfru Bertelsen - % i 1900), Actor (Madam Salvesen i 1904) |
Jacob and Christopher (The National Theatre) |
August 31, 1900 |
Actor (Hansemand, betjent) |
Madame Sans Gêne (The National Theatre) |
April 18, 1900 |
Actor (Madame de Talhouet i 1904) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) |
September 3, 1899 |
Actor (Astrid i 1901) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) |
September 1, 1899 |
Actor (Ammen) |
Aprilsnarrene (Centralteatret) |
March 5, 1899 |
Actor (Madam Rar, frugt- og vildthandlerske) |
I stiftelsen (Centralteatret) |
March 3, 1898 |
Actor (En enkefrue) |
Orientreisen (The National Stage) |
October 11, 1893 |
Actor (Fru Bock) |
Jean de France (The National Stage) |
January 15, 1893 |
Actor |
Gnisten (The National Stage) |
Navember 16, 1892 |
Actor (i 1892) |
Løitnant Tobiesen (The National Stage) |
February 5, 1888 |
Actor (Ung pike) |
Leonarda (The National Stage) |
May 20, 1887 |
Actor (Aagot i 1887 - Debut) |
Gnisten (The National Stage) |
August 20, 1886 |
Actor (i 1892) |
Leonarda (The National Stage) |
September 11, 1885 |
Actor (Aagot i 1887 - Debut) |
Gnisten (The National Stage) |
June 26, 1882 |
Actor (i 1892) |
Gnisten (The National Stage) |
October 10, 1880 |
Actor (i 1892) |
Leonarda (The National Stage) |
May 6, 1879 |
Actor (Aagot i 1887 - Debut) |