Olaf Mørch Hansson
(Objekt ID 36447)Object type | Person |
Born | 1856 (dead February 22, 1912) |
Functions | Instructor, Actor, Theatre director |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Tilknyttet (4)
- Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli) - Theatre director (from 1893 to 1895)
- The National Stage - Theatre director (from 1908 to 1909)
- The National Stage - Theatre director (from 1895 to 1898)
- The National Theatre - Theatre director (from 1905 to 1906)
Involved in productions (125)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Dora (The National Stage) | August 2, 1912 | Adapted by, Translation |
Penge er penge (Centralteatret) | April 3, 1911 | Direction |
Det mørke punkt (Centralteatret) | March 11, 1911 | Actor (Negeren) |
Gertrud (Centralteatret) | December 1, 1910 | Actor (Dikteren Lidman) |
Chokoladepigen (Centralteatret) | October 17, 1910 | Direction, Actor (Felicien Bedarride, maler) |
Sommereventyr (Centralteatret) | August 13, 1910 | Direction |
Koncerten (Centralteatret) | February 19, 1910 | Actor (Doktor Franz Jura) |
Den blaa mus (Centralteatret) | December 26, 1909 | Actor |
Moppy og Poppy (Centralteatret) | Navember 27, 1909 | Playwright, Actor |
Naar den ny vin blomstrer (Centralteatret) | September 28, 1909 | Actor (Arvik) |
Moderate løier (Centralteatret) | September 11, 1909 | Actor (Jens Woller, maler), Direction |
Djævelen (The National Stage) | May 7, 1909 | Actor (Djevelen) |
Gertrud (The National Stage) | March 12, 1909 | Actor (Dikteren Lidman) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Stage) | February 21, 1909 | Actor (Assessor Brack), Direction |
I Lovens Navn (The National Stage) | December 26, 1908 | Actor (Leplantois, forhørsdommer) |
First Violin (The National Theatre) | May 23, 1908 | Direction |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Theatre) | February 22, 1908 | Actor (Dr. phil. Jüttner i 1903) |
Karen Borneman (The National Stage) | February 10, 1908 | Actor (Professor Kristen Borneman), Direction |
Moderate Løier (The National Stage) | January 24, 1908 | Actor (Jens Woller) |
Karen Borneman (Fahlstrøms Theater ) | 1908 | Actor (Professor Bornemann) |
Ranke Viljer (Fahlstrøms Theater ) | August 31, 1907 | Actor (Gerhard Konik, Karrikaturtegner) |
Djævelens barn (The National Theatre) | March 7, 1907 | Direction, Actor (General Burgoyne) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | Navember 27, 1906 | Direction |
Wurm (The National Theatre) | June 12, 1906 | Direction |
Tabt spil (The National Theatre) | May 9, 1906 | Direction |
Rosmersholm (The National Theatre) | Navember 15, 1905 | Direction |
Love's Comedy (The National Theatre) | September 12, 1905 | Actor (Guldstad) |
Onkel Nabob* (Uncle Nabob) (The National Theatre) | April 2, 1905 | Actor (Cand. jur. Jacob Grott) |
Lad oss skilles! (The National Theatre) | 1905 | Direction |
Madame Sans Gêne (The National Theatre) | April 5, 1904 | Direction |
I lovens navn (The National Theatre) | February 17, 1904 | Actor (Leplantois, forhørsdommer) |
Baldevin's Wedding (The National Theatre) | February 6, 1904 | Direction |
Damen fra Ostende (The National Theatre) | December 9, 1903 | Actor (Martin Hallerstädt) |
The Big Lottery Prize (The National Theatre) | Navember 19, 1903 | Actor (Statsministeren) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Theatre) | September 23, 1903 | Actor (Dr. phil. Jüttner i 1903) |
Det historiske Slot (The National Theatre) | April 13, 1903 | Direction |
Den berømte Kone (The National Theatre) | March 3, 1903 | Actor (Baron Römer-Saarstein) |
Literatur (The National Theatre) | February 18, 1903 | Direction |
Love Thy Neighbour (The National Theatre) | February 18, 1903 | Direction |
Korsvei* (Crossroad) (The National Theatre) | December 20, 1902 | Direction |
Røverne (The National Theatre) | December 2, 1902 | Direction |
At Storhove (The National Theatre) | Navember 4, 1902 | Actor (Dr. Kann) |
Damernes ven (The National Theatre) | September 24, 1902 | Actor (De Ryons) |
Lad oss skilles! (The National Theatre) | June 8, 1902 | Direction |
Skjærmydsler (The National Theatre) | April 17, 1902 | Direction |
Under Loven (The National Theatre) | April 2, 1902 | Direction |
On the high horse (The National Theatre) | February 4, 1902 | Direction |
First Violin (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1901 | Direction |
Den kjærligheden! (The National Theatre) | December 4, 1901 | Direction |
Sønnen* (The Son) (The National Theatre) | Navember 20, 1901 | Direction |
Hedda Gabler (The National Theatre) | October 5, 1901 | Actor (Assessor Brack) |
Et sølvbryllup (The National Theatre) | June 11, 1901 | Direction |
Laboremus (The National Theatre) | April 29, 1901 | Actor (Dr. Kann) |
Tordenskjold AKA Tordenskiold (The National Theatre) | March 26, 1901 | Actor (Ulrich Kaas, kommandør) |
Bedstemors gut* (Grandma's Boy) (The National Theatre) | February 23, 1901 | Direction |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | January 8, 1901 | Direction |
Baldevin's Wedding (The National Theatre) | Navember 20, 1900 | Direction |
Taarernes magt (The National Theatre) | Navember 7, 1900 | Actor (Mr. Clement Parbury, 40 år) |
Jacob and Christopher (The National Theatre) | August 31, 1900 | Direction |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | June 11, 1900 | Direction |
Madame Sans Gêne (The National Theatre) | April 18, 1900 | Direction |
Moderate løier (The National Theatre) | February 20, 1900 | Direction, Actor (Jens Woller, maler) |
Vore Koner (The National Theatre) | December 10, 1899 | Actor (Paul Grosser, forfatter) |
Beyond Human Power II (The National Theatre) | Navember 23, 1899 | Actor (Johan Sverd) |
Hos Lindelands* (At the Lindelands) (The National Theatre) | Navember 5, 1899 | Direction |
Harald Svan's Mother (The National Theatre) | September 26, 1899 | Direction |
Gert the Westphaler (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1899 | Direction |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1899 | Direction |
Damen fra Ostende (The National Stage) | June 14, 1899 | Actor (Ektemannen) |
Scenens børn (The National Stage) | June 5, 1899 | Actor |
Niobe (The National Stage) | May 22, 1899 | Actor |
Damen fra Ostende (Christiania Theatre) | January 8, 1899 | Translation |
Født Koch (The National Stage) | September 14, 1898 | Actor |
Damen fra Ostende (The National Stage) | September 4, 1898 | Actor (Ektemannen) |
Scenens børn (The National Stage) | May 13, 1898 | Actor |
Hedda Gabler (The National Stage) | May 4, 1898 | Actor (Brack) |
Hr. Tanquerays anden kone (The National Stage) | February 11, 1898 | Actor (Resonøren) |
I aftagende (The National Stage) | January 12, 1898 | Actor (Ektemannen) |
Noahs Ark (The National Stage) | October 27, 1897 | Actor (Den svenske charlatan) |
Familien Jensen (The National Stage) | September 15, 1897 | Actor (Faren, premierløytnant) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | January 13, 1897 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
Scenens børn (The National Stage) | October 14, 1896 | Actor |
Slavinden (The National Stage) | October 1896 | Actor |
Et farligt Brev (The National Stage) | September 23, 1896 | Actor |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | March 11, 1896 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
Han maatte have Børn (The National Stage) | March 1, 1896 | Actor (Karl Semmel) |
En Fristerinde (The National Stage) | Navember 27, 1895 | Actor (Ritmester Barth) |
Lystige Koner (The National Stage) | Navember 22, 1895 | Actor (Karsten Hegge) |
Hedda Gabler (The National Stage) | September 18, 1895 | Actor (Brack) |
Tilfældigheder (The National Stage) | September 1, 1895 | Actor (Doktoren) |
Den kloge Else (Christiania Theatre) | June 11, 1895 | Translation |
Et Waisenhusbarn (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | May 1, 1895 | Direction, Actor (Lord Rowland Rochester) |
Hannemor (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | January 13, 1895 | Actor (Dr. Wachler, læge) |
Niobe (The National Stage) | January 9, 1895 | Actor |
Soldaterløier (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | December 7, 1894 | Direction |
Aprilsnarrene (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | December 7, 1894 | Direction |
Agnete (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | September 17, 1894 | Actor (Adolf Wulff, maler) |
I vor nervøse tid (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | August 27, 1894 | Direction, Actor (Rontgibaud) |
Orientreisen (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | April 23, 1894 | Direction, Actor (Hans Brückner, kemiker) |
Charleys tante (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | February 19, 1894 | Direction, Actor (Jack Chesney, sir Francis' søn, student i Oxford) |
De røde Dominoer (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | January 19, 1894 | Actor (Georges Dumenil) |
En Lurifas (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | December 1, 1893 | Direction, Actor (Brenner) |
Magdalene (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | Navember 8, 1893 | Actor (Hamann, ven av Finck), Direction |
Slavinden (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | October 23, 1893 | Direction, Actor (Rudolf Waldeck, grosserer) |
Musketererne i klostret (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | October 4, 1893 | Direction |
Hovmod staar for fald (Carl Johan Theatret (Tivoli)) | August 18, 1893 | Direction, Actor (Grosserer Pilegaard) |
Hedda Gabler (Christiania Theatre) | May 18, 1893 | Actor (Assessor Brack) |
Den kloge Else (Christiania Theatre) | April 24, 1893 | Translation |
Naar Damer føre Krig (Christiania Theatre) | June 8, 1892 | Actor (Baron de Montrichard) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | September 3, 1891 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Hedda Gabler (Christiania Theatre) | August 28, 1891 | Actor (Assessor Brack) |
Mænd af Ære (Christiania Theatre) | April 25, 1891 | Actor (Kand. Terslew) |
Hedda Gabler (Christiania Theatre) | February 26, 1891 | Actor (Assessor Brack) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | December 1, 1890 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
A Doll's House (Christiania Theatre) | September 26, 1890 | Actor (Torvald Helmer) |
Det ny system (The National Stage) | 1890 | Actor (Frederik Ravn) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | August 26, 1889 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
The Lady from the Sea (Christiania Theatre) | August 22, 1889 | Actor (Overlærer Arnholm) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | May 3, 1889 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
The Lady from the Sea (Christiania Theatre) | February 11, 1889 | Actor (Overlærer Arnholm) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | September 13, 1888 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Guldfiske (Christiania Theatre) | March 9, 1888 | Translation |
Den store ubekjendte (Christiania Theatre) | Navember 23, 1887 | Adapted by, Translation |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | September 5, 1887 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Han gik i Fælden (Christiania Theatre) | June 3, 1887 | Translation |
Odette (The National Stage) | June 2, 1887 | Actor (Bechamel i 1886) |
Hr. Alphonse (The National Stage) | May 15, 1887 | Actor (Octave) |
Det ny system (The National Stage) | March 1887 | Actor (Frederik Ravn) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | October 12, 1886 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Herretække og Dametække (The National Stage) | June 29, 1886 | Playwright |
Odette (The National Stage) | June 1886 | Actor (Bechamel i 1886) |
Hr. Alphonse (The National Stage) | May 16, 1886 | Actor (Octave) |
Det ny system (The National Stage) | April 28, 1886 | Actor (Frederik Ravn) |
Kammerater (The National Stage) | April 14, 1886 | Actor (Gjest) |
Sidste Kvarter (The National Stage) | February 22, 1886 | Actor (Gjest) |
Moppy og Poppy (The National Stage) | February 19, 1886 | Playwright |
Et Møde paa Karl Johans Gade (Det Levyske Theaterpersonale) | 1886 | Playwright |
Prøvepilen (Olaus Olsens Theaterselskab) | 1886 | Actor (Baron Leopold v. d. Egge), Director’s assistant |
De Nygifte (Olaus Olsens Theaterselskab) | 1886 | Actor (Axel. Lauras mann - Gjest), Direction |
Fætter Jacques (Olaus Olsens Theaterselskab) | 1886 | Actor (Jacques), Direction |
I aftagende (Olaus Olsens Theaterselskab) | 1886 | Direction, Actor (Raymond - Gjest) |
Krokodilletaarer (Christiania Theatre) | December 30, 1885 | Translation |
Moppy og Poppy (The National Stage) | February 1885 | Playwright |
Et Møde paa Karl Johans Gade (Christiania Theatre) | December 15, 1884 | Playwright |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | September 9, 1884 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Repræsentanten fra Kongsvinger (Det Levyske Theaterpersonale) | 1884 | Adapted by |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | December 18, 1883 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | August 15, 1883 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | October 5, 1882 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | December 16, 1881 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Kongs-Emnerne (Christiania Theatre) | Navember 12, 1880 | Actor (Pål Flida ) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | October 18, 1880 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
A Doll's House (Christiania Theatre) | September 3, 1880 | Actor (Sakfører Krogstad) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) | June 16, 1880 | Actor (Hilmar Tønnesen) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | March 6, 1880 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
A Doll's House (Christiania Theatre) | January 20, 1880 | Actor (Sakfører Krogstad) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | August 18, 1879 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
The League of Youth (Christiania Theatre) | May 20, 1879 | Actor (Bastian Monsen (1887-1894) / Kandidat Helle (1879-1880)) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) | February 21, 1879 | Actor (Hilmar Tønnesen) |
Den første Kjærlighed (Christiania Theatre) | October 16, 1878 | Actor (Rinville, en ung Mand fra et nærlilggende Gods) |
Inden Døre (The National Stage) | October 14, 1878 | Actor (Jahn) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | September 7, 1878 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
Pillars of Society (The National Stage) | Navember 30, 1877 | Actor (Hilmar Tønnesen) |
Inden Døre (The National Stage) | October 5, 1877 | Actor (Jahn) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | February 26, 1877 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard 1877 og i 1896) |
Han skal paa Landet (The National Stage) | February 12, 1877 | Actor (Cæsar Poligny) |
Artworks (4)
Title | Publiseringsdato | Role |
Et Møde paa Karl Johans Gade | Script, Farce | – Author |
Herretække og Dametække | Script | – Author |
Repræsentanten fra Kongsvinger | 1884, Script, Farce | – Author |
Moppy og Poppy | 1884, Script, Farce | – Author |