Janez Janša

Also known as: Emil Hrvatin

Janez Janša (formerly Emil Hrvatin, born 1964) is a Croatian/Slovenian director.

His name also belongs to the Slovenian politician Janez Janša, and Hravatin, with two other artists, chose to officially change their name into his in 2007. At the same time they became members of the party led by Janez Janša, the conservative Slovenian party SDS.


(Objekt ID 36339)
Object type Person
Also known as Emil Hrvatin
Born February 6, 1964
Functions Director
Nationality Slovenian, Croatian
Gender Male
Involved in productions (2)
Title Premiere Role
Old chaos/New Order () October 22, 2013 Text
My name is Janez Janša () March 19, 2013 Direction, Script