Solveig Gade

Solveig Gade has a cand.mag degree in Nordic languages and literature. In 2008 she completed her Ph.D thesis titled Rammen om værket i verden – relationelle og intervenerende strategier i samtidskunsten (The frame around the art work in the world – relational and intervening strategies of contemporary art) by the University in Copenhagen.


(Objekt ID 3582)
Object type Person
Functions Dramaturge, Writer, Literary critic
Nationality Danish
Gender Female

Solveig Gade has written articles on contemporary theatre and art in the anthology Performative Realism and for the journals Kritik, Glänta, Peripeti and 3t - tidsskrift for teori og teater, among others. Gade was a co-editor for the journal Teater 1 from 2000-2004 and since 2005 she has been a co-editor for the journal Peripeti. She is employed by the University of Copenhagen and is also a dramaturge at The Royal Danish Theatre.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Oktoberdans 2008. 12.08.2010: -archive

Involved in productions (3)