Emma Juel
Emma Juel was a Norwegian actress.
(Objekt ID 33657)Object type | Person |
Functions | Actor |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Female |
Involved in productions (124)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1963 | Actor (Konen med nekene) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | April 15, 1958 | Actor (Anne Marie) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1957 | Actor (Konen med nekene) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | August 15, 1957 | Actor (Anne Marie) |
Peer Gynt (the first three acts) (Sommerteatret i Frognerparken) | July 4, 1957 | Actor (Kari, en husmannskone) |
A Doll's House (The National Theatre) | June 6, 1957 | Actor (Anne Marie) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1955 | Actor (Kari, en husmannskone) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1954 | Actor (Konen med nekene) |
Johnny Belinda (The Norwegian Touring Theatre (Riksteatret)) | September 6, 1954 | Actor (Maggie, McDonalds søster) |
Jomfruburet (The National Theatre) | January 16, 1952 | Actor (Madam Weber) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) | May 26, 1951 | Actor (En stuepike) |
Reisen til Julestjernen (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1950 | Actor (En kvinne) |
The Seagull (The National Theatre) | Navember 28, 1950 | Actor (Kokken) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1949 | Actor (En gammel kone) |
Three Couples (The National Theatre) | February 18, 1949 | Actor (Sandbergs "pike" i 1949) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1947 | Actor (Konen med nekene) |
The Play about Lead-Petter (The National Theatre) | December 10, 1947 | Actor (En amme) |
Alexander Pavlovich (The National Theatre) | March 20, 1947 | Actor (Vertinnen) |
Commemoration (The National Theatre) | Navember 13, 1946 | Actor (Skurekonen) |
Love's Tragedy AKA The Tragedy of Love (The National Theatre) | December 5, 1945 | Actor (En gammel kone) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | January 9, 1945 | Actor (Innflytter i 1936), Actor (Kari en husmannskone) |
The New System (The National Theatre) | March 6, 1942 | Actor (Marie) |
Three Couples (The National Theatre) | April 10, 1941 | Actor (Sandbergs "pike" i 1949) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | September 2, 1940 | Actor ("Pike" hos madam Rundholmen) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1940 | Actor (Innflytter i 1936), Actor (Kari en husmannskone) |
Fattigper og Prinsessen* (Poor Per and the Princess) (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1939 | Actor (Mor Sopp) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | September 5, 1939 | Actor (En kjerring) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | September 4, 1939 | Actor (Fru Hein) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1938 | Actor (Konen med nekene) |
Kongen av Saba* (King of Sheba) (The National Theatre) | Navember 4, 1938 | Actor (Hansine) |
Bare løgn (The National Theatre) | September 16, 1938 | Actor (Lina) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Theatre) | March 20, 1938 | Actor (Fru Borkmans tjenestepike) |
Kvinnene på Niskavuori (The National Theatre) | January 9, 1938 | Actor (Sally, stuepike) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | Navember 7, 1937 | Actor (En kjerring) |
The King (The National Theatre) | September 10, 1937 | Actor (En "pike" hos baronessen) |
Innenfor murene (The National Theatre) | August 25, 1937 | Actor (En "pike" hos Levin) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) | June 3, 1937 | Actor (Marie, "pike" hos Klinke) |
Kvartetten som ble sprengt (The National Theatre) | May 14, 1937 | Actor (Konditoriets eier) |
Gøsta Berlings saga (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1936 | Actor (Gjestegiverkonen) |
Hos Ekebergkongen (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1936 | Actor (Moren) |
But Tomorrow (The National Theatre) | May 10, 1936 | Actor (Fru Haraldsen) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | April 3, 1936 | Actor (Innflytter i 1936), Actor (Kari en husmannskone) |
Ansiktet på ruten* (The face in the window) (The National Theatre) | October 2, 1935 | Actor (Thea, "pike" hos Henrik Borch) |
Nu er det morgen (The National Theatre) | March 21, 1935 | Actor (Marie, "pike" hos overlegen) |
Man kan aldri vite (The National Theatre) | January 23, 1935 | Actor (En pike) |
Hyklere (The National Theatre) | January 8, 1935 | Actor (Anna, "pike" hos Molland) |
Jomfruburet (The National Theatre) | December 8, 1934 | Actor (Madam Weber) |
Kjerringa med staven* (The Old Wife with the Stick) (The National Theatre) | December 23, 1933 | Actor (Guro, Husmannens kone) |
Lysistrata (The National Theatre) | Navember 15, 1933 | Actor (Atenerinne) |
Til Damaskus (The National Theatre) | October 24, 1933 | Actor (Vertinnen) |
Guds grønne enger (The National Theatre) | May 8, 1933 | Actor (En engel / En stemme i hytten) |
Pygmalion (The National Theatre) | January 14, 1933 | Actor (Pike hos Mrs. Higgins) |
Journey to the Christmas Star (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1932 | Actor (Konen med nekene) |
When the New Wine Blooms (The National Theatre) | Navember 6, 1932 | Actor (Anna), Actor (Marie %) |
Spekulanten (The National Theatre) | June 10, 1932 | Actor (Celeste) |
Pickwick-klubben (The National Theatre) | May 13, 1932 | Actor (Vertinnen i "Den hvite hjort") |
Kapteinen (The National Theatre) | April 21, 1932 | Actor (En tjenestepike) |
De vakreste øine i verden (The National Theatre) | September 4, 1931 | Actor (Clementine) |
The Great Baptism (The National Theatre) | April 30, 1931 | Actor (Jomfru Jahr, husholderske i 1931) |
Askeladden* (The Ash Lad) (The National Theatre) | December 23, 1930 | Actor (Moren) |
Troll kan temmes (The National Theatre) | June 3, 1930 | Actor (Krokonen i Innledningen) |
Gaten og huset (The National Theatre) | January 16, 1930 | Actor (Olga, Olsons hustru) |
Indian summer (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1929 | Actor (Berthe) |
Snow White (The National Theatre) | December 22, 1929 | Actor (Overhoffmesterinnen) |
Jasminerne (The National Theatre) | October 8, 1929 | Actor (Lava) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) | September 18, 1929 | Actor (Marie, "pike" hos Klinke) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | January 1, 1929 | Actor (Anne, kokkepike) |
Harald Svan's Mother (The National Theatre) | December 31, 1928 | Actor (Madam Hansen) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1928 | Actor (En gammel kone) |
Hoppla, vi lever (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1928 | Actor (En gammel kone) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1928 | Actor (Pike hos Madam Rundholmen) |
Kvinnen bør lyve* (The Woman Ought to Lie) (The National Theatre) | March 15, 1928 | Actor (Piken) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | Navember 18, 1927 | Actor (En kjærring) |
Scapins skøierstreker (The National Theatre) | October 4, 1927 | Actor (Nerine, en gammel "pike") |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | March 2, 1927 | Actor (Petræa Sommerblom i 1919) |
The Stork (The National Theatre) | February 9, 1927 | Actor (Madam Nymo) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | January 30, 1927 | Actor (Ane, kokkepike i 1912, 1914 og i 1927) |
I kjole og hvitt (The National Theatre) | June 1, 1926 | Actor (Marie, garderobedame) |
The Great Baptism (The National Theatre) | October 7, 1925 | Actor (Jomfru Jahr, husholderske i 1931) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | September 5, 1925 | Actor (Pike hos Madam Rundholmen) |
Ansiktet paa ruten* (The face in the window) (The National Theatre) | February 26, 1925 | Actor (Thea, "pike" hos Henrik Borch) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1924 | Actor (En kjærring) |
Madame Sans-Gêne (The National Theatre) | June 4, 1924 | Actor (En nabokone) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | Navember 2, 1923 | Actor (Innflytterkone) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | October 4, 1923 | Actor (En kjærring) |
Det levende lig (The National Theatre) | September 27, 1923 | Actor (Barnepiken) |
Lying in State (The National Theatre) | February 5, 1923 | Actor (Andrine, eldre tjenestepike) |
Masquerade (The National Theatre) | September 26, 1922 | Actor (En kone) |
Michael Kramer (The National Theatre) | April 6, 1922 | Actor (Bertha, "pike" hos Kramer) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) | January 8, 1922 | Actor (Gammel kone) |
The Old Priest (The National Theatre) | August 21, 1921 | Actor (Dorthe Smeds) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) | February 7, 1921 | Actor (Severine, tjenestepike i 1921) |
The Dance of Death (The National Theatre) | January 7, 1921 | Actor (Jenny) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) | May 19, 1920 | Actor (FØRSTE PIGE ) |
En tørstig kamel* (A thirsty camel) (The National Theatre) | September 23, 1919 | Actor (Anne, stuepike) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | August 14, 1919 | Actor (Petræa Sommerblom i 1919) |
Madame Butterfly (The National Theatre) | May 25, 1919 | Singer (Kate Pinkerton) |
The Stork (The National Theatre) | April 10, 1918 | Actor (Madam Nymo) |
The Fool (The National Theatre) | March 21, 1918 | Actor (Berit, tjenestepike) |
Love's Tragedy AKA The Tragedy of Love (The National Theatre) | Navember 27, 1917 | Actor (En bondekone) |
Prøvens dag (The National Theatre) | October 11, 1917 | Actor (Fru Ludvigsen) |
Det levende lig (The National Theatre) | April 3, 1917 | Actor (Barnepiken) |
The Editor (The National Theatre) | January 11, 1917 | Actor (Ingeborg) |
Indenfor murene (The National Theatre) | October 19, 1916 | Actor (En "pike" hos Levin) |
John Gabriel Borkman (The National Theatre) | April 4, 1916 | Actor (Fru Borkmans stuepike) |
The District in Modern Times (The National Theatre) | September 15, 1915 | Actor (En hotellpike) |
Rigoletto (The National Theatre) | May 20, 1915 | Singer (Giovanna, husholderske) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) | May 6, 1915 | Actor (Marie, "pike" hos Klinke) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | August 7, 1914 | Actor (Ane, kokkepike i 1912, 1914 og i 1927) |
Sleeping Beauty (The National Theatre) | December 17, 1913 | Actor (En gammel kone) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) | April 10, 1913 | Actor (Severine, tjenestepike i 1921) |
The Old Priest (The National Theatre) | Navember 28, 1912 | Actor (Else Kundjerg) |
Madame Butterfly (The National Theatre) | August 20, 1912 | Singer (Kate Pinkerton) |
Carmen (The National Theatre) | May 31, 1912 | Singer (Mercedes, i smuglerbanden) |
Moral (The National Theatre) | May 27, 1912 | Actor (Frk. Koch-Pinneberg) |
Landmandsliv (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1911 | Actor (Katrine) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | Navember 16, 1911 | Actor (Ane, kokkepike i 1912, 1914 og i 1927) |
Mod Nordpolen (The National Theatre) | April 6, 1911 | Actor (Umerinak, grønlenderinne) |
Flekken som renser (The National Theatre) | March 12, 1911 | Actor (Dolores, tjenestepike) |
Babels tårn (The National Theatre) | February 1, 1911 | Actor (En annen jente) |
Mari-sagnet* (The Legend of Mari/Mary) (The National Theatre) | August 17, 1910 | Singer (Synnøve, brudeterne) |
Griselda (The National Theatre) | October 19, 1909 | Actor (Annen dame) |
Madame Butterfly (The National Theatre) | April 22, 1909 | Singer (Kate Pinkerton) |
Carmen (The National Theatre) | 1909 | Singer (Mercedes, i smuglerbanden) |
Prinsesse Rosenrød og de syv vildænder* (Princess Rosy Red and the Seven Wild Ducks) (The National Theatre) | December 20, 1908 | Actor (Annen hoffdame) |
Den glade enke (The National Theatre) | September 30, 1908 | Actor (Lolo, grisette i 1906) |
Djævelen (The National Theatre) | September 17, 1908 | Actor (Tredje dame) |
Love's Tragedy AKA The Tragedy of Love (The National Theatre) | August 7, 1908 | Actor (En pike) |
Den glade enke (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1906 | Actor (Lolo, grisette i 1906) |
Det blaa værelse (The National Theatre) | Navember 14, 1906 | Actor (Césarine, tjenestepike) |
Wurm (The National Theatre) | June 12, 1906 | Actor (En pike) |
Prinsessen og det halve kongerige (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1906 | Actor (En sindsforvirret pike) |
Væverne (The National Theatre) | February 16, 1906 | Actor (Tredje veverkone) |
Den lille uskikkelige prinsessen (The National Theatre) | December 31, 1905 | Actor (Sangfuglen) |
Storhertuginden af Geroldstein (The National Theatre) | May 11, 1905 | Actor (Ida, hoffdame) |
Love's Tragedy AKA The Tragedy of Love (The National Theatre) | January 16, 1905 | Actor (En pike) |
Hans og Grete (The National Theatre) | December 2, 1903 | Singer (Duggdråpe) |
Carmen (The National Theatre) | April 22, 1903 | Singer (Mercedes, i smuglerbanden) |
Den berømte Kone (The National Theatre) | March 3, 1903 | Actor (Betty, stuepike hos Ottilie) |
The King (The National Theatre) | September 11, 1902 | Actor (Et geni) |
Under Loven (The National Theatre) | April 2, 1902 | Actor (En "pike" hos Dalstrup) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | February 27, 1902 | Actor (En kjerring), Actor (Innflytter), Actor (Seterjente 2) |
Den kjærligheden! (The National Theatre) | December 4, 1901 | Actor (Emma, "pike" hos forstmesteren) |
Carmen (The National Theatre) | May 7, 1900 | Singer (Mercedes, i smuglerbanden) |
Vore Koner (The National Theatre) | December 10, 1899 | Actor (Anna, tjenestepike) |