Harald Schwenzen
Also known as: Harald Stammann Fries SchwenzenHarald Schwenzen (1895-1954) was a Norwegian actor.
He was married to actress Astri Schwenzen.
(Objekt ID 33651)Object type | Person |
Also known as | Harald Stammann Fries Schwenzen |
Born | May 18, 1895 (dead April 16, 1954) |
Functions | Actor |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Member of | The Norwegian Actors’ Equity Association/NAEA |
Harald Schwenzen was a member of the board of The Norwegian Actors'Equity Association/NAEA from 1933, and in 1941 he was elected leader of the organisation. He actively worked resisting the German occupation during the war, and in 1943 he was arrested and sent to the prison camp Grini (in Norway) and on to the concentration camp Sachsenhausen (Germany).
Store Norske Leksikon, www.snl.no, 26.02.2013, http://snl.no/.nbl_biografi/Harald_Schwenzen/utdypning
Tilknyttet (1)
- The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association - Association leader (from 1941 to 1944)
Involved in productions (183)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Tante Pose (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | December 30, 2018 | Actor (Kandidat Vaage) |
Judith (The National Theatre) | April 6, 1954 | Actor (1. høvedsmann) |
Mayerlingdramaet (The National Theatre) | August 7, 1953 | Actor (Grev Hoyos) |
Maria Stuart (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1953 | Actor (Grev Aubespine) |
Kaptein Brassbounds forvandling (The National Theatre) | March 28, 1953 | Actor (Rankin) |
He Who Loves His Father (The National Theatre) | February 10, 1953 | Actor (Georg) |
Far og vi andre (The National Theatre) | May 26, 1952 | Direction |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) | March 7, 1952 | Actor (Løytnant Hamar) |
Kornmo (The National Theatre) | October 1, 1951 | Actor (Konsulen) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) | May 26, 1951 | Actor (Kommandanten på U-37) |
Leirplassen* (The Campsite) (The National Theatre) | October 24, 1950 | Actor (Kaptein Løkke) |
Skitne hender (The National Theatre) | March 22, 1950 | Actor (Fyrsten) |
Livet slår tilbake* (Life Strikes Back) (The National Theatre) | January 10, 1950 | Actor (Karsten, lege) |
Barrabas (The National Theatre) | October 6, 1949 | Actor (Jesus) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) | August 31, 1949 | Actor (Krøyer) |
En idealist (The National Theatre) | June 9, 1949 | Actor (Kostobarus - noen forestillinger) |
Tartuffe (The National Theatre) | December 3, 1948 | Actor (Cléante, Orgons svoger) |
En villfugl (The National Theatre) | September 30, 1948 | Actor (Hartman) |
VI MØTES KLOKKEN 20 - Verdens søteste mennesker - Kort møte - Pepper & Pepper (The National Theatre) | June 3, 1948 | Actor (Kaptein Alastair Corbett i Verdens søteste mennesker) |
The Iceman Cometh (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1948 | Actor (Cecil Lewis, "Kapteinen") |
The fussy man (The National Theatre) | March 10, 1948 | Actor (Leonard) |
Tante Pose (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | January 1, 1948 | Actor (Kandidat Vaage) |
While We Wait (The National Theatre) | September 24, 1947 | Actor (Skuespilleren) |
The Little Foxes (The National Theatre) | May 30, 1947 | Actor (William Marshall) |
Alexander Pavlovich (The National Theatre) | March 20, 1947 | Actor (Fyrst Volkonskij) |
Ung rett (The National Theatre) | February 19, 1947 | Direction |
The Defeat (The National Theatre) | December 29, 1946 | Actor (General Gallifet) |
Commemoration (The National Theatre) | Navember 13, 1946 | Actor (Ordføreren) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | August 22, 1946 | Actor (Henning), Direction |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) | May 10, 1946 | Actor (Horatio) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | April 4, 1946 | Actor (Maitland i 1942) |
There is Hope for the Tree (The National Theatre) | March 12, 1946 | Actor (Den syke) |
Creation, Man and the Messiah (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1945 | Actor (Oppleser) |
Månen er nede (The National Theatre) | October 31, 1945 | Actor (Oberst Lansen) |
Rid i natt (The National Theatre) | October 3, 1945 | Actor (Herr Petrus Magni, prest) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | January 9, 1945 | Actor (Monsieur Ballon), Actor (Peer Gynt) |
Augurerne* (The Augurs) (The National Theatre) | February 14, 1943 | Actor (Direktør Hoffmann) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | Navember 12, 1942 | Direction |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | September 20, 1942 | Actor (Maitland i 1942) |
Ungdom (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1942 | Direction |
Pappas hvite hansker (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1941 | Direction |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | October 26, 1941 | Actor (Henning), Direction |
The Witch (The National Theatre) | February 9, 1941 | Actor (Biskop Jens Schelderup) |
Sigurd The Bad (The National Theatre) | December 8, 1940 | Actor (Sigurd) |
Carousel (The National Theatre) | Navember 11, 1940 | Actor (Max Dweller, pianist) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | September 2, 1940 | Actor (Erik Bratsberg, grosserer) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1940 | Actor (Monsieur Ballon), Actor (Peer Gynt) |
The Mother (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1940 | Actor (Sønn) |
Den fattige fra Assisi* (The poor of Assisi) (The National Theatre) | February 14, 1940 | Actor (Bernardo da Quintavalle) |
Tante Pose (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation's radio drama division) | January 1, 1940 | Actor (Kandidat Vaage) |
Mrs. Dot (The National Theatre) | December 9, 1939 | Actor (Gerald Halstane) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | September 4, 1939 | Actor (Balke) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) | June 20, 1939 | Actor (Peer Gynt - en periode Hans Jacob Nilsen hadde problemer med stemmen) |
Diktatorinnen (The National Theatre) | January 17, 1939 | Actor (Torben Oxe) |
While We Wait (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 1938 | Actor (Skuespilleren) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) | October 6, 1938 | Actor (Jatgeir Skald) |
Bare løgn (The National Theatre) | September 16, 1938 | Actor (Dr. Spitzkøtter) |
Elisabeth - kvinnen uten mann (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1938 | Actor (Francis Bacon) |
Eva avtjener sin barneplikt (The National Theatre) | Navember 26, 1937 | Actor (Ernst, Evas far) |
King Lear (The National Theatre) | October 28, 1937 | Actor (Hertugen av Albany) |
Agnete (The National Theatre) | October 3, 1937 | Actor (Adolf Wulf, maler) |
I moralens navn* (In the name of morals) (The National Theatre) | September 22, 1937 | Actor (Grosserer Alf Mowitz) |
Innenfor murene (The National Theatre) | August 25, 1937 | Actor (Dr. Jørgen Herming) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) | June 3, 1937 | Actor (Fritz Gerlach, advokat) |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) | April 17, 1937 | Actor (Løitnant Hamar) |
The Defeat (The National Theatre) | March 25, 1937 | Actor (Varlin, bokbinder) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) | March 13, 1937 | Actor (Peer Gynt - en periode Hans Jacob Nilsen hadde problemer med stemmen) |
Begrav de døde (The National Theatre) | February 24, 1937 | Actor (En kaptein) |
Gøsta Berlings saga (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1936 | Actor (Fetter Kristofer, kavaler) |
Peer Gynt (The National Stage) | Navember 18, 1936 | Actor (Peer Gynt - en periode Hans Jacob Nilsen hadde problemer med stemmen) |
Mannen uten sjel (The National Theatre) | Navember 10, 1936 | Actor (Presten) |
Tobakksveien (The National Theatre) | September 24, 1936 | Actor (Kaptein Tim) |
En-to-tre (The National Theatre) | August 31, 1936 | Actor (Anton) |
But Tomorrow (The National Theatre) | May 10, 1936 | Actor (Ingeniør Eikrem) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | April 3, 1936 | Actor (Monsieur Ballon), Actor (Peer Gynt) |
Et glass vann (The National Theatre) | March 10, 1936 | Direction |
Coriolanus (The National Theatre) | February 8, 1936 | Actor (Lartius) |
Som det kunne ha gått (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 1935 | Actor (Den annen unge mann) |
Cirkus Juris - De siamesiske tvillinger (The National Theatre) | October 24, 1935 | Actor (Dusinius, politifullmetig) |
Our Power and Our Glory (The National Theatre) | September 21, 1935 | Actor (Kommandanten på U-37 / Larvik) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | August 14, 1935 | Actor (Pastor Feltman) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1935 | Actor (Rosenkrans) |
Fedja (Det levende lik) (The National Theatre) | April 25, 1935 | Actor (Victor Mikhajlovitsj Karenin) |
Nu er det morgen (The National Theatre) | March 21, 1935 | Actor (Dr. Hans Holsted) |
Bøddelen (The National Theatre) | March 5, 1935 | Actor (En flyver) |
Tovaritsch (The National Theatre) | February 14, 1935 | Actor (Chauffourier-Dubieff) |
Middag kl. 8 (The National Theatre) | September 7, 1934 | Actor (Gustave) |
På Europas himmel (Centralteatret) | June 27, 1934 | Actor (Lucien Vidal), Direction |
Dunungen (The National Theatre) | June 7, 1934 | Actor (Mauritz Fristedt) |
På ærens mark* (On the Ground of Honour) (The National Theatre) | April 26, 1934 | Actor (Den fremmede minister) |
Et vintereventyr (The National Theatre) | February 4, 1934 | Actor (Dion) |
Domino (The National Theatre) | January 4, 1934 | Actor (Francois Crémone) |
The Hairy Ape (The National Theatre) | December 4, 1933 | Actor (Annenmaskinisten) |
Lysistrata (The National Theatre) | Navember 15, 1933 | Actor (En Atener) |
Triad (The National Theatre) | September 28, 1933 | Actor (Preben i Sirkelen) |
Marionettene (The National Theatre) | September 7, 1933 | Actor (Leandro, en eventyrer) |
Guds grønne enger (The National Theatre) | May 8, 1933 | Actor (Adam / Adam-Hezdrel) |
Siste par ut (The National Theatre) | April 13, 1933 | Actor (Geoffrey Preston) |
Sorgen klær Elektra (The National Theatre) | March 30, 1933 | Actor (Peter Niles, Kaptein) |
Diktator* (Dictator) (The National Theatre) | February 8, 1933 | Actor (Pierini) |
Kongebrødrene* (The Brother Kings) (The National Theatre) | December 7, 1932 | Actor (Ivar Ingmundson) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | October 27, 1932 | Actor (Lord Robert Stuart) |
Dydens have (The National Theatre) | October 5, 1932 | Actor (Ingeniør Gerbel) |
Spekulanten (The National Theatre) | June 10, 1932 | Actor (Hector) |
Pickwick-klubben (The National Theatre) | May 13, 1932 | Actor (Mr. Perker, advokat) |
Fangen (The National Theatre) | April 21, 1932 | Actor (Fengselsprest) |
Elisabeth av England (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1932 | Actor (Bacon) |
Hans nådes testamente (Oslo Kringkastingsselskap) | March 26, 1932 | Actor (Roger Hyltenius, domprostinnens sønn) |
The Great Baptism (The National Theatre) | April 30, 1931 | Actor (Hans "Gjøken") |
En vanskelig herre (The National Theatre) | April 23, 1931 | Actor (Neuhoff) |
On the Way (The National Theatre) | April 9, 1931 | Actor (Edvind Darre, forfatter) |
En ungkarspappa (The National Theatre) | March 11, 1931 | Actor (John Ashley, sakfører) |
Keiseren av Amerika (The National Theatre) | January 22, 1931 | Actor (Pamphillius) |
En-to-tre (The National Theatre) | December 6, 1930 | Actor (Anton) |
Gert's Garden (The National Theatre) | Navember 13, 1930 | Actor (Dr. Fransen) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Theatre) | October 23, 1930 | Actor (Demetrius) |
Den fattiges lam (The National Theatre) | August 23, 1930 | Actor (Berthier, Bonapartes adjutant) |
Penelope (The National Theatre) | June 17, 1930 | Actor (Dr. O´Farrel) |
Troll kan temmes (The National Theatre) | June 3, 1930 | Actor (Lorden i innledningen) |
Reisens slutt (The National Theatre) | March 28, 1930 | Actor (Løytnant Osborne) |
Helligtrekongers-aften (The National Theatre) | March 20, 1930 | Actor (Orsino, hertug av Illyrien) |
Gaten og huset (The National Theatre) | January 16, 1930 | Actor (Harry Easter, kontorsjef) |
Indian summer (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1929 | Actor (Lektor Möllenberg) |
Reisens slutt (The National Theatre) | October 27, 1929 | Actor (Løytnant Osborne) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) | September 18, 1929 | Actor (Fritz Gerlach, advokat) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | January 1, 1929 | Actor (Leander) |
Harald Svan's Mother (The National Theatre) | December 31, 1928 | Actor (Harald Svan) |
Stormen (The National Theatre) | December 8, 1928 | Actor (Sebastian) |
A Young Man's Love (The National Theatre) | September 25, 1928 | Actor (Gunnar) |
Advokat Bolbec og hennes mann (The National Theatre) | September 12, 1928 | Actor (Robert Valentin) |
Det gode selskap (The National Theatre) | June 9, 1928 | Actor (Antony Paxton) |
The Blue Paper (The National Theatre) | May 15, 1928 | Actor (Ludvig) |
Hoppla, vi lever (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1928 | Actor (Grev Lande) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | March 18, 1928 | Actor (Skipskaptein Horster i 1924) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1928 | Actor (Erik Bratsberg, grosserer) |
Kvinnen bør lyve* (The Woman Ought to Lie) (The National Theatre) | March 15, 1928 | Actor (Kvinnelegen) |
Brand (The National Theatre) | February 23, 1928 | Actor (Einar) |
Millionen* (The Million) (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1927 | Actor (Erik, Talboms sønn, student) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | Navember 18, 1927 | Actor (Stud. jur. P. Strøm) |
Barrabas (The National Theatre) | October 26, 1927 | Actor |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) | August 27, 1927 | Actor (Løytnant Hamar) |
Den som ler sist (The National Theatre) | June 6, 1927 | Actor (Bernard Kersal) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | March 2, 1927 | Actor (Kandidat Holt) |
Spillet om den hvite ring (The National Theatre) | February 27, 1927 | Actor (Tschang-Ling) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | January 30, 1927 | Actor (Leander i 1927) |
On the Sunny Side (The National Theatre) | January 15, 1927 | Actor (Joachim Bris) |
Potash & Perlmutter (The National Theatre) | December 11, 1926 | Actor (Boris Andrieff) |
The Promised Day (The National Theatre) | Navember 27, 1926 | Actor (Fredrik, sønnen) |
Jeanne d'Arc (The National Theatre) | Navember 10, 1926 | Actor (Kaptein la Hire) |
The Merchant of Venice (The National Theatre) | September 16, 1926 | Actor (Lorenzo) |
Styrmann Karlsens flammer (Chat Noir) | June 1, 1926 | Actor (Styrmann Karlsen) |
Gentlemen (The National Theatre) | May 12, 1926 | Actor (Charles Winsor) |
Seks personer søker en forfatter (The National Theatre) | March 25, 1926 | Actor (Sønnen) |
Edmund Jahr (The National Theatre) | March 6, 1926 | Actor (Ernst) |
Til Sæters (The National Theatre) | October 11, 1925 | Actor (Nordal) |
The Great Baptism (The National Theatre) | October 7, 1925 | Actor (Hans "Gjøken") |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | September 5, 1925 | Actor (Erik Bratsberg, grosserer) |
The Popular Assembly AKA The People's Council (The National Theatre) | Navember 18, 1924 | Actor (Det fremmede sendebud) |
Hr. Brotonneau (The National Theatre) | October 25, 1924 | Actor (Jaques Levy) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) | September 17, 1924 | Actor (Laertes ), Actor (Fortinbras) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | September 2, 1924 | Actor (Skipskaptein Horster i 1924) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1924 | Actor (Antonius) |
Madame Sans-Gêne (The National Theatre) | June 4, 1924 | Actor (Grev de Neipperg) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | May 13, 1924 | Actor (Henrik Darnley) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1924 | Actor (André, d´Eguzons sønn i 1924) |
Kong Rikard den tredje (The National Theatre) | March 25, 1924 | Actor (Georg, hertug av Clarence) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | Navember 2, 1923 | Actor (Peer Gynt) |
Aiolos eller skomakeren på tronen (The National Theatre) | September 13, 1923 | Actor (Valerius, en romersk feltherre) |
Madame Legros (The National Theatre) | April 15, 1923 | Actor (Baron Clairvaux) |
Han som faar ørefikene (The National Theatre) | October 25, 1922 | Actor (Alfred Besano, jockei) |
Masquerade (The National Theatre) | September 26, 1922 | Actor (Leander) |
Brand (The National Theatre) | August 15, 1922 | Actor (Einar) |
Lame Hulda (The National Theatre) | February 17, 1922 | Actor (Gunnar) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | 1922 | Actor (André, d´Eguzons sønn i 1924) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 1921 | Actor (Guthorm Ingessøn) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) | September 11, 1921 | Actor (Christian de Neuvillette) |
The Church (The National Theatre) | April 21, 1921 | Actor (Jon) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) | March 15, 1921 | Actor (Laertes ), Actor (Fortinbras) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) | February 7, 1921 | Actor (Doktor Wulfsberg i 1921) |
Mrs. Dot (The National Theatre) | January 26, 1921 | Actor (Freddie Perkins) |
The Heart of the King (The National Theatre) | December 21, 1920 | Actor (Kongen) |
Macbeth (The National Theatre) | September 21, 1920 | Actor (Malcolm) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) | May 19, 1920 | Actor (EN ANDEN OFFICEER) |
Professor Storizyn (The National Theatre) | March 4, 1920 | Actor (Volodja, Storizyns sønn) |
Milepæle (The National Stage) | February 25, 1920 | Actor (1920) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | February 4, 1920 | Actor (Henning) |
Ruy Blas (The National Theatre) | January 21, 1920 | Actor (Don Antonio Ubilla) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | 1920 | Actor (André, d´Eguzons sønn i 1924) |
Kollega Crampton (The National Theatre) | October 22, 1919 | Actor (Max Strähler) |
En tørstig kamel* (A thirsty camel) (The National Theatre) | September 23, 1919 | Actor (Birger Stange, ingeniør) |
Den store scene (The National Theatre) | August 30, 1919 | Actor (Edgar Gley) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | August 14, 1919 | Actor (Kandidat Holt) |
Mønsterskyskraperen (Skuespillere fra Nationaltheatret) | June 9, 1919 | Actor (Philip Evans) |
Dronning Bess (The National Theatre) | May 7, 1919 | Actor (James, kavaler ved hoffet) |
The Big Lottery Prize (The National Theatre) | April 5, 1919 | Actor (En arbeider, revolusjonær) |
Doktorens dilemma (The National Theatre) | March 11, 1919 | Actor (Redpenny) |
The Great We (The National Theatre) | January 21, 1919 | Actor (Dahl, journalist) |
Don Carlos (The National Theatre) | April 25, 1918 | Actor (Don Carlos, kronprins) |
Indenfor murene (The National Theatre) | October 19, 1916 | Actor (Dr. Jørgen Herming) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | October 5, 1915 | Actor (André, d´Eguzons sønn i 1924) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | February 9, 1915 | Actor (Skipskaptein Horster i 1924) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | August 7, 1914 | Actor (Leander i 1927) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) | April 10, 1913 | Actor (Doktor Wulfsberg i 1921) |
Milepæle (The National Stage) | January 28, 1913 | Actor (1920) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | Navember 16, 1911 | Actor (Leander i 1927) |
Venner () | Actor (Kaptein Thomas Harris) |