Theodor Blich
(Objekt ID 33409)Object type | Person |
Born | 1863 (dead July 1, 1928) |
Functions | Actor |
Nationality | Norwegian |
Gender | Male |
Tilknyttet (2)
- The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association - Association leader (from 1905 to 1906)
- The Norwegian Actors' Equity Association - Association leader (from 1919 to 1919)
Involved in productions (180)
Title | Premiere | Role |
Et opgjør (The National Theatre) | September 10, 1936 | Actor (Bølling) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | March 18, 1928 | Actor (Peter Stockmann i 1915) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | December 1, 1927 | Actor (Stortningspræsidenten) |
Gjenboerne (The National Theatre) | May 1927 | Actor (En spidsborger) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | September 2, 1924 | Actor (Peter Stockmann i 1915) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | May 1, 1924 | Actor (Chartrain i 1915) |
Et opgjør (The National Theatre) | Navember 16, 1923 | Actor (Bølling) |
Det levende lig (The National Theatre) | September 27, 1923 | Actor (Petruschkin, advokat i 1917) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1923 | Actor (Stortningspræsidenten) |
Skjebnetimen (The National Theatre) | February 24, 1923 | Actor (General Benedict) |
Blandt bolde riddere (The National Theatre) | January 28, 1923 | Actor (Peter Pottleberry, domprost) |
Komedien (The National Theatre) | January 9, 1923 | Actor (Ulrik, skuespiller) |
Troll kan temmes (The National Theatre) | December 5, 1922 | Actor (Baptista) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) | August 29, 1922 | Actor (Jesper 1917 og 1922) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) | August 19, 1922 | Actor (Jacob Skomaker) |
Brand (The National Theatre) | August 15, 1922 | Actor (En bonde) |
Retfærdighet (The National Theatre) | April 25, 1922 | Actor (James How, advokat) |
Lame Hulda (The National Theatre) | February 17, 1922 | Actor (Aslak) |
Tartuffe (The National Theatre) | January 15, 1922 | Actor (Cléante, Orgons svoger) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | 1922 | Actor (Chartrain i 1915) |
Den grønne snibel (The National Theatre) | December 30, 1921 | Actor (Durand) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) | Navember 22, 1921 | Actor (Dagfinn Bonde) |
Et opgjør (The National Theatre) | October 20, 1921 | Actor (Bølling) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) | September 11, 1921 | Actor (Ligniére, poet / En kapuciner) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) | February 7, 1921 | Actor (Kjøbmann Dankertsen i 1913) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) | May 19, 1920 | Actor (JENS OLSEN) |
Anklagede* (The Accused) (The National Theatre) | April 27, 1920 | Actor (Professor Herman Holding) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | February 4, 1920 | Actor (Professor Turman) |
Ruy Blas (The National Theatre) | January 21, 1920 | Actor (Don Guritan) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | 1920 | Actor (Chartrain i 1915) |
Dantons død (The National Theatre) | Navember 15, 1919 | Actor (Legendre) |
Kollega Crampton (The National Theatre) | October 22, 1919 | Actor (Milius) |
Dronning Bess (The National Theatre) | May 7, 1919 | Actor (Cecil, lord Burleigh) |
The Big Lottery Prize (The National Theatre) | April 5, 1919 | Actor (Hjorth, revolusjonær) |
Doktorens dilemma (The National Theatre) | March 11, 1919 | Actor (Cutler Walpole, kirurg) |
The Great We (The National Theatre) | January 21, 1919 | Actor (Sem, forretningsfører) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) | September 4, 1918 | Actor (Jensen i 1914) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) | January 9, 1918 | Actor (Jacob Skomaker) |
Love and Friendship (The National Theatre) | October 7, 1917 | Actor (Ole Eilertsen, Ragnas far) |
Saul (The National Theatre) | September 27, 1917 | Actor (Abner) |
Gjenboerne (The National Theatre) | May 31, 1917 | Actor (En spidsborger) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) | May 24, 1917 | Actor (Jesper 1917 og 1922) |
Den gule nattergal (The National Theatre) | May 3, 1917 | Actor (von Hemisch) |
Det levende lig (The National Theatre) | April 3, 1917 | Actor (Petruschkin, advokat i 1917) |
Fata Morgana (The National Theatre) | March 7, 1917 | Actor (Faderen) |
The Editor (The National Theatre) | January 11, 1917 | Actor (Doktoren) |
Mariannes capricer (The National Theatre) | Navember 29, 1916 | Actor (Tibia, tjener hos Claudio) |
En Racekamp* (A Battle of Races) (The National Theatre) | Navember 6, 1916 | Actor (Amtmann Bech) |
Indenfor murene (The National Theatre) | October 19, 1916 | Actor (Etatsråd Herming) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | October 8, 1916 | Actor (Timansen) |
Pillars of Society (The National Theatre) | September 16, 1916 | Actor (Grosserer Rummel) |
Fru Warrens forretning (The National Theatre) | April 27, 1916 | Actor (Sir George Crofts) |
Syndens Sold (The National Theatre) | April 9, 1916 | Actor (En politikommissær) |
Sigurd Braa (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1916 | Actor (Advokat Brahm) |
Professor Bernhardi (The National Theatre) | January 12, 1916 | Actor (Dr. Pfugfelder, professor) |
Borgen* (The Fortress) (The National Theatre) | Navember 10, 1915 | Actor (Børre Smed, far til Marius) |
Brist* (Crack) (The National Theatre) | October 21, 1915 | Actor (Pastor Runge) |
Eventyret (The National Theatre) | October 5, 1915 | Actor (Chartrain i 1915) |
Den spanske flue (The National Theatre) | May 6, 1915 | Actor (Burwig, rigsdagsmann) |
Much Ado about Nothing (The National Theatre) | March 24, 1915 | Actor (Most) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | February 9, 1915 | Actor (Peter Stockmann i 1915) |
Skyldig eller uskyldig? (The National Theatre) | Navember 5, 1914 | Actor (Dr. phil. Gram, lærer) |
Robert Frank (The National Theatre) | October 6, 1914 | Actor (Krigsministeren) |
The Power of a Lie (The National Theatre) | September 8, 1914 | Actor (Mads Herulfsen, kakse) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) | August 29, 1914 | Actor (Jensen i 1914) |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) | June 1, 1914 | Actor (Knutzon ) |
Christian Fredrik, Norges Konge* (Christian Frederik, King of Norway) (The National Theatre) | May 17, 1914 | Actor (Generalmajor Orlov) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) | May 15, 1914 | Actor (Sigurd Sigurdson) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | April 3, 1914 | Actor (Gert Buntmaker) |
Sommerfuglen i nettet (The National Theatre) | March 11, 1914 | Actor (Sir John Burroughes) |
The Happy Choice (The National Theatre) | January 29, 1914 | Actor (Timansen) |
The Great Find (The National Theatre) | Navember 29, 1913 | Actor (Konsulen) |
Love and Friendship (The National Theatre) | Navember 17, 1913 | Actor (Ole Eilertsen, Ragnas far) |
Milepæle (The National Theatre) | Navember 6, 1913 | Actor (Samuel Sibley) |
Hans eneste kone (The National Theatre) | September 24, 1913 | Actor (Redaktør Abel) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | September 3, 1913 | Actor (Bang) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | August 31, 1913 | Actor (Professor Turman) |
Jan Herwitz (The National Theatre) | April 10, 1913 | Actor (Kjøbmann Dankertsen i 1913) |
Bjerg-Eivind og hans hustru (The National Theatre) | March 9, 1913 | Actor (Jon, en bonde) |
As you like it (The National Theatre) | Navember 7, 1912 | Actor (Charles) |
Mester Olof (The National Theatre) | October 10, 1912 | Actor (Mons Sommer, biskop) |
Moral (The National Theatre) | May 27, 1912 | Actor (Otto Wasner) |
Firfeier* (Chimney Sweep) (The National Theatre) | March 30, 1912 | Actor (Prokurator Prise) |
Kjærlighedens labyrint (The National Theatre) | February 29, 1912 | Actor (Chastenet) |
I Will Defend My Country (The National Theatre) | February 8, 1912 | Actor (Stork) |
Landmandsliv (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1911 | Actor (Pomuckelskopp, proprietær) |
En Søndag paa Amager - Prinsessen på erten (The National Theatre) | December 16, 1911 | Actor (Jepsen, amagerbonde) |
Marie Victorie (The National Theatre) | October 31, 1911 | Actor (Bonjour, fengselsinspektør) |
Sigurd The Bad (The National Theatre) | September 21, 1911 | Actor (Sigurd Stallar) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1911 | Actor (Lord Ruthven) |
Vidunderbarnet (The National Theatre) | May 14, 1911 | Actor (Kapteinen) |
Mod Nordpolen (The National Theatre) | April 6, 1911 | Actor (Senior) |
The Lying-In Room (The National Theatre) | March 21, 1911 | Actor (Jens Olsen) |
Taifun (The National Theatre) | February 28, 1911 | Actor (Statsadvokaten) |
Babels tårn (The National Theatre) | February 1, 1911 | Actor (En mann) |
Anna Karénin (The National Theatre) | January 8, 1911 | Actor (Schtscherbatzky) |
Skandalen (The National Theatre) | September 22, 1910 | Actor (Admiral Graviere) |
Samson (The National Theatre) | August 24, 1910 | Actor (Flach) |
Agnete (The National Theatre) | May 26, 1910 | Actor (Svend Ulfsen) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) | May 5, 1910 | Actor (Sigurd Sigurdson i 1910), Actor (Kaare fra Nidarosen i 1904 og 1906) |
Agilulf the Wise (The National Theatre) | April 6, 1910 | Actor (En gretten rideknekt) |
Den sterkeste magt (The National Theatre) | March 17, 1910 | Actor (Inspektør Williams) |
Kong Henrik den fjerde (The National Theatre) | February 10, 1910 | Actor (Oven Glendower) |
Christian Fredrik, Norges Konge* (Christian Frederik, King of Norway) (The National Theatre) | December 28, 1909 | Actor (Generalmajor Orlov) |
Griselda (The National Theatre) | October 19, 1909 | Actor (Legen) |
Brand (The National Theatre) | September 23, 1909 | Actor (En bonde) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | August 29, 1909 | Actor (Lord Ruthven) |
The Wild Duck (The National Theatre) | August 28, 1909 | Actor (Grosserer Werle) |
The Bankrupt (The National Theatre) | August 19, 1909 | Actor (Knutzon ) |
Den Kjære Familie (The National Theatre) | May 12, 1909 | Actor (Randall, visekonsul) |
Sagfører Hellmanns* (Attorney Hellmans) (The National Theatre) | April 1, 1909 | Actor (Lars Hoft, restauratør) |
Da vi var en og tyve (The National Theatre) | March 4, 1909 | Actor (Miles Graham, oberst) |
King Aagon (The National Theatre) | February 11, 1909 | Actor (Jarlen av Juval) |
The League of Youth (The National Theatre) | January 23, 1909 | Actor (Proprietær Monsen) |
Revolutionsbryllup (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1908 | Actor (Montaloup) |
Erasmus Montanus (The National Theatre) | Navember 12, 1908 | Actor (Jesper 1917 og 1922) |
The Wild Duck (The National Theatre) | August 18, 1908 | Actor (Grosserer Werle) |
Den stille gade (The National Theatre) | April 23, 1908 | Actor (En hverve-sersjant) |
Tyven (The National Theatre) | March 25, 1908 | Actor (Zambault) |
The Day of Reckoning (The National Theatre) | March 4, 1908 | Actor (Erik Fristrup) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Theatre) | February 22, 1908 | Actor (Kammerherre von Breitenberg) |
Fossegrimen* (The Waterfall Spirit) (The National Theatre) | January 18, 1908 | Actor (Kaksen) |
Hallfred Vandraadeskald (The National Theatre) | January 2, 1908 | Actor (Ottar Torvaldson) |
Blaa Husarer (The National Theatre) | Navember 20, 1907 | Actor (Krause, vaktmester) |
Hamlet (The National Theatre) | October 31, 1907 | Actor (Marcellus) |
Between the Battles (The National Theatre) | October 27, 1907 | Actor (Gudlaug Stallare) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1907 | Actor (Professor Turman) |
Djævelens barn (The National Theatre) | March 7, 1907 | Actor (William Dudgeon) |
A Home-Coming (The National Theatre) | February 20, 1907 | Actor (Hermund Kvale, lensmann) |
Witchcraft or False Alert (The National Theatre) | December 9, 1906 | Actor (Verten i "Viinkanden") |
Det blaa værelse (The National Theatre) | Navember 14, 1906 | Actor (Durand, kontorsjef) |
Babylons konge* (The King of Babylon) (The National Theatre) | October 24, 1906 | Actor (Nebuzaradan, hærfører) |
Gurre (The National Theatre) | October 8, 1906 | Actor (Grev Johan av Holsten) |
The New System (The National Theatre) | September 20, 1906 | Actor (Karl Ravn) |
Wurm (The National Theatre) | June 12, 1906 | Actor (Kaptein Frenkel) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) | June 7, 1906 | Actor (Sigurd Sigurdson i 1910), Actor (Kaare fra Nidarosen i 1904 og 1906) |
Et opgjør (The National Theatre) | May 10, 1906 | Actor (Bølling) |
Tabt spil (The National Theatre) | May 9, 1906 | Actor (General de Brial) |
Gert the Westphaler (The National Theatre) | May 4, 1906 | Actor (En notarius) |
Lille Dorrit (The National Theatre) | May 2, 1906 | Actor (Morris) |
Prinsessen og det halve kongerige (The National Theatre) | April 8, 1906 | Actor (Hverver-sersjanten) |
Væverne (The National Theatre) | February 16, 1906 | Actor (Wiegand, snekker) |
Faste Forland (The National Theatre) | January 28, 1906 | Actor (Repslager Tryggesen) |
Den lille uskikkelige prinsessen (The National Theatre) | December 31, 1905 | Actor (Det store trollet) |
Love and Friendship (The National Theatre) | October 18, 1905 | Actor (Ole Eilertsen, Ragnas far) |
Christian Fredrik, Norges Konge* (Christian Frederik, King of Norway) (The National Theatre) | October 1, 1905 | Actor (Generalmajor Orlov) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | August 25, 1905 | Actor (Bang) |
Dansen på Koldinghus (The National Theatre) | June 12, 1905 | Actor (Mester Strange, billedhugger) |
En stram svigerfar* (A Strict Father-in-Law) (The National Theatre) | June 12, 1905 | Actor (Oberst Fourcheville) |
Dobbeltgjængeren (The National Theatre) | June 2, 1905 | Actor (General Lehuchois) |
Opstandelse (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1905 | Actor (Professoren) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) | February 1, 1905 | Actor (Jacob Skomaker i 1905) |
Fossegrimen* (The Waterfall Spirit) (The National Theatre) | January 29, 1905 | Actor (Ola Sørigar´n) |
Tappenstreg (The National Theatre) | January 27, 1905 | Actor (Første medlem av krigsretten) |
Lad oss skilles! (The National Theatre) | 1905 | Actor (Bafourdin) |
Byens stolthed (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1904 | Actor (Stød, politimester) |
Mary Stuart in Scotland (The National Theatre) | Navember 25, 1904 | Actor (Lord Ruthven) |
Brand (The National Theatre) | September 14, 1904 | Actor (En bonde) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) | August 18, 1904 | Actor (Sigurd Sigurdson i 1910), Actor (Kaare fra Nidarosen i 1904 og 1906) |
Heksen (The National Theatre) | April 14, 1904 | Actor (Torillo, bøddel) |
Madame Sans Gêne (The National Theatre) | April 5, 1904 | Actor (Vabontrain / De Saint Marsan, adjutant) |
The Wild Duck (The National Theatre) | March 16, 1904 | Actor (Grosserer Werle, verkseier) |
Røverne (The National Theatre) | March 2, 1904 | Actor (Roller, libertiner) |
Gurre (The National Theatre) | January 27, 1904 | Actor (Grev Johan av Holsten) |
Queen Tamara (The National Theatre) | January 5, 1904 | Actor (En hetman) |
Jeppe of the Hill (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1903 | Actor (Jacob Skomaker i 1905) |
The Big Lottery Prize (The National Theatre) | Navember 19, 1903 | Actor (Den forhenværende statsminister) |
Master of the Situation (The National Theatre) | Navember 3, 1903 | Actor (Børe Børresen, fergemann) |
Erik XIV (The National Theatre) | October 15, 1903 | Actor (Peder Welamson) |
Gamle Heidelberg (The National Theatre) | September 23, 1903 | Actor (Kammerherre von Breitenberg) |
Store-Klaus og Lille-Klaus (The National Theatre) | September 4, 1903 | Actor (Anders) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | August 20, 1903 | Actor (Bang) |
Det historiske Slot (The National Theatre) | April 13, 1903 | Actor (Skibskaptein Cabriac) |
Emperor and Galilean I (The National Theatre) | March 20, 1903 | Actor (Legen Oribases / Memnon) |
A Midsummer Night's Dream (The National Theatre) | January 15, 1903 | Actor (Ægeus) |
Korsvei* (Crossroad) (The National Theatre) | December 20, 1902 | Actor (Forhenværende statsråd Mørk) |
Bibliothekaren (The National Theatre) | Navember 11, 1902 | Actor (MacDonald) |
Haabet (The National Theatre) | October 12, 1902 | Actor (Clemens Bos, reder) |
The King (The National Theatre) | September 11, 1902 | Actor (Generalen) |
Lad oss skilles! (The National Theatre) | June 8, 1902 | Actor (Bafourdin) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | June 2, 1902 | Actor (Bang) |
Lindelin (The National Theatre) | May 5, 1902 | Actor (Skipper Enochsen) |
Under Loven (The National Theatre) | April 2, 1902 | Actor (Knud Vinge, lege) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | March 14, 1902 | Actor (Gert Buntmaker) |
Peer Gynt (The National Theatre) | February 27, 1902 | Actor (Hægstadbonden / Hussein) |
On the high horse (The National Theatre) | February 4, 1902 | Actor (Stolzer, sakfører) |
Lady Inger (The National Theatre) | January 22, 1902 | Actor (Bjørn) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) | December 9, 1901 | Actor (Kaare fra Nidarosen) |
Sønnen* (The Son) (The National Theatre) | Navember 20, 1901 | Actor (Velde, byggmester) |
Cyrano de Bergerac (The National Theatre) | Navember 5, 1901 | Actor (Le Bret, Cyranos venn) |
Paul Lange and Tora Parsberg (The National Theatre) | September 6, 1901 | Actor (Bang) |
Et sølvbryllup (The National Theatre) | June 11, 1901 | Actor (Doktor Fransen) |
Harlekins omvendelse (The National Theatre) | June 4, 1901 | Actor (Fabrizio) |
Tordenskjold AKA Tordenskiold (The National Theatre) | March 26, 1901 | Actor (Baron von Løvendal) |
The Fussy Man (The National Theatre) | January 22, 1901 | Actor (Jens Sandbüchs) |
Aunt Ulrikke (The National Theatre) | January 8, 1901 | Actor (1. fulle mann) |
Trold kan tæmmes (The National Theatre) | December 26, 1900 | Actor (Battista) |
The Owl (The National Theatre) | Navember 21, 1900 | Actor (Grimsgaard, doktor) |
The Pretenders (The National Theatre) | October 10, 1900 | Actor (Paal Flida) |
The Political Tinker (The National Theatre) | June 11, 1900 | Actor (Gert Buntmaker) |
Gjenboerne (The National Theatre) | June 4, 1900 | Actor (Lars) |
Madame Sans Gêne (The National Theatre) | April 18, 1900 | Actor (Vabontrain / De Saint Marsan, adjutant) |
Gurre (The National Theatre) | March 26, 1900 | Actor (Grev Johan av Holsten) |
When we dead awaken (The National Theatre) | February 6, 1900 | Actor (Godseier Ulfheim) |
Love and Geography (The National Theatre) | January 18, 1900 | Actor (Professor Turman) |
Cæsar Girodots testamente (The National Theatre) | January 1, 1900 | Actor (Massias) |
Varulven (The National Theatre) | January 1, 1900 | Actor (Jeppe Rask, gefreiter) |
Beyond Human Power II (The National Theatre) | Navember 23, 1899 | Actor (Halden) |
Beyond Human Power I (The National Theatre) | October 21, 1899 | Actor (Jensen) |
Helligtrekongers-aften (Hvad man vil) (The National Theatre) | October 5, 1899 | Actor (En munk) |
Harald Svan's Mother (The National Theatre) | September 26, 1899 | Actor (Urskoug) |
Sigurd The Crusader (The National Theatre) | September 3, 1899 | Actor (Kaare fra Nidarosen) |
An Enemy of the People (The National Theatre) | September 2, 1899 | Actor (Peter Stockmann) |
Gert the Westphaler (The National Theatre) | September 1, 1899 | Actor (Gottard, Gilberts broder) |
Underpræfekten (Centralteatret) | 1899 | Actor (General de la Charmiere) |
The League of Youth (The National Stage) | January 13, 1897 | Actor (Sakfører Stensgaard ) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | December 9, 1896 | Actor (Paul i 1896 - Debut) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | September 9, 1891 | Actor (Paul i 1896 - Debut) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | September 8, 1889 | Actor (Paul i 1896 - Debut) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | June 1885 | Actor (Paul i 1896 - Debut) |
En Skandale (The National Stage) | October 13, 1884 | Actor (Paul i 1896 - Debut) |